I had a version of the rom waiting to be released as a patch, so it looks like we have to merge both versions. Jsondag, could you export the changed stuff in "robotfactorypart1.ips" and import them in a rom that has "RevisedUpToPorreCamp.ips" patched? I would do it but I'm not sure what to import and I don't want to miss something, and it's probably shorter to do it that way than the other way round.
In this patch, I've cleaned the Dalton Dungeon map and added a "force field" around Magus's cell (using the sealed pyramid layer3 tileset). The dungeon has the code trick that makes it appear on the world map only when needed.
-During the scene in Sargon's house that Daniel wrote, instead of moving automatically, Magus can now be moved freely by the player between each textbox. I changed nothing else, this little tweak keeps the impact of the scene while making it more natural.
-The new Chronopolis palette is there, as well as a revised elevator that now visually moves up and down. (Ideally, the Robot Factory should use the original CT "Factory" palette instead of the "Geno Dome" one, or it'll be blue like Chronopolis.)
-I improved the Porre Camp map a lot (it's crazy what can be done with an "indoor" tileset eh?), hopefully it doesn't have that "FF6 look" anymore. It's now a location that appears on the world map too, it appears after the Chancellor mentions it and it's blocked by a guard after the meeting with Montcrief. It's "Porre Camp" because "Porre Encampment" is too long.
-Marle now turns back to let Crono and Lucca walk out of the screen and change their clothes, instead of a ChangeLocation effet. They hopefully move around a bit better in uniforms (still not perfect, but at least they don't dash into the table in Montcrief's room during the dialogue). And there are two sick soldiers instead of one that carries two uniforms.
-Dialogues up to Montcrief are fixed for typos and sentences cut in half.
-Finally, I changed the Gryphon tank's name to "Chimera". As a fan of mythology, I feel ashamed that I mistook the Porre symbol for a Gryphon for quite some time

(Gryphons have an eagle head, Chimeras can have various heads but have at least one lion head). Someone should replace the dialogue about Porre buying the Dragon Tank to something else about this new tank... I would do it but don't really know what could be said, ehe.
Well, that's it.
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