whoops I didn't notice the replies here for awhile
Deniz: The title scene is something called "Mode 7" in TF. It's prebuilt in code that I don't think is editable yet (a good project to work on for someone??), though we do have a new intro planned.
Cronorei: Haha, I noticed that you could sell the shamshir literally half an hour before the release, so I added that "You don't have it" conditional, completely forgot about the text he says after, good eye, and Zsnes auto patching is very nice, I've gone through many many roms because I HAVE to patch it to edit it.
Risczero: Thanks for the compliments. The deal with the dactyl nest (and the top of Denandoro Mountains for that matter) is I forgot we used them in the scenes at the end of demo 1 (after the Porre meeting). During those scenes we used "explore Mode off" so that you couldn't walk around while say...Kino got attacked or Glenn was walking out of the cave. So that was still being called even later in the game when that map was loaded, it's been fixed. The project is definately still being worked on. If you want to help do a small project and show it off here I definately am keeping an eye out for useful talent. For example try adding a new location like the robot village, work on sprite assembly with Vehek, maybe see if you can figure out how the tech code works (this would be amazing), or edit the title screen as I mentioned above.