I highly doubt that people will by a Wii just because of SSBM.
Worked for the GameCube.
Out of all the questions we had about reserving the next gen systems, the on that people hardly ask me about is the Revolution Wii.
I'd believe that; it's the way the market is over here.
And its funny that every game that u said that sucks is a best seller.
Yeah, I know. Amount sold does not equal quality. If that were the case, pop would be the best genre of music. It is unequivocally and objectively the worst.
Now I don't hate Nintendo. As a matter of fact, Nintendo is what started me into video games. I have very fond memories of playing great games on the NES and SNES. Great childhood memories. But you see, that is the problem. These games were good when I was child.
What changed? Is Mario not fun because you can't bang prostitutes? Really, the last few Mario games haven't been up to spec, but that's not because of any lack of "mature content." It's because the games just plain haven't been as much fun. And I hated the way they whored Mario out to EA like a Vietnamese prostitute whose original price was ten dollars a head but was talked down to three dollars for the entire platoon.
I am now 27 years old.
I fail to see how this makes a difference. I also fail to see why you refuse to post with proper English. It makes your posts easier to read.
But when every game on your system deals with mario in some way, while on XBOX they have Halo and Fable, and other games; and on PS2 they have all of the Final Fantasy's and Dragon Quest and others, I'd think if I owned a Nintendo system, I would feel like I'm missing something.
Can't blame you for wanting some variety. Nintendo's lack of third-party support is its own damn fault. I prefer to pick up at least two systems per generation, so I can have that variety. But to be fair, Fable is ridiculously short and Halo's single-player level design is notoriously repetitive. Also, Dragon Quest fails. Final Fantasy is a strike against Nintendo; if they hadn't been stupid and had switched over to CDs earlier, FF would still be on Nintendo systems. The same goes for a lot of other games. Mega Man switched to Sony for the third generation of consoles, because Nintendo didn't have any foresight.
So my question to you is this, what system do you own right now? Do you own more than one system? And if you do, why? I ask because I only have a PS2 and I'm satisfied that it is the only system that I need. I can play just about anything on it. I mean I can even play Chrono Trigger! I mean I might miss Zelda or one Mario Game, but I would rather miss out on that rather than 90% of the games that I play on my PS2.
In order by generation, PC, NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, PSX, N64, GBA, GameCube, Xbox, Nintendo DS. The only PS2-exclusive games I'm interested in playing are Final Fantasy games, and I borrow my friend's PS2 for those.
Oh, and I'm very mature. Madden is a true simulation football game, but u don't like football, so of course you won't like it(unless they have mario in it). But I bet you play mario strikers and Mario tennis. (By the way they are good games, for a while) Name 10 mature games for the Gamecube. Oh and u can't name RE4.
The original Mario Tennis was awesome. But I'm not nearly as big of a Mario fan as I am a Zelda bitch.
As far as M-rated games for the Cube, most M-rated games are available on multiple systems, including Mortal Kombat, BloodRayne, GUN, Killer 7, and others. I wouldn't name RE4 if you put me at gunpoint; the game's fucking terrible. Eternal Darkness, the one true GC-exclusive horror game, destroys it on all counts. But again, mature content does not a good game make. See Shadow the Hedgehog for proof. Then again, why is blood and guts in a game more important than just having fun with it? Is it for the sake of seeming "cool"? Because I guarantee you that a better way to be cool would be to put down the controllers and get a job at someplace other than a video game store. If you play video games with any regularity, you're a nerd, and there's no way around it. The good thing for me is that I don't care. I do what I feel like.