
What do you think of the name?

Its totally fucking awesome. Easy to remember, short...
3 (8.3%)
Wii'll get used to it
5 (13.9%)
Better than Revolution *fnar*
2 (5.6%)
Meh, Revolution still sounds better than it
8 (22.2%)
This just proves Nintendos disgusting urine fetish
1 (2.8%)
I <3 Nintendo Go!!!! LOL!
0 (0%)
"I don't care that much, but the North American consumer base will, because the childish appearance is off-putting to our culture and the name might very well kill Nintendo's North American sales, which is something that would suck..." - Hadriel
2 (5.6%)
"I think it fucking sucks" - Zeality
15 (41.7%)

Total Members Voted: 32

Author Topic: Nintendo Wii  (Read 14418 times)


  • Errare Explorer (+1500)
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Re: Nintendo Wii
« Reply #75 on: May 25, 2006, 01:51:25 am »
All in all, everyone will get used to it. I mean seriously, they couldn't come up with a better name for XBOX then tagging on the 360 after it? And it still sucks compared to PS2 (Just think when PS3 comes out :shock:). There's not a sports game you CANNOT play on XBooox . . . but seriously, the new Nintendo console will do alright.
Dude....Halo is the best game ever and it is something that the ps2 and 3 will never have.  even if the rest of the games suck, and bill charges us for everything on xbox live.  its still halo, and halo is cool.
Halo?  Best game ever!?  Dude, have you EVER played a PC FPS?  Nearly ALL of them blow Halo away.  Seriously, you're free to like Halo, think it's a good game (hell, I think it's a good game), but to say it is the greatest game ever is ignorance.  Dual-Analog controls are vastly inferior to mouse and keyboard controls, and simply the depth you can up into PC games.

Daniel Krispin

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Re: Nintendo Wii
« Reply #76 on: May 25, 2006, 02:00:17 am »
A late comment on this whole thing: I think it sounds rather silly, as the first thing that comes to mind is 'whee', either a childish expression of glee, or an adult impersonating a child (ie. an adult sliding down a kid's slide an going 'whee!'.) That might be just what I connect with it, though. I remember when I heard a news story about a new airline being set up being called 'Tango', and the owner saying how he thought it the perfect name because people have a very positive connotation with it. Well... for me, the primary place I had heard the word 'tango' was in the process of playing Tom Clancy's Rogue Spear, where it was the military code for 'terrorist' or maybe 'target', I believe (I kept thinking 'tango down'...) As such, that name being used for an airline sounded very odd, to say that least. However, for the majority, I suppose it wasn't so bad. So I guess it just comes down to how it strikes certain people - if the majority respond well to it, it's a good name. Though I guess that goes without saying.

Now, admittedly, I've not kept up with all of this next-gen console stuff. I've got absolutely zero console loyalty. I preferred the old big X-box controllers, and liked how FPS games played (ie. Halo) on the system; PS2, however, had the majority of the good RPGs (of course, X-box had its share as well, with KOTOR and Morrowind.) As such, I don't care for one over the other though, I must say, seeing as my X-box finally stopped working a few weeks ago after four years... well, the PS2 is all I have left. I never got a GC, as the games, for the most part, didn't strike my interest. So who was it who said it all rests on games? Silvercry for one. And I'll agree with that or, at least that would be my motivation for the next generation of systems. That said, my interest in video games is dying somewhat, as I've really not been following what's been developing. This new Nintendo controller? I've heard that there's something new about it, but I don't know anything more than that. I've heard it to be extremely innovative but... personally, that would probably turn me off it. Me, I'm always old-guard in things, and change to new technologies very slowly. If it works, and I'm used to it, I'll got with that - after all, Chrono Trigger was fun, and I liked it more than Halo when I played it (that is, played it after Halo), so technological marvels have no hold over me. Anyway, I don't think I've even read up on what was said and done at E3. Probably the only trailer I watched was for MGS4. Really, I've found that video games are too much a black-hole of time for me (having that accursed tendancy to over-indulge) - I should far rather be studying and reading. It's more fulfilling.


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Re: Nintendo Wii
« Reply #77 on: May 25, 2006, 02:58:19 am »
Daniel, when you first played a game with an analog stick, rather than a D-Pad, what did you think of it?

Daniel Krispin

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Re: Nintendo Wii
« Reply #78 on: May 25, 2006, 03:33:17 am »
Actually, I didn't mind D-pads myself. I still remember playing the old tank games on there... wait, that was my uncle's old Atari. I didn't mind those controls. MS DOS wasn't too bad, either. What I mean is, I don't change my technology quickly. My CD player is five years old, can't play MP3s, can barely play burned CDs (most of the time not) but hey, whatever. It works usually. But I'm like that. If it works just fine, I'll stick with it. Heck, even non-technologically... I've had my glasses for what... eight years? They're bloody scratched up, a little outdated prescription-wise, but I can see alright through them, and it seems like too much of a bother to get new ones, so I make do... or here's another example. Graphing calculators. I have one - not the best, but it can do a lot. My friends all bought TI-93s. Me... you know, I got through the last 3 years of Mechanical Engineering using a $10 non-graphing one? I made do with it. I knew it, and it was easy to use... and I didn't need those extra functions! Sure, some of my friends had it easier when doing integrals on tests, but it didn't matter. So sometimes I actually prefer lower-tech things, and simpler, things, by their very nature. Or here's another thing... when I installed Windows XP, I at once changed the screen settings so that it looked like '98. I hate that flashy XP look. Or here's another: my loathing for cell-phones. I'll only drag one along unless I need one. A common refrain of mine is: 'what did people do before these blased things?' ... and I do remember that time. I only take one along if the roads are bad in case of emergency. Otherwise... well, if I must make so pressing a phone call, I'll use a pay phone. Yes, I do have a bit of an anitpathy to new technology and people's reliance on it.

But back to your question, it didn't really make much of a difference to play those different ways. Different sort of game, different sort of controls. Actually, when playing FFVII on PS2 I had to go back to using the D-pad, rather than analog, and it didn't bother me one bit. It all came down to the game, not the technology. And part of my thoughts on the matter really come down to not having as much of an interest in games as I used to.

I'm just wary of things that are 'revolutionary' in design like this. What problem does it solve? Or is it just trying to be fancy? Or, in other words, will games be designed around it, or is it around games? If it's the former, then that's a problem. They'll be designing around a technology they created for... what? What need was there for it? It becomes self-perpetuating: being more high-tech for the purpose of being high-tech. And when that happens, it's often that the art and enjoyment is left behind. Of course, it's not always the case. Take CDs and DVDs. Those were innovative, and almost overnight overtook - and bettered - the old (except for the few holdouts that say LP sounds better.) But I'm not going along with some technological marvel until I see that the games which go along with it benefit equally, and are equally as revolutionary. Because that's what it comes down to: the games. You can have all the power, all the technology, but if you've got horrid games, NES victors over you.

So... will this achieve its purpose, or will it be emperor's new clothes? I'm not judging it either way, of course - it could be terrible or it could be wonderful. Even an exposition like E3 can't prove something to be excellent or not. When it goes into production it will be judged. And that's what I'll be interested in. Though I still won't get it, in all likelihood, because my interest in games has truly waned. There's a lot more to be found in literature, I've discovered, and games have a way of hijacking the imagination - or at least hijacking mine. I might be an anomoly in that. I think far clearest when I've had sleep, and stayed away from video games. Plus, they really don't accomplish anything than time-wasting entertainment - Seneca would probably rank it beside those who carefully bake themselves in the sun and those who spend their time trying to figure out how many oarsmen Odysseus had.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2006, 03:35:40 am by Daniel Krispin »

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: Nintendo Wii
« Reply #79 on: May 25, 2006, 05:55:30 am »
Actually, the analog stick was one of the most revolutionary steps in video gaming. Ever. The idea that pressing hard on it might make the character run faster than pushing slightly was an innovation. But yeah, I feel that simplicity in video games is incredibly awesome. And I don't mean Battlefield 1945 style. I mean when you play Every Extend. Or Dragon Quest. Or freakin' Quake. That is what I want. But I still support the Wii, because even though I want simplicity in this dimension of gaming, I still want a new dimension of gaming. This isn't next gen. This is a totally new race, born of super monkey robots. Pirates.

Lord J Esq

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Re: Nintendo Wii
« Reply #80 on: May 25, 2006, 07:58:49 am »
Actually, the analog stick was one of the most revolutionary steps in video gaming. Ever. The idea that pressing hard on it might make the character run faster than pushing slightly was an innovation. But yeah, I feel that simplicity in video games is incredibly awesome. And I don't mean Battlefield 1945 style. I mean when you play Every Extend. Or Dragon Quest. Or freakin' Quake. That is what I want. But I still support the Wii, because even though I want simplicity in this dimension of gaming, I still want a new dimension of gaming. This isn't next gen. This is a totally new race, born of super monkey robots. Pirates.

I think what Daniel is saying is that you don't always need state of the art jet engines and nanopolymer wing composites, simply to fly. A good video game will make good use of its controls, but that doesn't mean those controls have to be sophisticated and multifarious. Nobody is disputing the potential of later-generation controller concepts; simply pointing out that a game can be excellent with or without a fancy controller.

Daniel Krispin

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Re: Nintendo Wii
« Reply #81 on: May 25, 2006, 08:21:58 am »
Actually, the analog stick was one of the most revolutionary steps in video gaming. Ever. The idea that pressing hard on it might make the character run faster than pushing slightly was an innovation. But yeah, I feel that simplicity in video games is incredibly awesome. And I don't mean Battlefield 1945 style. I mean when you play Every Extend. Or Dragon Quest. Or freakin' Quake. That is what I want. But I still support the Wii, because even though I want simplicity in this dimension of gaming, I still want a new dimension of gaming. This isn't next gen. This is a totally new race, born of super monkey robots. Pirates.

I think what Daniel is saying is that you don't always need state of the art jet engines and nanopolymer wing composites, simply to fly. A good video game will make good use of its controls, but that doesn't mean those controls have to be sophisticated and multifarious. Nobody is disputing the potential of later-generation controller concepts; simply pointing out that a game can be excellent with or without a fancy controller.


Burning Zeppelin

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Re: Nintendo Wii
« Reply #82 on: May 25, 2006, 08:46:10 am »
The Wii is actually doing that. It will be incredibly simple and inuitive (after about one hour of playing the game ;] ).


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Re: Nintendo Wii
« Reply #83 on: May 25, 2006, 03:57:45 pm »
Dude....Halo is the best game ever and it is something that the ps2 and 3 will never have.  even if the rest of the games suck, and bill charges us for everything on xbox live.  its still halo, and halo is cool.

DUDE!!! It really isn't all that impressive. I like the multiplayer mode and the graphics aren't too bad. But like I said before and many people here would agree with me, Halo isn't something we haven't seen already. By the way, Playstation doesn't need Halo at all. PlayStation is doing just fine without yet another first person shooter coming out on their console. Do PlayStation gamers want Halo? The majority would be "no". Then again, "yes" followed by the ones who have both consoles and then by the ones who play it at their friends houses. Quite frankly, PlayStation would put XBOX to shame if Halo came out on the PS3.

The Wii is actually doing that. It will be incredibly simple and inuitive (after about one hour of playing the game ;] ).

Just more reason to pick up a Wii along the road! It's going to be impressive so I got to check it out.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2006, 04:07:13 pm by Magus22 »

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: Nintendo Wii
« Reply #84 on: May 25, 2006, 08:25:08 pm »
Actually, Halo is one of the best FPS games I've ever played, alongside Quake and the like. Let me tell you an extremely short story. I hadn't played an FPS for ages. And I mean ages. I got me this Xbox pack which came with Halo (with a nice Halo controller too) and Topspin. I had never played Halo before (yes, I am fully serious) and I started playing it. It was pretty fun, but it didn't amaze me at all. We all know Xbox is FPS central, so I started playing other FPS's. None were as fun as Halo. Halo had this absolute simplicity, a charming storyline and quite a good soundtrack.

Moral of the story: Halo is pretty damn good.'

EDIT:To sum up PS3 at E3, look at attachment.

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: May 25, 2006, 08:30:51 pm by Burning Zeppelin »


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Re: Nintendo Wii
« Reply #85 on: May 26, 2006, 01:34:47 pm »
BZ . . . you are awesome! :P

I just recently heard that one of the showcased games of PS3 was actually an XBOX360 playing the game behind a curtain. Some dude lifted the curtain up and there was a lot of mayhem afterwards. Another reason how PS3 is sort of skating on thin ice.

WII time!!!!!!

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: Nintendo Wii
« Reply #86 on: May 27, 2006, 02:54:24 am »
BZ . . . you are awesome! :P
First Magus22, then the world!
I just recently heard that one of the showcased games of PS3 was actually an XBOX360 playing the game behind a curtain. Some dude lifted the curtain up and there was a lot of mayhem afterwards. Another reason how PS3 is sort of skating on thin ice.

WII time!!!!!!
For 10 whole minutes they showed GT4 running in HD...wow, a PS2 game to showcase the amazing power of the PS3 :roll:


  • Porrean (+50)
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Re: Nintendo Wii
« Reply #87 on: May 27, 2006, 11:57:24 am »
im not dogging the ps3, if it is as good as the hype being built up, im sure its amazing.  but i just love halo, i guess it could be compared to pool.  you keep playing hoping to improve your game.  i think bungie has perfected the fps.  thats the extent of the quality games on the xbox.  there are a few games that are fun like fable, but the majority of the game are crappy xbox arcade games.  sony has always had better quality games. 

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: Nintendo Wii
« Reply #88 on: May 28, 2006, 12:32:53 am »
im not dogging the ps3, if it is as good as the hype being built up, im sure its amazing.  but i just love halo, i guess it could be compared to pool.  you keep playing hoping to improve your game.  i think bungie has perfected the fps.  thats the extent of the quality games on the xbox.  there are a few games that are fun like fable, but the majority of the game are crappy xbox arcade games.  sony has always had better quality games. 
Yes, but how can you be sure Sony will have more promising games in the
« Last Edit: May 28, 2006, 12:35:24 am by Burning Zeppelin »


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Re: Nintendo Wii
« Reply #89 on: May 28, 2006, 10:55:37 am »
im not dogging the ps3, if it is as good as the hype being built up, im sure its amazing.  but i just love halo, i guess it could be compared to pool.  you keep playing hoping to improve your game.  i think bungie has perfected the fps.  thats the extent of the quality games on the xbox.  there are a few games that are fun like fable, but the majority of the game are crappy xbox arcade games.  sony has always had better quality games. 
Halo is great and all, but man if I got the choice between Twilight Princess and Halo 3, I would take Twilight without thinking.  The Wii is just so much better!  WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!
I just don't want game companies to use gfx as an excuse for crap storylines.