I dunno, names are hard to come by...
Chrono Blue.
Champions of Zeal.
Heroes of Time.
Chrono Ex Machina (translated as 'Time from the machine').
I dunno...I can't think of anything.
Anyways, the idea sounds pretty good...
But just to put in some personal criticism, I have a hard time accepting that the hero uses a Klingon battle sword. knew I'd heard Batleth (sp?!) before but I couldn't remember what it was, so I wiki'ed it...and I just don't like the idea. It's not even a cool weapon (in my personal opinion). Something more along the lines of Serge's Swallow, Squall's Gunblade, or even Zidane's ('Swallow' inspired) Thief-blades would be more fitting... Just a thought.