Anyway, I have to say I really really enjoyed the 2.0 demo. It's really nice to play CT again after so long (I played thru' the original twice, so it gets really boring to play it a third time which tried last night).
Can I recommend more things? I'm not sure how well into the game you are or the beta stuff..
There are somethings to brush up on. e.g. the ferry bits, I wouldn't mind if you guys actually used the ferry animation very very briefly to show that u're taking the ferry and then quickly zoom to when you arrive (so sort of like a fade out and then fade in to the other side of the continent or sth).
As for graphics, good work but again some parts need some changing. Check all your tiles to make sure that the corners, the edges of say the ground are well integrated to say a river or sth. Such as beast wood/singing mountain.. some of the pixel art could be done a bit better. The beast woods perhaps needs more exploration, it's kinda easy to just fight through empty woods and then get to Dalton.
I like the idea of lengthening the magus chapter and the second chapter. Reunion SHOULD hold off -- it practically took 3 hrs to get almost everyone from the CT cast back. It'll be better to have one or two held off as a SURPRISE, or like some in disguise. Too many characters were introduced too quicky -- need more time to develop them.
I love the riddles. Again, maybe more of these? Also, the InstrumentP thing... what's that about?
Finally, a question rather than recommendation: How far into the game are you guys and how far away from completion? I simply can't wait.
More sprites, more exploration
And the MOST important thing is again the story. I loved it in CT when they played the sad song when Robo was being beaten around by his old robot friends before Crono had to go and kill them all. And the same for when Crono died. Or the fight betwen robo/atropos; or when frog had a flashback to cyrus. Those moments NEED to be focused on, and perhaps some new midi songs would be nice (perhaps incorporate some Cross midi music into it. There are plenty of sites online with Cross midi music on them
). Killing off kino, killing off atropos, killing off medieval leader.. too fast!!! need to stretch the storyline a little.
And I also remember when lucca explaind to crono in the original story about marle and leene and stuff, it was like a black background and she's like teaching crono about a genealogy/lineage thing.. i think it'll be really cool if we get stuff like that from lucca again, explaining the consequences of the porre soldier and etc etc... those moments can be very comical.