7E2980 is for PC slot 1, 7E2981 is for PC slot 2, 7E2982 is for PC slot 3, 7E2983 is for reserve slot 1, and so on.
00 = Crono
01 = Marle
02 = Lucca
It is good for debugging purposes like we did here, but I wouldn't use it in place of the standard AddPC, RemovePC, etc. commands for coding game story stuff. Yes, the Frog, Lucca, Frog problem is one thing that could happen.
The real AddPC commands aren't understood fully, they could also be setting other memory addresses important to the party status.
Good to hear it worked. I noticed that Robo's stats are different, did you change that also at one point? That same problem stat is also different in his stats, which would explain the Stamina problem, or whatever stat it was.
I'll probably end up giving you a patch for these anyway so I know on my end it is 100% working.
Just as a test, change the Magus Tech to Level to 255 and see if that value shows up for his pointed needed for Dark Bomb. If it's still 400, it's a bug with CTEC, it modifies the wrong stat.
Chrono99 - it's ok