When can I join that Josh-something nation of yours?
Your compliment is appreciated, but the sentiment behind it is much more interesting to me. What is it that fascinates you so much, that you created this thread? I mean it sincerely, if you’d like to answer. But keep in mind I am not talking about Professor Dawkins.
If I were to presume to know your thoughts, I would say you are taking an interest in the philosophy of
reason. That philosophy can be stated thusly:
Everything has a reason. Find it. Learn all that is learnable. Reject ignorance. Think critically. But it doesn’t end there. Reason leads to visions of a better world, and I take it you have come to desire something like that.
A better world begins within you. So put that critical mind of yours to work. Question everything. Look for reasons. Don’t be afraid to be curious. I’m sure the Joshalonian Empire will get around to your neck of the woods eventually, but don’t look to me or anyone else for your own, personal excellence.
But what would world be without "faith"? I don't have "faith", and I don't think I ever had, but people who have it, even if they are ignoring facts, seem to be "happy", and if you talk to them, they become very angry and stuff... They want to live in their "own little world of peace", ignoring all facts about war, hatred against each other etc.. Even if they are "happy", it's sad IMO.
That is a welcome observation, and a fine point. If people could live alone for their whole lives, it wouldn’t matter what they believed, because nobody else would penetrate their bubble of fantasy. But because we are all alive in this world together, our actions have serious repercussions on the lives of others, and personal fantasy is an indulgence which ends where somebody else’s nose begins. That is why the real truth—the truth of airplanes and science—is so worthy of a place at the center of our lives. If people live by
that truth, there will be no bubbles to burst.
You are very skilled with all that explaining stuff and examples, wished I would have that ability.
Thank you. It comes with time and practice. You don’t need to “wish” for it. You just need to
do it. =)
I agree with you all. Religion and Faith are a disease on the planet. The question is, what should we do about it?
Religion is created by people, and people believe in it so strongly, there is little that we tolerant intelectuals can do about it. Or is there?
If Religious Faith is a disease, I believe we should intern all religious followers, and make them not believe. By force, we shall show them there is no God. Who the hell are they to hold society back? After all, does the bible not say: "Cursed be those who ponder the world, as their works only brew evil. Any man who thinks "There is no God", and tries to explain the universe himself, shall be cast away from his peers and beaten. I tell you the truth, any man who assoicates with people like this will not inherit the Kingdom of God." If we can turn the people from Religion, religion will be defeated.
However, this internment of Religious followers is not legal as of now, so we must figure out just how to correct this problem. The biggest thing in our way is the United States Constitution. This horrid document protects religious practices, the same religious practices that threaten to devour the entire world. This document needs to be abolished. Who the hell are these people who think that they should have the freedom to "worship", when it means that we are preyed upon, and civilazation is staled?
...That was fun.
Sentenal, you’re getting better. I think you are finally starting to enjoy this more, and allow yourself to be enriched by these exchanges, rather than simply made angry.
Now, as to the specifics of your snark, let’s remember the case of “killing the killers.” You are in favor of the death penalty; you understand exactly what that means. Religion is a killer, plain and simple. In a functional justice system, the law simply cannot allow religion to have its way, unchecked.
But nobody is talking about killing the religious, except you. I certainly don’t want to kill anybody. I want
not to be killed by people like you. I resent needless death and destruction, and I think religion can be dismantled peacefully. By separating church and state, and depriving faith-based institutions of all government money and civic recognition, religion can remain people’s private business, and would hopefully continue its slow decline as new generations of people grow up with better education and less need to believe in a delusion.