The retranslated script is ready. But here's the excruciating, perfectionist waiting part:
I need some quick help tracking down or marking these lines as "lost". This is stuff I couldn't find in-game, and unless someone remembers seeing it and can find it somewhere, they'll be relegated to a special section for unused lines.
Please make sure you can find and make these lines appear in the game. If you read this list while thinking "hm, I can probably easily remember these," you'll consciously MAKE them seem familiar. A reply like "wasn't that in Guardia Castle?" won't be helpful.
<b>The New, Suspected Unused Lines</b>
[Young Man]
Heh,'re never too old to
collect Silver Points!
Ask the mayor first.
Lucca: Huh? (at the Telepod sequence)
TABAN: Hmm? (ditto)
Lucca: ...... (ditto)
Robo: Her...expressive abilities are
also greater.
SCHALA: I...oh, all right... (Prophet's locking everyone up)
DALTON: Make like the wind and blow
outta here...!
Marle: Help!
Lucca: What's going on!
Robo: Danger!
Frog: Oh, no!
DALTON: Mwa ha!
You are like insects to me!
Ayla: Epoch, wake up!
SCHALA: Gurus! (in Magus's flashback)
BELTHASAR: Without the Clone, there's
no point in going to «Death Peak!»
Now, scram!
Robo: We have all been waiting for
Marle and Lucca and...
Well, all of us!
Marle: This is Crono's and
our's... Everyone's...!
...and I mean, EVERYONE's world!!
CHANCELLOR: B, but your majesty, what
We have never fought anyone!
KING GUARDIA: Do you have any
children, Chancellor?
CHANCELLOR: Y, yes, of course.
KING GUARDIA: Then our victory is their
Your children, and theirs as well, now
live in a world that knows hope.
KING GUARDIA XXI: Yes, he's real.
Marle: I guess this wraps things up.
<b>The Classics</b>
[Programming code, denoting January 11th as the finish date for Trigger]
1/11 1G version
[? - Appears between Ioka / Arris Dome]
Info [num16]
X [num8] [num8]
Y [num8] [num8]
[?, found at the end of Black Omen strings]
ingthenwngerewess tw:
Marle: It's a family heirloom.
May I please have it back?
[? - Appears in Porre, 1000 A.D. lines]
It was Magus who killed off the
forest up north.
[? - Placed with Chancellor lines]
Oh, my...
That Crono, he'll be strung up!
SPEKKIO: What're you laughin' at...
Don't judge a book by it's cover...
[?, found near Ozzie VIII's servants]
Why do I always get stuck doing this?
[? - Appears among 600 A.D. lines]
The wounded just keep piling up.
[Duplicate of Frog's Cursed Woods line]
Frog: Awake'th, Crono!
[? - Appears between Magic Cave and Death Peak lines]
It's closed tightly.
[? - Appears with Ioka lines of reaction]
Big ball of fire suddenly appear and
burn Reptite's castle.
Magus: The lost Kingdom of Dreams.
To have gained so much, and then
have lost it again...
[Unused, precede Magus flashback lines]
QUEEN: So Melchior?
You see, the Mammon Machine
functions perfectly.
Your worries were for naught.
QUEEN: The Guru of Reason, Belthasar.
QUEEN: And the Guru of Time, Gaspar...
QUEEN: Foolish ones, watch closely.
Lavos awakens!
The sun will never set on Zeal!
[Unknown; 12000 B.C. line]
[Duplicate of Dalton's Epoch line]
Mwa, ha, ha...
It's complete!
I've done it!
[? - Appears among 600 A.D. lines]
I was one of the people you saved at
[? - Appears among 600 A.D. lines]
I'm sure Cyrus is smiling, wherever he
TOMA: How have you been, [member1]?
I kept my promise and found it!
TOMA: When next we meet, I'll have
some good news for you.
Heh heh...
[? - They never actually get the Rainbow Shell in this manner]
You got the Rainbow Shell!
[? - Appears in Ioka Hut Trader lines]
[? - Placed among Guardia lines]
Pierre's, he's in the soldier's quarters.
[? - Appears in Guardia Castle lines]
The real Chancellor's okay.
He took off to the Knight's room sayin'
he was gettin' ready for the parade!
[? - Appear in Black Omen frog lines]
See ya around!
[? - Probably Schala; unused OP lines]