Author Topic: Stuff you hate  (Read 205388 times)


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #930 on: December 09, 2009, 01:24:15 am »
"Hey, I have finals tomorrow morning, so I'm going to go to bed. Could you please keep the noise down a little?"
"FUCK you you were noisy at noon when I used to be nocturnal so I'm going to start cooking now and not go downstairs until midnight."

I HATE you person, and your bitch of a girlfriend, and that other lazy creep you let live here. Just because you turned twenty-one and started fucking a girl four years younger than you doesn't mean you can run this house hold. I honestly wish you would just die, or at least receive a grievous injury and move into a hospital.
I would just say that I want to die, but the thought of them one day asking for help or lodging, and me being able to turn them down, is just too heartwarming to throw away.

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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #931 on: December 09, 2009, 02:58:49 am »
I would just say that I want to die, but the thought of them one day asking for help or lodging, and me being able to turn them down, is just too heartwarming to throw away.

Ah, I love unrestrained displays of malicious glee. The Fiendlord would approve.


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #932 on: December 09, 2009, 06:06:43 am »
I hate to say that to tell the truth I am no way a loser or anything but I hate the fact that i had such bad luck with woman in my life... Not that I am going to the other side but the fact that my first kiss was given by one of my girl cousin kinda traumatized me...

Yes a nearly had sex with my cousin because she was a really ... hard to say... To tell the truth I hate myself for nearly doing it and I am happy I didn't!

For all this year I been with her since pretty much since she first kissed me at six... and now that I moved to other country (Australia). I just can't forget about her... you guys can think whatever I know in various countries is considered incest but where I came from it wasnt normal but legal...

I really hate that time and loved it at the same time...

I HATE MYSELF THOUGHT for playing along and being a fool while he was making out with any kid who crossed her eyes with!

I don't hate her nor do love her but for sure I regret what I did!


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #933 on: December 09, 2009, 09:17:50 am »
why is there snow out there?!
oh yeah. new england.
(in all seriousness, i love snow but i hate when i have to shovel cars out, shovel driveways, shovel paths to and from the house, then deal with the residents who have been here for fifty years and still drive ten miles an hour at the slightest hint of a flurry. so im just going to stay inside and drink my hot cocoa.)

Lord J Esq

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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #934 on: December 09, 2009, 11:58:35 am »
...then deal with the residents who have been here for fifty years and still drive ten miles an hour at the slightest hint of a flurry.

I am so one of those people. On an icy, hilly road, there's no such thing as too slow. A few years ago it snowed in Seattle late in the afternoon, just in time for the evening commute. The roads iced over and vehicles began to lose control. When I left work, I had no idea what awaited me on that commute. Never before or since, anywhere, have I seen anything remotely like it. The entire Seattle transportation grid locked up. It completely failed.

We've all been in traffic jams before. We've all been held up for an hour or even two on a drive that would only take ten minutes on the open road. This was not that. This was honest-to-goodness gridlock, as in, thousands of people didn't make it home that night. Every freeway stopped. Most of the arterials stopped. I don't mean they were closed: I mean they stopped...with several hundred thousand cars still on them. Nobody could get anywhere. The snow plows and sanders were stuck. Even the emergency services couldn't get anywhere. And as the traffic became more congested, the temperatures dropped and the roads became more unnavigable. Hundreds of people abandoned their cars and just walked away, sometimes not even bothering to drive over to the shoulder.

I didn't know any of this until later. I left work thinking I was so savvy. I had heard that the express lanes on Interstate 90 were totally blocked due to traffic accidents, and that the mainlines were clogged. So I figured I would Highway 520 instead. I should have realized something was afoot when it took me almost half an hour just to get on to the freeway. We're talking four blocks. President Bush gave some kind of escalation speech that night; I listened to it on the radio. The whole speech was over before I even got across the Lake Washington bridge. By the time I got onto Interstate 405 at Bellevue the traffic was so bad that I figured I'd divert onto the sidestreets. A lot of good it did me. Fifty thousand people had the exact same idea. I could look and see the road in the distance, less than a mile away, and measure the time it took me to get there in half-hour increments.

At one point there was a particularly steep hill. Traffic was at a standstill all the way up. The roads were completely iced over at this point, so many of the cars couldn't make it up. This is Seattle. The roads rarely freeze here, so people don't carry chains. I didn't have any chains either. I was driving on plain old tires. I wasn't sure I would make it up the hill. The car right in front of me was having so much trouble that it kept going backwards more than forwards. I spent about three minutes just to change lanes, and I'm glad, too, because that car eventually did collide into the one behind it.

I actually ran out of gas during this drive. Or at least I almost did. I stopped at a filling station and it took me ten minutes just to turn into it because traffic was not moving. All told, I used about a third of a tank of gas that night. By chance I had an energy bar and some water with me, or I wouldn't have eaten dinner. The radio had canceled its regular programming to talk about the traffic, but all they could really say is "Boy, traffic's still jammed up everywhere. Let's go to Copter 7. Copter?" "Yep, still jammed everywhere. Back to you!"

By the time I made it to Issaquah, which is on the edge of the Seattle metropolis, the traffic situation on Highway 900 was the polar opposite: No one was there. There were dozens of cars littered on the sides of the road, and dozens more that had wrecked, but no one was actually driving. I thought for a minute that the highway had actually been closed. No, it was still open. Then I figured that everyone who would normally be driving on it was either still in traffic, or had given up and checked into a motel. Highway 900 is a hilly, winding road in the foothills, filled with scenic ditches and gullies. It actually is a gorgeous drive, but on this occasion it was totally iced over. A plow had been there at some point, but somehow the two lanes had consolidated into one. Luckily I didn't pass a single car coming the other way. One car eventually made it behind me, and was probably ticked off that I was driving at about 10 miles an hour, but as I drove past spinout after spinout I figured that the folks behind me could just suck it.

I come from a desert. We don't get snow there any more than we do here. I've driven on snowy roads fewer than twenty days in my whole life, and iced roads fewer than ten days. I have no idea how to do it right. All I have are first principles from physics. Not quite as handy as chains, eh?

I arrived at my destination more than six hours after I left work, at about a quarter past eleven. That's for a drive that would take 25 minutes on a clear road. I could have spun out or driven off the road or collided with another car on any of a hundred occasions...including right at the end, on the sloping driveway. But I drove carefully, and, together with some luck, I got out of that night unscathed and a lot wiser.

Lest you forget why I'm telling this tale, the reason that the transportation grid seized up that hard is that people were driving too recklessly. They weren't prepared for ice any more than I was, but they figured they were invincible. Or they just didn't figure at all. A few dozen of them wrecked in key locations, and in so doing they locked up the roads of an entire metropolis. Granted, my travails were rewarded by my girlfriend with hot chocolate and kisses, but I wonder if she would have been quite as happy to see me if I had smashed her car. And I wonder how I would have felt if I had spun out in some nowhere place and had to walk fifteen miles in the snow in regular old shoes (probably uphill, fighting off wolves!) just to get to the hot chocolate and kisses...which at that point would have been sooo not worth it.


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #935 on: December 09, 2009, 12:32:16 pm »
i understand that you shouldnt be reckless when driving in icy conditions. its scary when youre going up a hill and your car starts to slip. but these are people used to this particular climate (fwe get snow a lot) and theyre driving on the really well handled streets. the main roads, the highways... basically every street that gets plowed, salted, and sanded. at the first sight of a single flake, even when its just kind of falling and not sticking to ANYTHING, these people drive so slow. it drives me insane!
imagine what theyre doing now, when we have about five inches and more coming, followed by freezing rain.


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #936 on: December 09, 2009, 09:01:53 pm »
I hate that only snows once in 100 years in the province of my country of origin! But that was the year before I moved XD!  :lol:

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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #937 on: December 10, 2009, 05:41:10 pm »
I hate missing the bus. Then I have to drive. Which wastes my good gas. And I miss out on spending time with my girlfriend when that happens.


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #938 on: December 16, 2009, 01:54:42 am »
A few years ago, Hallmark made this line of mermaid statuettes. My Grandma gave me one for Christmas. She had a pink tail, brown hair, and was lying on her side amidst seaweed, asleep. My Grandma said she chose that one because she looked just like me when I slept. It's a really beautiful statuette, and sometimes I wish I were in its place. It'd be so much easier to just hibernate and not have to deal with this drunken bastard ranting and raving in the living room. He claims to know everything that goes on in this household, yet he is blind to how his son tries to manipulate everyone against each other.
Speaking of that brat, one of my favourite lines he said to his girlfriend today, "People like you are the reason domestic violence exists." I think the subject and speaker here should be reversed. Yes, that girl is deserving of a good swift kick in the face. Yes, she's annoying as all hell... Yet you don't see me ever touching her, or even speaking to her. Domestic violence exists because people like him don't have the patience to walk away from idiocy.


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #939 on: December 16, 2009, 06:56:22 pm »
Speaking of which, I should be getting a Rosetta Stone: Japanese for Christmas.
i have nothing against christmas. but i feel that letting people know what theyre going to be getting is ruining to the fun. the joy of christmas comes not in all that spiritual bs but in shredding ornate paper to find a unique surprise. something you werent expecting. the anticipation, the longing, the joy and happiness of finding something strange! thats why i still do christmas. not because im rich, not because jesus demands it, but because i like the giving and receiving. the joy i feel, the joy i see on everyone elses faces...
knowing what is in the box is NOT FUN.
knowing before hand is like 'oh im getting this. i should just get it now.' its not fun.
never ever fun.


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #940 on: December 16, 2009, 08:06:20 pm »

I didn't say that I was guaranteed to get it.  It's still up to the giver.

Holy Schlamoly, you have a low boiling point.


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #941 on: December 16, 2009, 11:14:03 pm »
why would you know this though? BECAUSE THE GIVER FAILS. i am not a religious man. i do not feel that there is a god. i dont actively celebrate the 'true meaning of christmas' as it were. i feel that people should be surprised by what they are getting under the tree. to bring joy to themselves and others. i used to be very strict about not knowing what anyone was getting anyone, so that i could be surprised then too. that kind of fell out of favor when i got my sister the same journal that my mom got her. but i dont tell anyone what they are getting and i just jokingly ask what im getting. as to SPREAD THE JOY IN A SURPRISED FASHION.
(i have a short fuse in regards to things i feel are traditional, like holiday festivities, and my kitchen. ... yes, its my kitchen.)


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #942 on: December 16, 2009, 11:45:58 pm »
I actually agree with Bucky a bit here. My father's always been horrible at telling us what we were getting. He wouldn't tell us directly, mind you, but he'd always end up giving it away.


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #943 on: December 17, 2009, 01:18:58 am »
I HATE ice storms but  I LOVE snowstorms and the nippy feeling of cold weather compared to the tiring feeling :picardno of heatwaves.  :P 

 Snow you can at least clear out to make way but Ice you are a sitting duck and there is no going anywhere and ice causes you to lose power if you live in a neighbor-hood with LOTS and LOTS of trees.

I'd prefer a foot/12 inches of snow over a half-inch 1/2 of ice which always knocks out power in our area of Silverton Oregon and hundreds of thousands across the mid-valley :shock:   

I also hate how we are one of the people to get ours on the last WITHOUT being considered rural/country.

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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #944 on: December 17, 2009, 02:44:01 am »
A few years ago, Hallmark made this line of mermaid statuettes. My Grandma gave me one for Christmas. She had a pink tail, brown hair, and was lying on her side amidst seaweed, asleep. My Grandma said she chose that one because she looked just like me when I slept. It's a really beautiful statuette, and sometimes I wish I were in its place. It'd be so much easier to just hibernate and not have to deal with this drunken bastard ranting and raving in the living room. He claims to know everything that goes on in this household, yet he is blind to how his son tries to manipulate everyone against each other.
Speaking of that brat, one of my favourite lines he said to his girlfriend today, "People like you are the reason domestic violence exists." I think the subject and speaker here should be reversed. Yes, that girl is deserving of a good swift kick in the face. Yes, she's annoying as all hell... Yet you don't see me ever touching her, or even speaking to her. Domestic violence exists because people like him don't have the patience to walk away from idiocy.

That was powerfully written.