Author Topic: Want to help the A.l.s.a.t. project? here's how!  (Read 2608 times)


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Want to help the A.l.s.a.t. project? here's how!
« on: May 12, 2006, 04:53:16 pm »
Wanted: someone who's know how to build websites.
The assignment: the help me by designing and building the C.C.: a.l.s.a.t.'s  website.
Why?: cause I effectively suck at html.

I'm looking for someone to help design and build the site, which is located on the Comic genisis website server.

Also wanted: A sprite/banner designer.
Reason:The sprite designer will help along side the website designer to help the site.

The two will work with me to help design and mantain the CC:Alsat site, and help me build various small banners and flags along with small sprites to help decorate other sites.

For full details, aim me: Grey the angel 0


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Re: Want to help the A.l.s.a.t. project? here's how!
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2006, 11:40:40 pm »

I am a Graphics student that happens to have an interest in Chrono Trigger and the series, I am willing to help.  the straong thing is, is that I and a friend also wrote a story called "Chrono Krystal" that was written as Kid's story.  I only have 4 chapters of it done, and its in a note book tha I hid away (I'll explain later)

To get to the point.  Send me some Ideas of yours and some suggestions.  I also wouldn't mind Ideas for color schemes and CCS Style Sheets.  I have extensive Knowlege of Dreamweaver and flash.  I also have both of them! :D

I am reachable by AIM, Yahoo, and MSN as

<b>AIM</b> Sergec2000
<b>Yahoo</b> Serge_c2000(
<b>MSN messager</b>

<p> I have added you to my messager list and await your comming.  I can't, however do sprites, I'm too much of a
perfectionist! LOL</P


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Re: Want to help the A.l.s.a.t. project? here's how!
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2006, 11:44:11 pm »

I am a Graphics student that happens to have an interest in Chrono Trigger and the series, I am willing to help.  the straong thing is, is that I and a friend also wrote a story called "Chrono Krystal" that was written as Kid's story.  I only have 4 chapters of it done, and its in a note book tha I hid away (I'll explain later)

To get to the point.  Send me some Ideas of yours and some suggestions.  I also wouldn't mind Ideas for color schemes and CCS Style Sheets.  I have extensive Knowlege of Dreamweaver and flash.  I also have both of them! :D

I am reachable by AIM, Yahoo, and MSN as

<b>AIM</b> Sergec2000
<b>Yahoo</b> Serge_c2000(
<b>MSN messager</b>

<p> I have added you to my messager list and await your comming.  I can't, however do sprites, I'm too much of a
perfectionist! LOL</P


  • Alternate Primary Member
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Re: Want to help the A.l.s.a.t. project? here's how!
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2006, 07:58:17 am »
you know, you could always just aim me. I usually pick up at around 3 pm pacific.


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Re: Want to help the A.l.s.a.t. project? here's how!
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2006, 11:31:51 pm »
hey i know alot on html, css, javascript, and java applets. i'd love to be part of a team, and work with others. i would be honored if i could help you  with your site. i have alot of free time and a love for all things chrono =^-^=

email me at:

or aim me at: prime18exe

i'll be awating your reply good sir =^-^=