Ahh, Xenosaga I. Still the best game I ever watched.
Although, if it was the presentation you liked the most, Philosopher1701, prepare to experience a Xenogears disc 2 level of disappointment. Pretty much all the aspects that made Ep1 awesome were watered down or changed entirety for Ep2. Shion and KOS-MOS obtain a level of OOC-ness that not even fan fiction would dare to reach, MOMO's cuteness is decreased by 75% which just hurt as she was my favorite character (thankfully though, her numerous panty shots have been removed. I mean really, I counted 50 of them in the first game before I quite counting, being quite disgusted with myself), and Jin and Caanan are damn near irrelevant (save for two scenes), but they’re constantly hanging around. Fortunately Jr, Ziggy, and chaos are still true to form. Battle system is completely different, faster in some ways, painfully slow in others. But hey, at least there are combo attacks. I take issue with the fact that my "all girl team of death" (Shion, MOMO and KOS-MOS) party is seriously crippled due to the new system limiting Shion and MOMO's power. They still have their strengths, to be sure, but its just not the same.
The plot does thicken considerably though, and it remains one of the best RPG plots of this generation.