It might be a bit overdue, but I suppose I might as well formally introduce myself.
I'm Truthordeal. I originally found this site a while back, around the beginning of the year. I ended up getting CT:DS for Christmas, which rekindled my love for the Crono series. Listening to Mitsuda's music(especially Singing Mountain, which I'd never heard before) was really awe-inspiring after all this time.
Well, I started looking around on Google and found the site that held the Crimson Echoes demo as well as a link to Chrono Testament, which is now hosted on this site. I played and read, and I liked both, so I started following the development of CE almost religiously. I started reading the encyclopedia here and got lost for hours on end reading it.
After the C&D, I followed the CEMemorial Playthrough every day. When the end started coming around, I decided to join the Compendium officially.
I'm not much of a ROM hacker(the most I've ever done was simple text changes), I can't draw, and I can't compose music. But I still plan on contributing something while I'm here.