Author Topic: Chrono Trigger Novel Project  (Read 5966 times)


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Chrono Trigger Novel Project
« on: May 04, 2006, 01:25:51 am »

The Chrono Trigger Novel Project, located at, has been around in the Chrono community for years, as many of you know.  Moving through lots of meticulous details and a great deal of time in project efforts (probably too much at times), it's been slow going but definitely worth it.

Anyway, since most of you have probably heard about the project at some point or another, let me just give something of an update/summary of what's going on, along with some other points of significance...

  • Literally YEARS have been put into the making of a finely tuned and exquisitely detailed novel that does its darnedest to do justice to the story of Chrono Trigger and the series collectively.  One thing's for sure: WE NEED YOUR HELP.  Please check out our handwritten petition effort, Operation Ultimate Victory (OpUV) and take just a few minutes to sign.  If you can collect more, that's awesome, but if not, then even just your signature is one more we didn't have before.  This is the only almost guaranteed way to get the novel published later on.
  • Demo Chapters 2-5 are available at the website, but please note that we are about to begin the process of revamping and refining these chapters.  It has probably been at least a couple of years since they were touched, and the way I handle descriptive narration, dialogue, and the like has changed a bit since then.  Make no mistake, they're still a great read, but just bear in mind that they will be even better. :)
  • PRIZES are periodically available for top monthly petition signature gatherers as a thank you and incentive for getting those names sent in soon.  Keep in mind that a Top Gatherer of the Year award will be given later on, which will definitely be a prize worth having.
  • We also take input from fans very seriously, and we love to discuss all ideas and angles for handling the story in the novel.  Please feel free to drop by the CTNP Official Forum to participate in these discussions.  Membership is not required to post but is encouraged.
  • Finally, please feel free to help us out by speading the word through pictures.  Feel free to use any of the following banners or buttons in your signatures and sites (or go here for more):


More updates to come later!
« Last Edit: May 04, 2006, 01:36:18 am by ctnovelist »


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Re: Chrono Trigger Novel Project
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2006, 09:30:53 am »
Hmm... I think our site is a bit lacking in fiction lovers. Maybe we need an easy fanfic submission/management system.

Just out of curiosity, do you ever wonder if a couple of guys in Japan are doing the same exact thing?


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Re: Chrono Trigger Novel Project
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2006, 12:20:06 am »
Yeah, fanfiction is always good--problem is, fanfiction is pretty much EVERYWHERE (my site included, though not a lot).  I think it would actually be kind of nice if there was just one place where ALL Chrono fanfics could be obtained, searched, and read...but I don't suppose that's really feasible.

Heh, never really thought of the Japan thing.  I suppose that, if someone in Japan were really making a serious novel, that we would know about it by now.  And, if anyone is, then Square doesn't seem to know or care about it, because they have actually expressed an interest before in seeing where CTNP takes it (it's info coming from someone else who claims to have had a chat with a Square rep on their site--I've no reason to mistrust him as of yet).  Of course, if anyone does find out about a CT novel in Japan, be sure to let me know.  I guess it would at least save me the trouble of worrying about a translation later (j/k). :D

Now, I know that many people here may not take a huge interest in a novel, but every CT fan needs to realize what a successful CT novel hopes to facilitate: another game and a movie.  A novel is also a great way (the best in my opinion) to get the non-gaming public interested in the epic tale that is Chrono Trigger.  Don't let this discount the novel itself.  Trust me, it's gonna be quite excellent in its own right. :)

BUT, if you DO happen to be one of those people who say "oh whoop-dee-doo, a novel," just remember what it is about CT that makes it stay with us and makes us love it to this day.  Was it the graphics?  Probably not.  Was it the music?  Definitely great, but no.  Was it the battle system, items, or spells?  Nope, not those either.  It's the STORY of CT that keeps it alive and makes us all love keeping it alive.  Now, enhance that story with descriptive narration, enjoyable and realistic character interactions, and filled-in dialogue, and now you see what the CT Novel hopes to achieve.

Being a current fan of fiction or reading at all isn't a requirement.  We're all on the computer so much these days, experiencing everything electronically...  I truly feel that, regardless of what any one person likes now, people will greatly enjoy allowing their minds to vividly relive and become immersed within the story of Chrono Trigger in this new and in-depth way.  Seeing is NOT necessarily believing, but experiencing is (not that we believe the CT story to be true or anything, but you get the idea).  It'll be a fun experience, and I'm pretty sure you will all enjoy it when it's done and available.

And, if you're one of those who really don't care about the novel and would rather jump straight to a new game and a movie, remember: first things first.  A successful CT novel is very likely to prompt more in the series by pumping up the story and generating new hype.  Movies also tend to be much more successful when they're made from the descriptive clarity of a novel as opposed to a game, helping that bandwagon a bit.  Let's face it: we're probably not going to get a movie without something else coming first (and without getting more of the public interested, which is one big reason why we need to get ANYONE to sign the petition whether they like gaming or not--it's a way to get the CT name out there in their minds).  Another game is definitely possible, and this is the way I see that issue: a game first could only help the novel by bringing clarity to the series, and a novel first could only help the game by bringing clarity to the series.  Either way, the novel contributes in a positive way.

If I seem to be rambling, please forgive me.  Basically, I'm simply saying that, if you're a fan of CT and its continued existence and growth, then you really NEED to support the CT Novel (and you need to sign the petition).  This is a real endeavor looking to make real things happen, and I hope you can all be a part of it.


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Re: Chrono Trigger Novel Project
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2006, 07:22:10 am »
Actually, I liked Chrono Trigger because of the characters, atmosphere, and style (visual/audial/gameplay).

I could care less for a new game, or a movie, for the same reason I prefer Cowboy Bebop or Samurai Champloo over Naruto and Dragon Ball, and I don't believe we need either to keep the series alive. Not everyone played it the first time around, and that's why I'm working on the site.


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Re: Chrono Trigger Novel Project
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2006, 09:42:26 pm »
Hi I am new to the site and just mezmorized by all of the info and projects going on.

Anyways I would just like to say when/if this is finished you can guarntee one reader. I love readin things I am interested in. Chrono Trigger definetly is something I am interested in and I would read it cover to cover and do it again.

Like the person above me said. I would not like to see a movie of Croner Trigger. It would suck balls. If they were to carry on Chron Trigger in some way,shape or form I would onl contribute if they did the following.

A Book

A Television series

A remake of the game on PS3 (not a typical....lets just make it 3-D kind of thing. I would love for them to try and bring a whole new style to the Chrono Trigger game. Same music and characters and story of course but instead of it being a straight forward RPG. Make it a mixture of RPG and Platform. Kind of like Lord Of The Rings: The Third Age and the Kingdom of Hearts series. That would own.

Anyways if the likley chance of nothing happening at all happens I can go to sleep happy because I still have Chrono Trigger (the original) and that kicks ass on its own. Too bad almost every gamer I know (not on the web) doesnt give a shit about the game and wont even give to the tiem to play it.


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Re: Chrono Trigger Novel Project
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2006, 02:11:58 am »
It is quite amazing, isn't it--all the projects going on for a game hitting its 11th year?

Well, Ramsus, I'd argue that most people THESE days don't still love CT for its graphics, though almost everyone still loves the music (myself included).  I really do feel that what has truly kept it alive is the experience people got from the story.  Actually, when you say "characters" and "atmosphere," those really are key aspects of the story, so I suppose we at least partly agree on that.

I'm not really sure about my opinions on a movie.  Honestly, I wouldn't want it either unless it were done JUST right, and I mean bloody perfect.

Yeah, Hitman, it is difficult to get current gamers extremely interested in CT as a game.  I think a lot of that might have to do with the fact that many of today's gamers are HIGHLY influenced by graphics.  Still, I think just about anyone could still sit down and appreciate Chrono Trigger if they would just give it a chance.


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Re: Chrono Trigger Novel Project
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2006, 08:54:22 am »
I don't think you understood my view. I'm not talking about graphics. I'm not talking about music. I'm not even talking about gameplay, or story, or any of that nonsense magazine writers and their Internet wannabes dream up so they have something to rate games by.

I'm talking about style. I'm talking about feeling and atmosphere... What happens when everything comes together into perfect a symphony of highs and lows, from fast to slow, that truly moves the player.

No part of the game, not even the story, stands out as all that spectacular when isolated outside of the context of the game itself.


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Re: Chrono Trigger Novel Project
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2006, 01:42:43 pm »
Yeah, I see what you're saying.  I would still say that it's that which is happening in the story along with the video and audio effects that work together to create that atmosphere and feeling you describe.  The feeling of a climactic moment coupled with the right music and character interactions create the highs and the lows that we end up remembering--the things that make us FEEL what's going on.

And I completely disagree with your last statement.  The story is very spectacular, even outside of the game.


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Re: Chrono Trigger Novel Project
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2006, 03:10:57 pm »
Yeah, I see what you're saying.  I would still say that it's that which is happening in the story along with the video and audio effects that work together to create that atmosphere and feeling you describe.  The feeling of a climactic moment coupled with the right music and character interactions create the highs and the lows that we end up remembering--the things that make us FEEL what's going on.

And I completely disagree with your last statement.  The story is very spectacular, even outside of the game.

No, you don't see. I'm talking about the overall feeling of the game, not the "feeling" of getting caught up with some climactic moment. Every great game has great graphics, an excellent plot, great character development, wonderful music, and memorable moments.

The story didn't make the characters, or the environment. It provided an reason to explore and experience their world. It's the reason I played the game, but not the reason I enjoyed it.

What made Chrono Trigger stand out for me is the style. It was fun, colorful, tragic, and epic, yet it was based on your choices. You were a part of it. It was a game.

Taken outside of that context, the story, the environment, the music, the gameplay, the characters, and the graphics... They all lose the style of the game itself, because artistic style isn't found in any single element.

Any movie, any new game, any novel will have a different feel to it. Maybe you like the story enough to enjoy it as a novel, but not everyone does.

It all depends on taste. For me, the visual style of the game had a much greater impact on the overall style of the game than the story ever did.

And if you read that last sentence as, "I liked the graphics," then you still don't get it.


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Re: Chrono Trigger Novel Project
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2006, 04:08:47 pm »
Heh...not sure why we're arguing about it, really.  As you said, it obviously IS a matter of taste.  For me, the enjoyment comes from being immersed in the story and the many trials of the characters.  (Yeah, I'm the kind of person who tries to resolve EVERY major and minor character plot in an RPG...probably the main reason CC disappointed me so much at the end.)

One of the main reasons there is an actual publicized project behind the novel (with open discussions, surveys, polls, etc.) is to help me try and make the novel reflect the feelings we got from the game as much as possible and then amplify those feelings to another level.  Discussions (like this one) help me see the experience that others took away from the game as opposed to my own.

The novel certainly can reflect the adjectives you described (colorful, tragic, epic), but I'll agree that its ability to offer choices is limited.  Done the right way, however, I think it can get pretty close to having that same feeling.  You may not think a novel can adequately reflect the style of the game, but if you want to try and help it get as close as possible, then perhaps you would enjoy a few visits to the project forum to be an influence in our discussions about translating the game into novel form.  Of course, we all understand that your time is probably very limited, and we definitely want you to keep working on the site. :)  (Heaven knows I'm a huge fan of the Compendium.)


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Re: Chrono Trigger Novel Project
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2006, 11:53:20 am »
Back on topic for a second. I just got an idea that could probably make at least one project on this site come to life.

As all of you know right know there are about 20 different things going on here. Most of them arn't going anywhere because htey do not have enough people helping out. THere is definetly enough people on this forum to get something done so here is my idea.

Why don't we put every project but one on hold. Get everyone body to help out and work on that one projcet and it will be done in no time. Then we move on to another one and so on and so on. That's my sip of tea.


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Re: Chrono Trigger Novel Project
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2006, 12:03:53 pm »
More people =/= more work done in less time. Plus, a whole lot of people would know about the plot of the project, possibly ruining it when they play it (if it's a game.) There could be all sorts of conflicts between all the people.


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Re: Chrono Trigger Novel Project
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2006, 12:14:07 pm »
Back on topic for a second. I just got an idea that could probably make at least one project on this site come to life.

As all of you know right know there are about 20 different things going on here. Most of them arn't going anywhere because htey do not have enough people helping out. THere is definetly enough people on this forum to get something done so here is my idea.

Why don't we put every project but one on hold. Get everyone body to help out and work on that one projcet and it will be done in no time. Then we move on to another one and so on and so on. That's my sip of tea.

Never worked on a real team project before, eh? Read the Mythical Man Month: Essays on Software Engineering.

Most of the tools fans use don't lend themselves to use with version control, and with no way to manage a lot of changes between various team members working on the same project, adding even a few more people to a project could bring it crashing to a screaming halt. Most of the fan project members here wouldn't even know how to use version control.

Even with version control, there's a pretty small upper limit on how many people you can have really working on a fan project.


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Re: Chrono Trigger Novel Project
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2006, 05:07:29 pm »
I'm pretty in to the idea of version control.  I've used it in college for programming (Visual SourceSafe) with a group, and we use it in the CTNP by keeping every version of every chapter with associated changes.  Still, as Ramsus and Vehek touched on, more people does not necessarily mean more productivity.  At some point (and it doesn't always take long) a project can have too many people, and you suddenly have more confusion than you have work.  I once had a CTNP Committee in upwards of 12+ people... Yeah, we didn't get much of anything done during that time.  Now we're 6 strong (not counting me), and that seems to work pretty well.

Each project really has an optimal amount of people needed to keep it going, a point where you want no more and no less.  Not every project needs help from everyone, and some project leaders prefer for only a select few to even know about it.

There are a few general ways to help existing projects, though...
-- If a project has a petition, sign it.  That's probably the biggest way you can help that project (hint hint, nudge nudge  :)).  Really, there are 2 of these that I know of: CTNP and CT Remake Petition, and we'll be working together very soon to make signing both a little easier.
-- If a project is in need of help and you have the skills needed, do what you can to help out.
-- Pick at least one project that you'd really like to see through and keep updated with it.  Go to their forums, participate in polls and discussions, share your opinions, and let them know that you support it.  Sometimes that kind of involvement and encouragement can be the sole motivators for project leaders to see it through to the end.

(Hey, Ramsus, how would I go about getting my position changed to Fan Project Leader?)
« Last Edit: May 07, 2006, 08:49:27 pm by ctnovelist »


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Re: Chrono Trigger Novel Project
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2006, 08:54:06 pm »
I'm beginning to think that I'm the only person who completely understand how the new membergroups system works...