Attached is a very rough, quick draw up of Terra Tower.
Marle would mainly stay on the left (Teal). She has access to a switch which will open either door 1 or door 2. She also can "push a rock" which will fill up a hole to a treasure chest. After that she basically continues up.
At some point later "debris" will block the door Marle went through and the reptites built a new door which our next two groups will use:
After that Crono/Magus/Glenn come in. They either go in Door 1 or Door 2 (based on Marle's choice). Door 1 is interesting in t hat you climb up and fight a "boss fight" who will drop a key, but they dont know it. Door 2 will lead to another choice where they can choose to move a switch which will open the other door. After that they keep climbing up. All paths will lead to a room with 4 pillars that they "jump down" (as to avoid being able to take other paths), and climb up to the the portal home.
Finally Robo and Lucca come in. They have to take the same first door1/door2 which marle chose a long time ago. If they take door 1 and Crono/Magus/Glenn killed the bad guy there will be a key which they can use to open a door to a secret boss fight. If they Marle opened door 2 then the interesting aspect will be whether or not Crono/Magus/Glenn hit their switch. If they didn't hit the switch they'll take the same path as their 3 friends. If they did hit the switch the original door is closed and there's a new path. All paths once again lead to the "pillar room" on floor 4, howeve debris covers up the stair up to the portal. Inside the pillar floor will be "Azala brain (Temp name), which is Dinopolis version of Mother Brain.
This can still be added on. I'm thinking Tyrano Lair tileset (I mean it is dinopolis after all). The door's can be the Skulls.
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