The Chrono Compendium - Also, you should either smoke more weed or less weed. Whatever the amount, I'm not sure you've nailed it yet.
Thanks go to our resident dopple doll craftsman.
The Chrono Compendium - Didn't Fry say that to Bender, but about drinking?
He said something like "You should drink more. Or less, I forget how it is with you."
So kinda similar. Mine was contextual, but after years of watching Futurama DVDs over and over and over again, I'm sure some soaked through to the core and now influences what comes out a bit. I didn't intentionally rip it off though, if that's what you mean. I thought the "nailed it" was the kicker.
oh welps.
The Chrono Compendium - Why are we all talking with this staple infront of our posts?
Cuz. Just cuz.