I hate when people list "music" as an interest; EVERYONE LIKES SOME FORM OF MUSIC! Saying that you like music doesn't describe anything about your personality. Well actually, I do have a friend that actually doesn't listen to any form of music, but I assume that's insanely rare.
Similarly, I also hate people who read manga or watch anime JUST because it's manga/anime, not because it's good or anything
Hmm.. and when people say "------ and I" no matter where it is in the sentence. I don't have the same hate towards people making other grammar mistakes because when people say "----- and I", they specifically think that they're avoiding the 'error' of saying "------ and me". Actually, I almost enjoy saying stuff like "Can you come to the mall with Crono and me?" so that, in the rare case that someone tries to correct me by saying "it's 'Crono and I'", I can be like "WTF EHOIFHI IT'S THE OBJECT OF A PREPOSITION, NOT NOMINATIVE"... It's never happened, though, and I kind of have stopped caring when I see it in video games or in books