I know this thread is a tad older, but recently I sent an email to the North American one and Japan. They replied the form that was put up earlier from the North American office. Yahoo sent me a failure notice on the Japan email. Of course my next step is to get around to writing letters (or in the case of the Japanese office, printing one out).
It's obvious that Square pays attention to the fans. What baffles me is that they aren't more willing to make the games. Obviously there might be logistical problems of getting the creators together. But, honestly, I've never seen another fan community like this. Perhaps I'm not looking in the right places online. But I've never seen this much devoted to a video game. The Mario Bros don't get this kind of analysis and half crazed, frothing at the mouth collection of theory and they've made ten million games starring them (granted that's a different company, but the principle is the same). They say "buy more" in the Wikipedia article for Chrono Break, but curiously Wiki also says that Chrono Trigger DS has sold about seven hundred thousand copies (as of December 2008).
Joystiq says that as of May 31st that the game stands at seven hundred and ninety thousand copies, which puts it not far behind some of it's better selling DS games like Dragon Quest V which is somewhere over a million.
The stupid thing is, there are probably people who aren't exactly die hard fans who go "Oh they're just reselling Chrono Trigger; I'll go play that on my Playstation" who would still go out and buy a brand new Chrono game if it suddenly appeared.
I just don't get it. I don't even play very many new video games anymore, but I would play any Chrono game that ever comes out. I mean I pretty much ignore the Final Fantasy series these days, nothing ever quite living up to VII. But I'd buy Chrono in a heartbeat.