Josh, do you honestly believe everyone who believes in God to be ignorant, and never question their faith in the slightest? That's kind of insulting.
We are all ignorant, Sentenal. But some of us make it easier on ourselves to live with, by believing what we want rather than what is warranted. If you feel insulted by being called on your ignorance, then you are guilty of pride as well.
Of course the devout have many great minds among them; religious faith does not disqualify their other strengths. But faith is no friend to humanity. Faith says, “I am right.” It asks no explanation, no evidence. But which is more virtuous: proving yourself right, or proving yourself wrong?
You yourself would agree that none of us are born in wisdom, and yet your religion speaks of divine truths that stand above all worldly, measurable truths. If you claim faith in God, you are claiming to have mastered an extraordinary sort of wisdom. That is ignorance to an extraordinary sort of degree.
“Question” your beliefs all you like; it’s a kangaroo court. I have seen people like you testify to the excellence and diligence of their own critical faculties. Fraud. So long as you begin by assuming the very beliefs that are supposedly under question, little good will come of your self-reflection. You will succeed only in persuading yourself, and those who are already likeminded.
Didn’t I say it earlier in this thread, that extraordinary proof requires extraordinary evidence? Maybe you should question your faith more than in “the slightest.” Maybe you should reserve judgment until the evidence has been presented. Maybe you should make a ruling based on what is justified rather than what you arbitrarily want to believe.
No doubt it would be easier for you if nonbelievers were to come up to you all the time and say “Wow, Sentenal, your faith is admirable and compelling!” I bet that would make you feel pretty good about yourself. Well, my condolences. Maybe you can get your fellow believers to pat you on the back, but I am not going to contribute to your inflated sense of self-righteousness. I am not stirred by your faith, and I am not inclined to share in your delusion. And you will have to have to live with that fact; live knowing that some people see your faith as a tragic joke—just as I have to live with people who believe I am damned to hell. Expressing your indignation to me is not going to get you anywhere, and it will certainly not validate your case. I am not interested in helping you make it easier on yourself to live with your ignorance.