Mwahaha, I'm gonna debug the hell out of this demo. Here's what I have so far (the Prologue basically).
Intro- Crono has a textbox, it's weird (even if it's just "...") o_o
- "worried" is not spaced at the left like the rest of the Marle's text
Leene Square- you can't talk to the blue guard twice (except if you leave the screen and go back)
- maybe the 2 soldiers could have a walking sprite or something when they rush into each other
- the guy who says "Aisha how could you" has his head under the vegetation when he jumps
- Gato has turned into a frigging dark Golem!
- if you open the menu then exit it, the Heroes' statues appear
colored like the real guys for about 1 second, before taking the gray shading (if you can't fix it maybe you could just disable the menu in that room like it was in CT)
Porre- Mayor's Manor: maybe we can change the name, since the Mayor isn't there anymore?
- on the 2nd floor, you walk horizontally when going downstairs, instead of walking... downstairs
- the game freezes if you talk to Mrs. Alisa twice (even if you talk once, go out and in again)
- by the way, the Pie and Card are classified as "Weapon" in the inventory, and they don't disappear when you give them
- also, Queen Aliza was Marle's mother, so perhaps we should change Mrs. Alisa's name
- the town square is called "Eternal Repose"
- if you face the notepad of the writer guy, Crono's hair is hidden under the left side tile of the table
- Crono's head appears under the trees too, when you walk on the South of them
- some priority problems with the bar counter tiles: in the Market, the radio has its lower subtiles hidden under the counter, while the plant is completely hidden (I saw it by disabling layer 2)
- in the Snail Stop, it's the dish with... something red in it which has its upper subtiles hidden under the counter, while the small blue bottle at the left side of the counter is completely hidden
- the radio is half-hidden in the Inn too
- and there's no music in that Inn
Choras- there are a few tile problems in the Choras Station: you can go "in" the wall at the bottom left, can walk on the plant, there's a black tile which hides the diagonal roof tile at the top right, Crono's head under the chairs
- also the lack of scroll mask makes the room at the left visible, and it makes the screen moves too much (a scroll mask reducing the scrolling span would be better I think)
- Guardia is at war with them Medinas? wtf? o_o that's what the woman says in the Residence
- Hero's Grave: there's a chest in the room at the left of the entrance but you can't open it
- Some minor typos: full stops are missing in "Children don't appreciate history", "What an honor", and "A replica of the famous blade" (this one should take one line instead of 2 by the way); museum is variously spelt; "The vanguard" lacks the majuscule
Medina- in the Ferry, Crono's head appears under the plant at the left
- in the Auxiliary, Crono's head appears under the chairs
- the battlebox should appear at the bottom so that it doesn't hide the wall and the pretty swords
- the grey imp is called Green Imp
- you can walk "on" the big rock at the Medina Cape thingy
- the "unhospitable Medina music" (whatever it's called) plays on the world map but Spekkio's theme plays in the houses
- in the Elder's House, the Spekkio music plays for 1 second but is cut by the cutscene
- Bandeau says "elder" without the majuscule
- when he lets Bandeau exits the room, maybe Crono should walk to the left side instead of rushing up near the stairs (he looks like he's going to attack Bandeau or something!)
- maybe we should just get rip of the blue pyramid tile on the world map, it makes no sense since the party made it disappear in CT (I think it was still there in CT after you deactivated it but it makes no sense still)
- ...and so Toma wouldn't speak about a "pyramid", but just some ruins
- the tile which hides the entrance to Heckran's Cave appears "on" Crono's sprite if you walk under it
Vanguard Post- the guard who says "Can I help you" has a textbox with lines that are spaced at the left (the textbox with Glenn mentioned), but the rest of his textboxes aren't spaced like this
- Crono's head is again hidden by the chairs
- in the study, the guy who speaks about soldier uniforms is hidden by his textbox (would be better if it appeared at the top of the screen)
- Roget has to present himself to Crono: as prince of Guardia, Crono should already know him... well the player doesn't so he still has to present himself, but he could do it in a more subtle way maybe (or another NPC could say it instead)
- in the jail, Crono's head is hidden by the pot above the blue guard, by the wooden boxes and the chair behind Luther
Cathedral- Crono appears "on" the left column in the main chapel if he walk near it (similar problem for the right column but only for its bottom tile)
- Crono appears "on" the diagonal wall tiles near the bottom exit (main chapel)
- in Renault's room, you can walk on the chair near the table
- if you had the Shamshir equiped when you talk to him and no other sword in inventory, a Lead Sword suddenly appears to replace it (this Shamshir should just be an unequipable item, even if there will be other, equipable Shamshirs later)
Lucca- when Lucca joins the party, there's no renaming screen or "joined your party!" textbox (there are those for Magus)
- once you recruited Lucca and if you go to her house, she appears in middle of the room saying a line from CT
- I thought it'd be nice to bring Lucca to see Melchior, but Melchior's text is still "say hello to Lucca"
Guardia Castle- there's still a black chest in the stairs to the King's room
- during the meeting with Porre, someone mentions a fanfare but you don't really hear any
- the emissaries still cross the wall when they leave and go up the stairs
- when the emissary cyborg jumps, he is hidden by some of the tiles
- Lucca says he's fast but he's actually quite slow (much slower than Crono when he slashed Ingrus also)
- the party don't really go up the stairs when they chase the cyborg
Cutscene- in Denadoro, if the cyborg isn't supposed to steal the Time Egg again, maybe the egg should actually explode or go in the Gate like the party, because it'd be left there on the grass if it doesn't
- the scene with Magus: the diagonal edges of the cliffs are hidden
Other stuff- I guess "JugglerCape" was too long, it appears as "JugglerCap" in the menus
- Wouldn't it be better if the items which go to the Choras Museum appeared in inventory and you'd have to bring them there yourself? Personally I think the process with the Guardia coins was not very noticeable. A casual player could pay (aha pay) no attention to the little dialogue with the Chancellor, then later he would see some coins in the museum and have no clue how they appeared there.
- Finally, I believe we should put the real chapter names in the save screen instead of "Crimson Echoes".