
Which Next-Gen system do you look forward to owning ?

XBOX 360$
Nintendo Wii have to have it!

Author Topic: My system is better than...  (Read 9603 times)


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Re: My system is better than...
« Reply #30 on: May 03, 2006, 12:43:53 am »
But who really wants to buy a Wii just for playing other kids in SSBM when I can play...let's see, Tekken, Soul Caliber, maybe mortal kombat and the list will go on.

That made me smile, thanks.  :lol:

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Re: My system is better than...
« Reply #31 on: May 03, 2006, 04:38:53 am »
I highly doubt that people will by a Wii just because of SSBM.

Worked for the GameCube.

Out of all the questions we had about reserving the next gen systems, the on that people hardly ask me about is the Revolution Wii.

I'd believe that; it's the way the market is over here.

And its funny that every game that u said that sucks is a best seller.

Yeah, I know.  Amount sold does not equal quality.  If that were the case, pop would be the best genre of music.  It is unequivocally and objectively the worst.

Now I don't hate Nintendo.  As a matter of fact, Nintendo is what started me into video games. I have very fond memories of playing great games on the NES and SNES.  Great childhood memories.  But you see, that is the problem.  These games were good when I was  child.

What changed?  Is Mario not fun because you can't bang prostitutes?  Really, the last few Mario games haven't been up to spec, but that's not because of any lack of "mature content."  It's because the games just plain haven't been as much fun.  And I hated the way they whored Mario out to EA like a Vietnamese prostitute whose original price was ten dollars a head but was talked down to three dollars for the entire platoon.

I am now 27 years old.

I fail to see how this makes a difference.  I also fail to see why you refuse to post with proper English.  It makes your posts easier to read.

But when every game on your system deals with mario in some way, while on XBOX they have Halo and Fable, and other games; and on PS2 they have all of the Final Fantasy's and Dragon Quest and others, I'd think if I owned a Nintendo system, I would feel like I'm missing something.

Can't blame you for wanting some variety.  Nintendo's lack of third-party support is its own damn fault.  I prefer to pick up at least two systems per generation, so I can have that variety.  But to be fair, Fable is ridiculously short and Halo's single-player level design is notoriously repetitive.  Also, Dragon Quest fails.  Final Fantasy is a strike against Nintendo; if they hadn't been stupid and had switched over to CDs earlier, FF would still be on Nintendo systems.  The same goes for a lot of other games.  Mega Man switched to Sony for the third generation of consoles, because Nintendo didn't have any foresight.

So my question to you is this, what system do you own right now? Do you own more than one system?  And if you do, why?  I ask because I only have a PS2 and I'm satisfied that it is the only system that I need. I can play just about anything on it.  I mean I can even play Chrono Trigger!  I mean I might miss Zelda or one Mario Game, but I would rather miss out on that rather than 90% of the games that I play on my PS2.

In order by generation, PC, NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, PSX, N64, GBA, GameCube, Xbox, Nintendo DS.  The only PS2-exclusive games I'm interested in playing are Final Fantasy games, and I borrow my friend's PS2 for those.

Oh, and I'm very mature.  Madden is a true simulation football game, but u don't like football, so of course you won't like it(unless they have mario in it).  But I bet you play mario strikers and Mario tennis.  (By the way they are good games, for a while) Name 10 mature games for the Gamecube. Oh and u can't name RE4.

The original Mario Tennis was awesome.  But I'm not nearly as big of a Mario fan as I am a Zelda bitch.

As far as M-rated games for the Cube, most M-rated games are available on multiple systems, including Mortal Kombat, BloodRayne, GUN, Killer 7, and others.  I wouldn't name RE4 if you put me at gunpoint; the game's fucking terrible.  Eternal Darkness, the one true GC-exclusive horror game, destroys it on all counts.  But again, mature content does not a good game make.  See Shadow the Hedgehog for proof.  Then again, why is blood and guts in a game more important than just having fun with it?  Is it for the sake of seeming "cool"?  Because I guarantee you that a better way to be cool would be to put down the controllers and get a job at someplace other than a video game store.  If you play video games with any regularity, you're a nerd, and there's no way around it.  The good thing for me is that I don't care.  I do what I feel like.
I would have commented on all of those parts, but instead I'll say this: You are a genius.
I'd prefer the Wii and 360 thankew. If PS3 will do what me and my friends think it might do, we're gonna take a step back and avoid it for the most part. We've heard rumors of that Blue-Ray disc thing will make the HDD react to the disc so you'll be unable to share discs.  It'll just take the game information so you can't play any other version of the game or the game itself unless you use that one disc. If they go through with that, I'm not even going to touch it.

Although, if that isn't the case, it will still be Wii->360->PS3. Wii for the fact that I have faith that the controller can do marvelous things. (Two ports in the controller that can be used for most anything? Virtual Reality headsets anyone? Dual-wielding guns?) 360 because I am curious of its RPG line up which looks pretty good to me. PS3 comes in last, only because it likes to carry a big fat 800 dollar cost. I certainly will want it when Kingdom Hearts 3 comes out, but before then, nothing appeals. For the most part, I want all the systems of every current generation (except the Xbox, I have a vendetta against that.). I still want to get a PSP in the event their line up becomes a little more appealing then what they have now. As of late, I couldn't care about my consoles. KH2 has passed and the most fun I have is on my DS.

In fact, forget the new systems. I just want more DS games.
You too.
But who really wants to buy a Wii just for playing other kids in SSBM when I can play...let's see, Tekken, Soul Caliber, maybe mortal kombat and the list will go on.

That made me smile, thanks.  :lol:
What would we do with Theicedragon lightening up our days : )


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Re: My system is better than...
« Reply #32 on: May 03, 2006, 10:59:51 am »
Seriously. Stop acting like little girls.

SOCOM, as Hadriel says sucks? I fail to see where you came up with that fact since on GB and other sites, SOCOM appears to be the most popular among any online game. Who cares about "mature" games these days. They all seem to be simply terrible with wacky gameplay. Sure it is fun chopping some lims off of people once and awhile, but there's no point to it. Games may have the "mature" content rating on it like Resident Evil and other titles, but when I played threw them, the gore was not even that realistic or impressive that caught my eye. I never want to play Madden because all sports games are really boring. Some may disagree and say they're fun. That's ok because that person may like those games. Good for them. HOWEVER, it's not our place to be questioning which games you should get and which console you should get because of what the systems offer + games. I wish some XBOX and GC games would come on the PS, but it'll never happen, unless some mad scientist comes up with a future next gen console that is compatible with any CDrom game and maybe a cartridge port on the side. The ultimate gaming system. But of course, conflicts always need to arise about what's better than what.

People, buy the games you like and play them. Share your experiences of that game with your friends. Tell them to check it out because you thought it was cool. Play some multiplayer and have FUN.


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Re: My system is better than...
« Reply #33 on: May 03, 2006, 12:36:00 pm »
Ok this is the deal.  I don't hate Nintendo.  Like i have said, I loved Nintendo back in the day.  Why? Well look at the NES and SNES and I can make one huge comparison to the PSOne/PS2.  They had a great library!  They had sooo many different games that anybody could own one and feel satisfied.  But now they made a kiddy system with the Gamecube.  

Now Hadriel, I have to set the record straight, I don't want to see Mario bang prostitutes, but it troubles me that you keep referring to GTA.  GTA is not the only game that has a mature content.  And while I'm on that subject, when I mean mature, I don't mean just blood and guts and killing and sex, I mean something that has more depth than Mario Party.  Now to compare, Sony has Jak and Daxter/Ratchet and Clank.  Two great series.  Got more mature as they went along, but not mature rating.  Sony has better games in all genres than the Gamecube.  And for you to say that Dragon Quest VIII was terrible lets me know that you are obviously hating on PS2.  Had that been a Gamecube game, you would have been all over it.  And yes I will always be a Zelda fan also, but Zelda isn't enough for me to buy a Nintendo system anymore.  Thats why they made RE4 exclusive to the Gamecube for that short time.  They thought that people would buy their system just to play it.  Wrong!  I know a lot of people, including myself, that decided to go without RE.  

Now the only thing that I'm worried about is the price tag of the PS3.  I will also not be buying one right away if the price exceeds 500$  But if the price is 400$ like I have heard from unconfirmed sources, then its over.  Wii will be for kids and kids who want to play mario with two hands and a foot.  But for the young adluts and older people who have been used to the feel of the PS2, I think I know what they will buy.


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Re: My system is better than...
« Reply #34 on: May 03, 2006, 12:53:25 pm »
So you say all games(with a few exceptions) for the GameCube are for kids? Why should Mario Party be for kids only? Because it's for fun? I still don't get what you define as "mature game", something kids don't understand or can't play? Would Chrono Trigger be a "mature game" for you than?


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Re: My system is better than...
« Reply #35 on: May 03, 2006, 02:16:18 pm »
So you say all games(with a few exceptions) for the GameCube are for kids? Why should Mario Party be for kids only? Because it's for fun? I still don't get what you define as "mature game", something kids don't understand or can't play? Would Chrono Trigger be a "mature game" for you than?

"Mature" has different meanings to different people.  What mature means to me is simple, something that is not catagorized as being childish, or something that 5 year old kids can do.  I'm not saying Mario Party is for kids only, but look at who they target.  I told you that I work at Eb Games.  I meet lots of different people who have different taste in what games that they like to play.  I also meet lots of children.  And most kids that have walked in that store have skipped over a lot of Gamecube games and their parents bought them XBOX's and PS2's.  Why? Because there is more variety.  You will get tired of playing avery game with the Mario cast in it.  And yes, chrono Trigger I consider to be a mature game under my meaning of "mature"  I don't expect my 5 yr old to pick up the game and understand it, unlike at least half of the Gamecube games. I prefer a system in which the whole family can have games that they like, like the PS2.  So why buy one system for my kids and another for me when I can get one system for the whole family, with games for me and games for my kids. 


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Re: My system is better than...
« Reply #36 on: May 03, 2006, 06:46:24 pm »
I only like one type of game and I have two ratings.

We have Fun and NotFun.

Fun can be found in many games. In Castlevania DS, in Super Mario Bros. 3, in Zone of Enders 2:Second Runner, Psychonauts, and Katamari Damacy.

NotFun can be found in many games too, such as Madden, ET for the Atari, and in that 50 Cent video game.

All of these games are of various rankings by the ESRB rating system, ranging from E - M. I don't see the problem with anyone liking any style of game. If you like GTA and the 'urban mafia' type of genre, then great. If you like whimsical fun magical platformers, just as great. I like having all of the systems because in all of the systems I can find something I like. Sometimes though, it isn't an option and you have to choose. Just because you chose an XBox over a PS2, doesn't necessarily mean it is superior to the other. A 'Kiddy system' like Gamecube had plenty of games I enjoyed. Baten Kaitos, Wind Waker, Luigi's Mansion and isn't it interesting, that neither of those are holding a Mature rating? Just because something does not have a Mature rating by the ESRB does not make it a game for kids only. If I am a teenager, I am not stuck with playing only those games because that's what the rating says.

I am going to buy a game just because it is fun. Mario is still fun for me, because the game I buy is fun. Megaman is fun for me, because the game is fun. Final Fantasy is fun for me, because the game I buy is fun. Madden isn't fun for me, because the game isn't fun. They can't slap any label on that to change it. They can't suddenly slap a label on anything to make it fun. Why did that crappy paintball shooter suck? It had the liscense of the official paintball company/whatever. The reason? It wasn't fun to begin with. Just because you have a 'childish' image with it, it doesn't become lame all of a sudden. Mario is in no way by anyone's definition of 'mature', but yet it still sells really well. How can this be?

Because it is fun.

Wii will be for kids and kids who want to play mario with two hands and a foot.  But for the young adluts and older people who have been used to the feel of the PS2, I think I know what they will buy.

Yes, because of course as we all know, it's not like Ubisoft will magically appear and make an FPS involving the Yakuza and you trying to save your wife from deranged Japanese Mafia members, utilizing a gun or anything. I mean, that's simply UNHEARD of.

Oh wait.

You're able to say with a straight face that that type of game are "for kids and kids who want to play mario with two hands and a foot"? Well, shoot me dead, I coulda sworn that type of genre was kinda dark. The sort of dark you would find in something like, oh...Black? And that came out for the PS2 I recall? This is the first game for the Wii that was revealed. I wouldn't really call it to be a "kid-system". If they at least give the that third-party developer option a shot, I have a feeling they will supply the variety you need.

"Mature" has different meanings to different people.  What mature means to me is simple, something that is not catagorized as being childish, or something that 5 year old kids can do.
I find Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga to be one of the best RPGs on my list. It is genuinely funny, it is fun, and it's for a great system. According to you, this RPG is not a mature product. True. The original RPG, which SquareEnix worked on, it was 'childish', because it had Mario in it I presume? So, it's not mature either? Megaman X, a game that uses the same thing as Mario by placing in the same character over and over, is childish in your eyes perhaps? Yet, it involves terrorism and war. But since a five year old and children can play it, this is probably best left avoided?

In closing (and back on topic),
Once E3 comes and passes, opinions certainly can change. If we are really going to get in some discussion of which one might be superior we'll need to see what games they are going to use.

Hell, if we are REALLY going to discuss, we'll need to wait for them to come out and buy them to see.


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Re: My system is better than...
« Reply #37 on: May 03, 2006, 07:35:43 pm »



I'm probably gonna stick with the PS3 fangirlism, although I'm still wondering if it'll have backward-backward compatibility — there's just too many PS1 games I love, and too many PS2 games I have yet to play, if compatibility isn't offered to sway me. Might as well stick with a non next-gen, at least until the price comes down a couple hundred. ¬_¬


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Re: My system is better than...
« Reply #38 on: May 04, 2006, 12:32:13 am »
On the subject of Super Smash Brothers Melee, and it being "kiddy":

You say Kiddy games are games that little kids can play.  Guess what?  Little kids can play most games.  They can play Counter Strike, they can play Halo, they can play Chrono Trigger, they can play GTA.  You say mature games have to have depth?  Well, on the subject of SSBM, there is PLENTY of depth there.  I myself am an avid SSBM player, and play in tournaments and such.  With things such as L-Canceling, Wavedashing, DI, SSBM has plenty of depth for anyone.  Granted, its not as deep as say, a good Street Fighter game, but the depth is there.

And frankly, you working at EB means little to nothing.


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Re: My system is better than...
« Reply #39 on: May 04, 2006, 02:22:38 am »



I'm probably gonna stick with the PS3 fangirlism, although I'm still wondering if it'll have backward-backward compatibility — there's just too many PS1 games I love, and too many PS2 games I have yet to play, if compatibility isn't offered to sway me. Might as well stick with a non next-gen, at least until the price comes down a couple hundred. ¬_¬

PS3 will play PS1 and PS2 games. It will also allow you to save data for all three on the MemoryStick (or is it MemoryStickPro? Whichever the new Sony flash format is) although they leave it to you and the third parties to transfer your PS1 and PS2 save games if you want to carry them over when you get a PS3.
On the subject of Super Smash Brothers Melee, and it being "kiddy":

You say Kiddy games are games that little kids can play.  Guess what?  Little kids can play most games.  They can play Counter Strike, they can play Halo, they can play Chrono Trigger, they can play GTA.  You say mature games have to have depth?  Well, on the subject of SSBM, there is PLENTY of depth there.  I myself am an avid SSBM player, and play in tournaments and such.  With things such as L-Canceling, Wavedashing, DI, SSBM has plenty of depth for anyone.  Granted, its not as deep as say, a good Street Fighter game, but the depth is there.

And frankly, you working at EB means little to nothing.

Well played. I'm a more avid Guilty Gear man myself, but I certainly enjoy a good round of SSBM. Not as a deep, least of all in the crowd I play it with, but it's a lot of fun. That's why I chuckled when I read the comparison between SSBM and Tekken and Mortal Kombat. Mortal Kombat is the worst fighting game franchise out there. I'd rather play Dead or Alive. Hell, even DoA is in this years Evo. Same is true of Tekken, which, while it may be deeper than SSBM (I don't know for sure beacuse...) it's just not nearly as fun.


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Re: My system is better than...
« Reply #40 on: May 04, 2006, 08:47:23 am »
You people are repeating things already stated.


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Re: My system is better than...
« Reply #41 on: May 04, 2006, 10:40:37 am »
I am at a lost for words.  Every body keeps misinterpreting what I am saying.  Nintendo caters to children, hands down.  Everybody in the world knows this.  And there were plenty of great games on the Gamecube, and other Nintendo systems.  But the problem is that there wasn't enough good games that made me want to buy one.  Now don't get me wrong, Gamecube is a very good "second" system to have.  But the question is this.  If you could only have 1 system. which would you chose? XBOX, PS2, or Gamecube.  Nintendo doesn't make enough games to keep a lot of peoples attention away from the other systems.  And you guys are misinterpreting what "I" mean by mature.  Yes a five yr old can pick up a controller and play any game, but will they understand the game?  Can they get the full story from the game?  Do they understand their actions in the game?  My five yr old can pick up madden 06 and play and press buttons, but does he understand playbooks, penalties, how to read defenses...no he doesn't.  I really don't know any kids 5yr or younger that play counter strike, or chrono trigger, and understand what they are doing. So that comment was irrelevant. Im not going by the ESRB because even that is not completely accurate at times, hince GTA: San Andreas.

And about me working at EB, It does mean something when the "customers" who buy the games come in looking for certain things.  An not just kids, adults too.  I talk to these people just like I talk to you guys and they tell me what they want to play.  So yes it does mean something.  Im not making these comments up, I 'm saying this from facts that people tell me.


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Re: My system is better than...
« Reply #42 on: May 04, 2006, 05:00:46 pm »
I've got a right spanker of an idear...Let's actually wait until all of the systems have launched and then bitch about what's already happened instead of bitching about things that have yet to happen based on a lot of loosely gathered information that we may or may not be exactly sure of...Hmmm? Sound like a plan? I thought so too.


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Re: My system is better than...
« Reply #43 on: May 05, 2006, 12:07:20 am »
I am at a lost for words.  Every body keeps misinterpreting what I am saying.  Nintendo caters to children, hands down.  Everybody in the world knows this.  And there were plenty of great games on the Gamecube, and other Nintendo systems.  But the problem is that there wasn't enough good games that made me want to buy one.  Now don't get me wrong, Gamecube is a very good "second" system to have.  But the question is this.  If you could only have 1 system. which would you chose? XBOX, PS2, or Gamecube.  Nintendo doesn't make enough games to keep a lot of peoples attention away from the other systems.  And you guys are misinterpreting what "I" mean by mature.  Yes a five yr old can pick up a controller and play any game, but will they understand the game?  Can they get the full story from the game?  Do they understand their actions in the game?  My five yr old can pick up madden 06 and play and press buttons, but does he understand playbooks, penalties, how to read defenses...no he doesn't.  I really don't know any kids 5yr or younger that play counter strike, or chrono trigger, and understand what they are doing. So that comment was irrelevant. Im not going by the ESRB because even that is not completely accurate at times, hince GTA: San Andreas.

And about me working at EB, It does mean something when the "customers" who buy the games come in looking for certain things.  An not just kids, adults too.  I talk to these people just like I talk to you guys and they tell me what they want to play.  So yes it does mean something.  Im not making these comments up, I 'm saying this from facts that people tell me.
Honestly, I'd pick a Gamecube.

And my point about you working at EB wasn't trying to say that you don't know what your customers want, rather, that your customers are stupid.

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Re: My system is better than...
« Reply #44 on: May 06, 2006, 03:27:50 am »
So you say all games(with a few exceptions) for the GameCube are for kids? Why should Mario Party be for kids only? Because it's for fun? I still don't get what you define as "mature game", something kids don't understand or can't play? Would Chrono Trigger be a "mature game" for you than?

"Mature" has different meanings to different people.  What mature means to me is simple, something that is not catagorized as being childish, or something that 5 year old kids can do.  I'm not saying Mario Party is for kids only, but look at who they target.  I told you that I work at Eb Games.  I meet lots of different people who have different taste in what games that they like to play.  I also meet lots of children.  And most kids that have walked in that store have skipped over a lot of Gamecube games and their parents bought them XBOX's and PS2's.  Why? Because there is more variety.  You will get tired of playing avery game with the Mario cast in it.  And yes, chrono Trigger I consider to be a mature game under my meaning of "mature"  I don't expect my 5 yr old to pick up the game and understand it, unlike at least half of the Gamecube games. I prefer a system in which the whole family can have games that they like, like the PS2.  So why buy one system for my kids and another for me when I can get one system for the whole family, with games for me and games for my kids. 
So you play mature games because then you can see yourself being better than a 5yr old? Reminds me of Dave Chapelle :P Nah I get you.
SSBM is a game not many 5yr olds can play...so that makes it mature! Hurrah! SSBM is much more technical than DOA, Soul Calibur and maybe even Tekken. Zelda as well. However many 5yr olds can play Killzone, Ninja Gaiden or even FIFA. They can't play Ghost Recon or Metal Gear Solid. They can play Mario 64 or Mario Party. It's a mixed bag.
This generation the PS2 and the GCN rule. I only got an xbox to widen my console range. I should've got a Gamecube.
Oh, and SOCOM sucks.