Author Topic: Stuff you hate  (Read 205241 times)


  • Squaretable Knight (+400)
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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #390 on: February 19, 2008, 10:09:23 pm »
I hate inconsiderate smokers (i.e. almost every single smoker).

Any smoking that forces others to smoke passively against their will can be admonished with the principle that any wrongness should cease. From there, one merely has to prove such inconsiderate smoking is wrong for the argument to prevail. Even though it seems obvious that it is wrong, it still seems prudent to elaborate on why it is wrong, for those who find it less obvious. So, I submit inconsiderate smoking is wrong because it causes rational discomfort in the short term and is detrimental to health in both the short and long term.

Some of its potential short-term detrimental effects are:
  • Inducing potentially lethal asthma attacks
  • Inducing a significant portion heart attacks
  • Irritation causing runny noses, burning eyes, sneezing, coughing, wheezing, perceived asphyxiation
  • Craving by the passive recipient

And potential long term ones:
  • A plethora of cancers
  • Increased asthma likelihood in unborn children
  • Risk of premature birth
  • Causing and exacerbation of asthma
  • Pneumonia
  • Sudden infant death syndrome
  • Lung infection
  • Bronchitis
  • Ear, nose and throat infection
  • Heart disease
  • Crohn's disease
  • If I'm not mistaken, emits carbon

And I'm certain there's more. To be fair, there are some beneficial effects, but that's irrelevant due to the nature of the debate. The fact that there's any detrimental effects that are forced upon passive smokers without them wanting it nullifies any of its beneficial effects (which may be reduced anyway by virtue of the smoking being passive as opposed to active).

So, having established that it is wrong and should stop, what should be done? In an ideal community, people would be free to smoke anywhere and force others to smoke passively so long as the passive smoker were not adverse to it. However, this is of course unfeasible, as it is impossible to tell if the passive smoker would object, they may be too scared to do so and humans as they are now are almost invariably not trustworthy and ethical enough.

We can diminish these flaws with the suggestion of a society where smoking is permitted at any time other than when it would make another person smoke passively. However, if this were also too impractical, a general ban on smoking in public places would almost definitely be more suitable.

So if it's as simple as banning or limiting smoking in public places, why doesn't the UK government institute such a policy? The only possible reasons I can think of off the top of my head pertain to money and to appease smokers.

Perhaps the government fears fewer cigarettes will be purchased if they ban smoking in public, resulting in less revenue for other areas. This money comes from taxes on tobacco products, but why couldn't it merely come from an increased general tax? If this would not be possible due to significant tax rises, why can't the government inform the public of the estimated rises and flaws in such a plan? Even if it wouldn't seem practical from an economic perspective to ban smoking in public, the issue should at least be acknowledged and the plan considered.

The other reason, that of the government fearing unrest should they ban smoking in public places is a poor reason not to do so. One of the responsibilities of the government is to enforce justice. The government has laws against unjustified murder, and even though it cannot stop all of them and deal with all its perpetrators, it does so when it can, as it has a responsibility to do as unjustified murder is an injustice. Similarly, the government has a responsibility to stop the wrong of forcing people to unwillingly smoke passively.

Yes it doesn't. It's issues like this that make me question the integrity of our 'democracy'. Sure, we can vote for who we have in power, but we don't get to vote on perhaps the more important things: the issues that actually affect us on a day-to-day basis. If all democracy is is an equal right to vote for a party, then it is not enough. For consistent democratic governing on such far-reaching, day-to-day, issues affecting most people that most people want changed, the public's opinion must be considered.

Many people seem to think 'democracy' gives equal power to everybody. Well apparently it doesn't. There was no vote to go to war in Iraq. No vote on the current, limited smoking 'ban', no vote on withdrawing from Iraq despite common opinion supporting such a sentiment. At the end of the day we are lumbered with choosing the lesser of evils and letting them dictate, instead of taking the reins ourselves and deciding the direction and future of the country. We are not equal. The government enforces neither public opinion nor total justice. We're a long way from true power of the people, and not as far as we think from despotism.

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #391 on: February 20, 2008, 04:13:53 am »
^ Pfft, why should they ban smoking in public places? My solution is allowing people to assault these smokers.


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #392 on: February 20, 2008, 04:16:32 am »
Its kinda like drunk driving really there is nothing wrong with it they'll kill them selfs of and then the world is much better.


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #393 on: February 20, 2008, 12:08:56 pm »
Its kinda like drunk driving really there is nothing wrong with it they'll kill them selfs of and then the world is much better.

Unless you or one of your family is the one the drunk driver splatters across the road.


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #394 on: February 20, 2008, 01:39:09 pm »
Many people seem to think 'democracy' gives equal power to everybody. Well apparently it doesn't. There was no vote to go to war in Iraq. No vote on the current, limited smoking 'ban', no vote on withdrawing from Iraq despite common opinion supporting such a sentiment. At the end of the day we are lumbered with choosing the lesser of evils and letting them dictate, instead of taking the reins ourselves and deciding the direction and future of the country. We are not equal. The government enforces neither public opinion nor total justice. We're a long way from true power of the people, and not as far as we think from despotism.

Many people also think modern governments are meant to be democratic. They aren't. At best one could call them "democratic republics."

Democracy's great benefit is in its inefficient nature. No one can abuse the power of government because there are thousands or more other people trying to abuse the power of government as well, and as such they all muddle each other.

Of course, pure democracy is too inefficient; thus, it gets mixed a bit with representative government. Presto, a government under which people can live somewhat peacefully without tyrants getting in the way.

Despotism isn't necessarily a bad thing; indeed, it is more efficient than "democracy," so if a good person were in power that goodness could better be spread to the people. Unfortunately, no single human can be trusted to be good.

Thus, "democracy" is a desirable government not because all people are so good as to have an equal share in government, but rather that all people are too base to allow any one to have an advantage.

Can you imagine the mess of a true democracy? People don't inform themselves about their voting options when it is mostly limited to candidates (and "high" voter turnout is always laughably low). I certainly wouldn't trust the general population with important issues.


  • Squaretable Knight (+400)
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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #395 on: February 20, 2008, 02:44:04 pm »
Burning  Zeppelin: As attractive a prospect as that is, I doubt it would work very well.

Kebrel: Way to miss the whole parts ennumerating the negative effects of passive smoking and why it should be stopped.

Thought: True. I will state however that having representatives make decisions (such as war with Iraq) has resulted in poor ones being made.

Well, I guess humanity only has itself to blame for this problem.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2008, 02:48:28 pm by MsBlack »

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #396 on: February 21, 2008, 03:08:48 am »
True democracy/anarchism is not too bad in small groups. In fact, they work awfully well. However, quality of life increases population, which increases the need for a centralized government and law enforcement agency. We should all just slow down.


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #397 on: February 21, 2008, 03:33:40 pm »
I lol'd at the drunk driving thing.  Let them kill themselves?  Too bad people repeatedly die BY people who are drunk driving, not the actual drunk drivers.

What i've been really hating lately is when people purposely try to piss you off for no reason.  People are shooting paper clips at friend and I from across the room because they think it's funny.  Seriously some of the most fucking immature/annoying "Seniors" I have EVER seen.


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #398 on: February 21, 2008, 08:45:29 pm »
Just so people Know that was I joke there wasn't any thing else behind it. Sorry if I offend some of you.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #399 on: February 22, 2008, 11:16:55 am »
what annoys me:

who people become over the guise of forums.


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Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #401 on: February 22, 2008, 09:27:34 pm »
that was beautiful.

thank you.


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #402 on: February 22, 2008, 09:31:49 pm »
I hate the Metal Smasher boss in Star Fox. Bastard.


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #403 on: February 23, 2008, 09:10:28 pm »
Stuff I hate...?
My ChronoCross disc isn't working any more.

EDIT: Woowho, another victory to Fred Myers. I just bought a CD cleaning/scratch fixer-upper and it works.

EDIT2: Damn it all to Hell I can't find the PS1 memory card!!!
« Last Edit: February 24, 2008, 12:50:45 am by Kebrel »


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #404 on: February 25, 2008, 08:14:40 am »
"Made in China"