Author Topic: A chance for Chickenlump to show off  (Read 5766 times)

Agent 12

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Re: A chance for Chickenlump to show off
« Reply #15 on: June 17, 2006, 10:48:03 pm »
The palettes for the Menu Graphics are also listed in the Geiger's offsets.txt.

They start at  3FB210 (unheadered)
I'm looking at it further right now, but I did manage to make a sort of "Crimson" looking menu theme...kind of...

Hm, we ended up actually editng the offsets there.  Should I go back and undo the changes or will following your method just overwrite them anyways?



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Re: A chance for Chickenlump to show off
« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2006, 10:51:51 pm »
Using Snespal will show your colors that you edited in just fine. It will edit nothing else but those colors, so doing it my way will work just fine. Though, you already edited the colors, changing everything but red to 0 will give you different results than what I showed (since you already edited it). Basically, just do it by eye, go from light red to dark red (or swap them and see what happens, from dark to light). Save and go in game and check. It's easier than doing it by hex.


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Re: A chance for Chickenlump to show off
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2006, 10:45:00 am »
Is the last fight supposed to be a 3on1? If yes, using this attack from Lavos' left bit(the one where you lose status protection) combined with hallation and poison(or Geysir?) would be nearly impossible to beat, and if this is to unfair(and it is), maybe as an Idea for Spekkio's last form, if he is in. Or how about slow/all or stop/one? Or this seal techs for one person etc. because I think in the real game, there was just to less status stuff used(or to less chance of being "infected" by it).

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Re: A chance for Chickenlump to show off
« Reply #18 on: June 18, 2006, 06:34:21 pm »
Here's what I came up with.....I can't tell if it's the same as yours.  It seems like mine is slightly more bright red instead of dark red.

Status affects is a good made flea a pretty tough fight.


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Re: A chance for Chickenlump to show off
« Reply #19 on: June 18, 2006, 06:52:50 pm »
I like yours better, a little brighter than mine, but it's very nifty and fits well. I'll find the palette for the tan background and make it also red (but with a little contrast) so it blends in nicely. Or change the graphics for it. Or delete the graphics for it, so it's all black (it would look very nice, I've disabled the drawing of the tan tiles before, and no tan tiles were drawn just the menus on a black background, with the red menus would look very nice too.

Good job on it.
2 minute color search has netted me the palette offset I desired.
Menu Tan background tiles palette offset - 3FCBD6

This will look very nice with the red menu. :D

« Last Edit: June 18, 2006, 07:06:36 pm by Chickenlump »

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Re: A chance for Chickenlump to show off
« Reply #20 on: June 18, 2006, 07:08:56 pm »
Can ya find the blue box that surrounds the box in the middle too?



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Re: A chance for Chickenlump to show off
« Reply #21 on: June 18, 2006, 07:11:21 pm »
Can ya find the blue box that surrounds the box in the middle too?


Yes I can. Edit a photo in Paint so I know what you want it to look like.
Enter the offset I showed 1 post back in snespal and remove all the colors to 0 but red, that's how I got that color for the tan tiles. Maybe move each red color down a few notches to make it overall darker...  Show a picture of it too, I'd like to see how it mixes in with the red menu's. I have to go to a cookout right now, but I'm already liking how the menus are shaping up. Dark shades of red all around, will look so very sexy.

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Re: A chance for Chickenlump to show off
« Reply #22 on: June 18, 2006, 08:11:48 pm »
I did red and black.  It is a tough choice, though I personally have a soft spot for black. 

edit:  last picture is with the box in the middle changed.  I took one of the shades of the red in the background and made that the color.


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« Last Edit: June 18, 2006, 08:16:53 pm by jsondag2 »


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Re: A chance for Chickenlump to show off
« Reply #23 on: June 19, 2006, 01:09:18 am »
I'll find the color for the middle box, and my vote goes for a pure black background also, it really brings out the glossy shine of the white glossy/glass looking shading applied to the red.


3FCBD0 is the color to input in snespal to edit the color of the middle box.
A color of 05 or 06 for red, and the rest zero, and hit save.

3FCBC6 - the white color of the middle box border
3FCBC8 - the darker grey color of the middle box border

For this screenshot I have:

31 - Red
14 - Green
14 - Blue


13 - Red
0 - Green
0 - Blue

So, with all the changes, here is a quick paint-edit of all photos for a rough idea of what it should look like (now that I see it like this though, perhaps the middle could be a bit lighter, I'm sure you will find a nice medium though. ;)

« Last Edit: June 19, 2006, 01:25:59 am by Chickenlump »

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Re: A chance for Chickenlump to show off
« Reply #24 on: June 19, 2006, 01:42:15 am »
Here's one I made, I did go a little lighter for the middle box.


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Re: A chance for Chickenlump to show off
« Reply #25 on: June 19, 2006, 02:34:01 am »
Hm not to keep you even more busy or anything, but if you could make a patch where you have gato have a specific "before fight begins" attack, and say what offset we have to keep incrementing by 1 maybe we can appeal to Kajar to start plowing through those attacks. 

If nothing else it will help us notice more people romhacking.....I remember Chrono 99 and Cyber both doing an awesome job when I appealed for help in documenting Animations. 



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Re: A chance for Chickenlump to show off
« Reply #26 on: June 19, 2006, 03:59:56 am »
Good idea, I had a GARGANTUAN reply here a second ago, but after reading through it, I thought it would be better as it's own topic in Kajar Labs. I even contributed a mini hex editing tutorial (very mini, it's missing some basics, but everyone that knows hex here in the CE forum can chip in and help out those willing (assuming anyone is) with understanding it. I don't see anything going too wrong, it's just one byte. Heh...


HAHAHAHAHA to me today!

Thanks to Vehek, I was made aware of a list that was already started by Proto K!

Well, I can't say I'm too surprised, I usually embarass myself at least 4 times a day, so that'll teach me. :)

This helps me immensly, perhaps the rest of the values can be filled in anyway, and expanded upon, since it would be good to have a COMPLETE list, even if most of the rest are glitches or unknowns. At the very least, this cuts down on the work by ALOT.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2006, 04:14:36 am by Chickenlump »


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Re: A chance for Chickenlump to show off
« Reply #27 on: June 19, 2006, 08:59:28 am »
A short question: Can you make it possible to change them ingame, like the different windows you can chose in the options of CT? Like maybe one red, one blue or black etc.. Would be cool.


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Re: A chance for Chickenlump to show off
« Reply #28 on: June 19, 2006, 10:58:16 am »
A short question: Can you make it possible to change them ingame, like the different windows you can chose in the options of CT? Like maybe one red, one blue or black etc.. Would be cool.

You mean change each window to be a different graphic theme? If that's what you mean, it probably wouldn't be worth the effort to do so (serious recoding of the window drawing routines O_o ).

If you mean something else, I'm sorry and I'd need you to elaborate, or give a good example of it.

I'm able to add in every one of your guys' spell requests for King Zeal. I can add in a textbox for each spell, but I would need the string number for them. Or you guys can give the spells some new names in TF. Heck, after I do this AI, I could even find the palette for some tech graphics and change the colors of them using snespal, so the tech of your choice has it's own new color and name.

OK, Great job on the King Zeal sprite! If I have him do a physical attack, it will be like Queen Zeal's kissing attack, I'm not sure how to change each enemie's physical attack yet (possibly an unknown in Chrono Tweaker or Blitzkrieg's editor).

I'm still working on the AI, I started out good, and learned that the pointers only go so far, so I had to find some free space nearby.

I hereby claim CFC74 for King Zeal's AI data.

His data will be at CFC74
His AI pointer is at 0C8B52 - changed from FA 93 (Zeal's original AI, still there for later use)  to  74 FC

I posted this here so I can come back and fix things if something goes awry (I doubt it, nyuck nyuck nyuck), and so others can see the script isolated in the ROM and maybe tweak it later on down the road if they so wish. And so everyone knows what is being changed for the list of changes.

I think once we release CE, we should release the list of changes too, the list would contain every memory value and ROM address change. Once they are done playing our modification, they can look in this huge log of changes, and see what was done where, and how it was done, encouraging them to start one themselves. TF edits don't need to be in the log or anything, since they can open it up in TF and see what's going on, but memory addresses and tricks (like scroll mask manipulation) can be written down for them. Another thought to toss around, something to do after we are pretty close to complete.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2006, 11:01:42 am by Chickenlump »

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Re: A chance for Chickenlump to show off
« Reply #29 on: June 19, 2006, 11:05:46 am »
You're definately right.  I'll be adding a nice new section to the change log to take account for all the unused space were using now.  All the memory addresses I've used should be documented in there too. I was planning to release the change log as well as the CrimsonEchoes project folder TF uses....I'm guessing that will let them see the location name changes I've made.
