Yes, I fucking hate the shit out of men who talk about chivalry and how it's "so unfair to men, because we're expected to hold the door open to women," completely missing the point that this is patronizing them and done on the assumption that they're weak and need protection and special attention. Fuck those idiots.
And then a lot of their childish responses are "NOT HOLDING THE DOOR OPEN FOR THAT ***BITCH***" or "SLUT DIDNT HOLD THE DOOR OPEN FOR ME!" Nevermind that maybe she didn't open the door for you because most women know that giving attention to some men, even in a small nice gesture, is going to be interpreted as sexual interest! It's been psychologically fucking PROVEN and verified in studies that men interpret nice gestures as sexual interest much more than women. Assholes.
Their reaction is just like the one about the fucking draft. "Oh, it's so unfair that men get drafted and not women!" Yeah, nevermind that this is completely culturally a part of the trope that men are strong, brave, honorable defenders of the national hearth and women are homemakers who maintain the home front, and can't possibly be good soldiers or officers! But Johnny MRA in his fucking caveman stupor can't realize such an obvious fucking truth. "WOMEN SHOULD BE DRAFTED TOO!!" How about NO ONE SHOULD BE FUCKING DRAFTED? TWO WRONGS IN A PATRIARCHAL, MILITARIZED SHIT-WORLD DON'T MAKE A FUCKING RIGHT, YOU PIECE OF SHIT.
I swear to all fuck, it's inescapable. I can't watch a fucking TV show or movie, visit a website, go outside, anything, without coming into contact with patriarchy. I just want to fucking destroy it. Completely tear it apart in a primal rage. I know the enemy, and it's fucking patriarchy. Fuck it to all hell.
And if you ever, ever are around someone or know someone who makes a sandwich/kitchen joke, disown them. Fuck them back to the stone age. They can rub two sticks together to make fire, because that's the level of refinement their fucking minds are on. God, people are so fucking stupid it breaks my mind.