I think Magus just meant Lavos was created from Big Bang stuff, like the rest of us. Or something. Maybe the Frozen Flame is [this is coming from someone who knows nothing about Chrono Cross] a mini big bang like in Akira.
You hit it. Thanks BZ.
I recently bought Stephen Hawkings Universe for my senior project which contains a great deal of just about everything you need to know about cosmic alchemy to dark matter and energy and what the universe is composed of. Dark Matter itself is said to compose 99% of the universe due to new studies and research.
Since we can identify neutrinos throughout space and the billions passing between you and me at this very moment, is evidence that there was an enourmous explosion that took place . . . then we have the infinite creation of space at this very moment. The invisible and strong force of gravity from this unkown dark matter could be haulting the universes expanse which would lead to a "big frickin crunch", literally. There's much we need to take into account in space, a large percentage of the people on Earth don't know anything that is above their heads.
The Big Bang is what it is, Lavos is just a piece of fuzz creation from that and drifted off to become its own organism to begin its own processes and procedures of its life. Lavos type creatures could be found anywhere. Or, like the Earth has its organisms, space could have its organisms as well that do their thing.