Author Topic: did anyone else think that ff7 and the chrono games had alot in common  (Read 8911 times)

Magus Complex

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never cared-for/played FF7

As you all may well know, I'm no fan of it just me, or does that statement not make sense?
Yeah.  Play it before you knock it.  Some people didn't like the battle system, other people didn't like the story, or whatever.  But if you haven't played the game, it's impossible to come up with a defensible reason not to like it.  That goes for any game.
*shrugs* Yeah, FF7 is really the only game I've ever done that with.  I've never played the game because I've never cared for it, and I've never cared for it because I know entirly too much about it even though I've never played.  In short, I missed the hype, I missed the era when it was tabu to say "Guess what, Aeris dies!" without a spoiler warning, so I missed playing the game unadulterated.  I would play the game, and perhaps my earlier post was a little harsh just to make FF7 fanboys squirm a little, but it's just that at this point I wouldn't spend any money on it.


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It wouldn't have mattered to me if I had known pre-play because 1) it's obvious that it will happen, 2) I wanted it to happen, and 3) if it didn't happen, I'd like FF7 that much less. An Aeris-amount of less liking, if you will.


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It wouldn't have mattered to me if I had known pre-play because 1) it's obvious that it will happen, 2) I wanted it to happen, and 3) if it didn't happen, I'd like FF7 that much less. An Aeris-amount of less liking, if you will.
I don't get it, what will happen? I've played ff7, and I still don't know what the hell's going on half the time.
2.) oh, Aerith dying: dude, that happens on disc 1. their still 2 other discs to go through. hardly knowledgable, and barely conductive to the plot. Aerith has more to do wtih advent children then 7.
3.) or whole argument about Aerith is like complaining about marle. esentually the same person with a more energenic appoarch.

Seriously, don't knock it till you try it. I hate the game cause its too similar to another game, not cause of Aerith


  • Squaretable Knight (+400)
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Are you kidding me? Aerith's death is fundamental to the plot of FF7. It's half of the fucking resolution!


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Are you kidding me? Aerith's death is fundamental to the plot of FF7. It's half of the fucking resolution!
not really. it the writers way about it, but the lifestream was the resolution.  Aerith was simply the symbolical view of its resolution, as in AC, where Aerith becomes cloud guiding spirit, helping him out of his... cloud-ish-ness, but its actually earth assisting Cloud. personally, I thought cloud should have died.


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I hated Seph... and I really hate people who view him as "OMFGZORZ HE BE WAY 1337ZORZ THAN TEH n00bZORZ MAGUS! ROFLMFAO!"
Magus was infinitely times better than Seph... if not in actual fighting, he is much better as a character.  Seph just screams to me, "OMFG I AM THE EVIL BASTARD SEPH! PHEAR ME NOOBZ!"  Magus says, "Get in my way, I kick your ass.  And then I kick it again just for laughs.  And if fate tries to goddamn stop me, I kick its dumass." 
Plus I know people who believe they are Seph (one who wishes to marry Tifa)... and they creep the shit out of me.  Part of the reason I will probably never touch FF7... Kefka was way cooler than Seph...  and Kefka was more of a Yakra or Ozzie character (or even Zeal) than Magus.  Magus didn't go around

pouring poison in lakes and killing an entire castle like that...

Magus would just plain blast the shit out of the soldiers guarding the castle and kill the royal family had he wanted to.  But we all know he really could care less about Zenan politics...

Burning Zeppelin

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Sephiroth always seemed to me someone who was a bit like a robot; stuck on a path and not stopping at any means to get what he wants. Magus on the other hand has a bit more character and is much more deep and mysterious.
Pfft, Tifa. Just 'cause she has a big rack, doesn't mean she's a good person...or something.


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Sephiroth always seemed to me someone who was a bit like a robot; stuck on a path and not stopping at any means to get what he wants. Magus on the other hand has a bit more character and is much more deep and mysterious.
Pfft, Tifa. Just 'cause she has a big rack, doesn't mean she's a good person...or something.
nah. she a good person cause she takes care of children, even barrets adopted child. The fact she kicks ass and has a big rack is secondary to me.

Burning Zeppelin

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Pfft, looking after children. We all know she is a pedophile fake.


  • Squaretable Knight (+400)
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Are you kidding me? Aerith's death is fundamental to the plot of FF7. It's half of the fucking resolution!
not really. it the writers way about it, but the lifestream was the resolution.  Aerith was simply the symbolical view of its resolution, as in AC, where Aerith becomes cloud guiding spirit, helping him out of his... cloud-ish-ness, but its actually earth assisting Cloud. personally, I thought cloud should have died.

Yeah, but Aerith was the one who caused the Lifestream to come out and save the day.


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Aeris' entire purpose in the storyline is to serve as a foil for Cloud.  She can read him like a book, and this functions many times as foreshadowing to the revelation of Cloud's shattered psyche - and in AC, his resolution of his guilt over her death is ultimately what finally puts him back together.

As far as Sephiroth, some people in the FFVII community actually view him as a hero of sorts; despite his single-mindedness, he's far from a one-dimensional character, but any view of him as a hero is thoroughly indefensible.  His mentality is comparable to Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Vlad Dracula, or any of their stooges.  He's batshit fucking insane, and his idea of being a hero consists of destroying the world.  From a cruelty standpoint, most Final Fantasy villains are just about the same, but if you want to talk about bad villains from a story perspective, Kefka takes the pole position without so much as a hint of contest.  His entire character is structured around base cruelty and nothing else; as such, save for Ultimecia and X-Death, whose motivations are even less fleshed-out, he's easily the worst Final Fantasy villain.  No motive, no reason, nothing aside from "hey, I suddenly have Phenomenal Cosmic Powers (TM), let's treat humanity like ants under a magnifying glass!  wiiiiiiiii!!!"  From a literary point of view, he is not by any stretch of the imagination a good villain.  Then again, most Final Fantasy villains aren't particularly good.  Out of the FF games I've played, Zemus, Sephiroth, Kuja, Sin, and the warring factions of Ivalice are the only villains who are genuinely good, and Kuja just barely, because he's wiped out at the end in favor of a nonsensical deus ex machina.

Now, the subjective part: I hate it how everyone, even FFVII fans, assumes that just because Tifa has massive breasts that she's automatically a slut.  In reality, she's very soft-spoken, demure, and protective of the ones she loves.  Besides, even if she does take it from Cloud, that hardly qualifies her as a slut; it's been firmly established that she genuinely loves him.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2006, 11:00:27 am by Hadriel »

Lord J Esq

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Now, the subjective part: I hate it how everyone, even FFVII fans, assumes that just because Tifa has massive breasts that she's automatically a slut.  In reality, she's very soft-spoken, demure, and protective of the ones she loves.  Besides, even if she does take it from Cloud, that hardly qualifies her as a slut; it's been firmly established that she genuinely loves him.

"Slut" is a pejorative. The bigots who use it tend to be prejudiced against women who are sexually active outside of a monogamous relationship. This slur is purely sexual; it doesn't matter what Tifa's other characteristics might be. Because of her big breasts, onscreen relationships, and personal mannerisms, there is enough for your typical sexist to believe she is sexually promiscuous, and, therefore, a "slut."

Don't hate what people think. If you're going to hate anything, hate why they think it. (Or hate them directly, using your Light of Judgment.)

Daniel Krispin

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Well, I always considered FFVII a lesser game to CT, so I would most surely hold Magus in higher esteem than Sephiroth. Now, I know full well that's a bias of nostalgia speaking (having played Trigger far earlier), but oh well.

Not to say that Sephiroth isn't neat but... I thought they truly messed up in how they used him in the game. He seemed far too impersonal and distant for the majority of the time to give much of an impact, and only in the flashbacks did he come into the fore. Magus, too, was in the distance for a while, but he came to quick prominance when they found him. He begins as a shadow of history, a menacing figure of the past and then, unexpectedly, becomes personally pertinant to the present. Had Sephiroth actually come forward and spoken, exchanged insults, or anything, rather than just striking down Cloud's allies in silence, his character would have been far better served. As such, I usually see Sephiroth as a character of great potential, but rather ill-used. Even in what I saw of Advent Children (and the bits I saw didn't really make me like it - here for once I must say I think I would even have preferred the Japanese voice acting to the English), he was nothing more than a phantom menace brought in for appearances.

Janus, on the other hand, is truly central and strong to the story. Though Lavos is the primary threat, the majority of the tale revolves around the royal family of Zeal, particularly Schala and, as an extention of that, Janus. What it seems to me is that, though many time-periods are involved, the primary conflict is the ancient human royal house of Zeal - the mightiest family in history - facing off against the Infamous Immortal. Basically, the best of humanity (personified mostly in Janus), against the best of the enemy. Moreover, by Kato's own explanation, Janus, if not in his guise of the Sorcerer then surely thereafter, is a hero of sorts. He's said to be noble. He might be nobility that's fallen from grace, but he's so bloody strong - physically, magically, and mentally. He is not insane by any measure. A little bitter but, looking at his demeanour in Radical Dreamers, as well as Guile's in CC (which parallels Magil's; though he is not Janus, I think it might be assumed that his character traits are similar, and Guile is what Janus would eventually have become in action), he is a true and proud aristocrat, cunning and of sound mind, sure and determined. He doesn't have that Hitleresque megalomania that Sephiroth possesses (to borrow what Hadriel said); he has a reasonable, if somewhat vengeful, purpose which, ironically, is for the salvation of the world. And, when such things as drove him to violent deeds are removed, he can switch out of the warlord tyrant persona at will. Essentially, ill-fortune cannot destroy him. As a person, he is dauntless and invincible. The same could not be said for Sephiroth, who is essentially a powerful general-figure driven to madness.

So that's why it's Janus over Sephiroth every time. Oh, and I figure that Janus is physically stronger, as magically adept, but more mentally sound. Who would win? It's quite plain. I think Janus could keep his cool far better than Sephiroth. And, from a storytelling/character standpoint, Janus has the far more interesting and complex saga.

Legend of the Past

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Lynx's clothes are surprisingly out of place for someone who hangs around in a tropical, hot and very sunny archipelago.

Lynx is out of place, regardless. But I guess that if FATE wants a big cat-like servant, he'd at least dress in style.

Though Serge must of had ONE HELL of a hard time in his travels when he was Lynx. I mean, fur AND black leather? That must bite.


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It wouldn't have mattered to me if I had known pre-play because 1) it's obvious that it will happen, 2) I wanted it to happen, and 3) if it didn't happen, I'd like FF7 that much less. An Aeris-amount of less liking, if you will.
I don't get it, what will happen? I've played ff7, and I still don't know what the hell's going on half the time.
2.) oh, Aerith dying: dude, that happens on disc 1. their still 2 other discs to go through. hardly knowledgable, and barely conductive to the plot. Aerith has more to do wtih advent children then 7.
3.) or whole argument about Aerith is like complaining about marle. esentually the same person with a more energenic appoarch.

Seriously, don't knock it till you try it. I hate the game cause its too similar to another game, not cause of Aerith

Wait, what? The very little of this reply that I could understand confused me...Are you pointing out something from my post (is that what your numbering means?)? Either way your #3 makes no sense at all...Expain or succumb to the ever burning hell-fire of a confused forum junkie (junkies are people too!).