I vehemently dislike::
All that crappy faddish vampire shit that every other girl is obsessed with. There's even a section in Barnes and Noble called "Vampire Fiction". OMG is it another novel / TV series about hawt vampires / hawt vampires going to high school?? WOW HOW ORIGINAL.
Lame AIM conversations. Such as::
Person: hi
Me: hey. how're you doing?
Person: good. you?
Me: i'm doing alright.
Me: so...how's school?
Person: okay.
Me: [trying to make conversation]
Person: [one-word answers]
LOLOLOLOLOLOL THAT'S SO DAMN TRUE!! I talk to people and they jsut have one word answers... Or if they say something to me same thing happens...
Then there are the girls that talk to you fine and suddenly want to get rid of you on MSN... Is just plain bullshit.
There was this girl from school I use to talk to on msn and she suddenly disappears on holidays.
I hate when people are not honest about what they think about you yet try to be nice. It's easier to get rid of a person if you don't f#cking talk to them most of the damn time!!
I also hate when they don't block you but they go appear offline so they don't need to talk to you, then they say that they just haven't been online lately.
It really pisses me off when people are just assholes like that. Is even worse when they are friends you hang out with on school most of the time. I always help most people and talk to them. As long as they talk to me. Yet is stupid all the things that happen.
What the hell is wrong with humans? Why are we so damn complicated and not understandable?
Because of that I decided to study psychology at school and I started to understand a bit more and analyze people using their life experiences and what I know about them.
It all makes sense now... I believe in Freud, it all has to do with child traumas, yet psychologist now think that they have to solve the problem now and not tracking down those problems.
Who doesn't hate everything I said?
It's all true and so I don't hate my life, I just hate the way humanity has destroyed our only world which is the only one we have and then we see all the politics assholes who don't even know a shit about climate change and science and we use them to make our day to day decitions that could change our own fate. When I was 14 I would have a better ability and understanding them those incompetent people.
I would indeed be a politician but my fear is that i would become corrupt...
Well that's all I hate for now. ahahha!! LOLOLOL Yet I am like magus... If he has to die he must simply laugh!! LAUGH!
Laugh is a wasted emotions a combination of all those things you can't show to people. I hate that as well.
Well that's all folks!
PD: Ignore the laugh thingy I was being sarcastic....
And yeah i hate that people in here (australia) know less about their own language than I do.