Author Topic: Stuff you hate  (Read 203038 times)


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #1290 on: September 25, 2011, 08:44:52 am »
Freezing is also good way to preserve imported fish in my opinion.  You'd be right that organic food can even be worse for you than some more familiar options in your nearest shoprite. I wouldn't recommend loads of fibrous vegetables to a person trying to lose weight because its hard to eat enough calories that way. The person will end up hungry too often which sounds like a trivial point compared to maintaining RDAs, macronutrient ratios, etc but its really the most basic and important component of any diet.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #1291 on: September 25, 2011, 01:31:38 pm »
Tush, I read that article too and it kind of pissed me off. I will admit, I am skeptical about food marketed as organic, or almost-organic(known more officially as "all-natural"). What I find interesting is the milk. I don't know about other places in the world but I don't live in a dairy state so I feel I can assume this is all over the USA and not just my area. The expiration date on "regular milk" is rarely over a week from the current date, sometimes up to two weeks, but organic milk doesn't expire for THREE MONTHS. The implications are frightening, if not just interesting.

However, one thing I've complained about before that I still can't stand is the sheer amount of high fructose corn syrup in 90% of food and drink here. In particular, soda has a noticeable difference in taste, texture, and aftermath(what's left over when you've swallowed) when you try one with pure cane sugar compared to corn syrup. I would prefer to eradicate the stuff completely but I realize that's unrealistic.

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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #1292 on: September 25, 2011, 01:45:43 pm »
The expiration date on "regular milk" is rarely over a week from the current date, sometimes up to two weeks, but organic milk doesn't expire for THREE MONTHS. The implications are frightening, if not just interesting.

That's not an "organic" thing. The long-term expiration dates on some milk arises from a different form of pasteurization, called "ultra-pasteurization," and to a lesser extent from handling practices which get it onto shelves faster than the super-mass-produced, ill-tasting bargain milk which most people buy.

I'm extremely picky about milk, and I get squeamish when it tastes off, and I'm very perceptive of tasting off flavors. But I persist because I love dairy. Darigold milk to me tastes even better than most organic brands, and it isn't organic. I can't get it out here in Texas. It's a Pacific Northwest thing, with limited availability elsewhere.


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #1293 on: September 25, 2011, 09:11:10 pm »
Get the boxcars to Siberia ready. I have a new crop of people slated for reeducation:

We support Mr. Stinson and New Heights completely. We are One Nation Under God.

We need to be concern with the eternal welfare of family, childern and people of the world. What about your child can the constitution save her? Jesus said, "I am the way the truth and the life no one come to the Father except through me." John 14:6

Why is it wrong to do what you believe. He did nothing wrong and should not be under fire. He is truly one of the best Principals in the State of North Carolina and South Carolina.

These sad, deluded fools.

Dante Capone Your god and your savior never existed. Please shut the fuck up.

Yes. Please. And remove yourself from any position of power or responsibility in the public sphere. Your magical God doesn't apply here in reality. It's no fucking surprise that quality of commentators' English seems to be inversely related to their religiosity.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2011, 09:13:03 pm by ZeaLitY »


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #1294 on: September 25, 2011, 10:42:59 pm »
What'd he do? I keep clicking the facebook link and it just takes me to my homepage.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #1295 on: September 25, 2011, 10:46:45 pm »
The expiration date on "regular milk" is rarely over a week from the current date, sometimes up to two weeks, but organic milk doesn't expire for THREE MONTHS. The implications are frightening, if not just interesting.

That's not an "organic" thing. The long-term expiration dates on some milk arises from a different form of pasteurization, called "ultra-pasteurization," and to a lesser extent from handling practices which get it onto shelves faster than the super-mass-produced, ill-tasting bargain milk which most people buy.

I'm extremely picky about milk, and I get squeamish when it tastes off, and I'm very perceptive of tasting off flavors. But I persist because I love dairy. Darigold milk to me tastes even better than most organic brands, and it isn't organic. I can't get it out here in Texas. It's a Pacific Northwest thing, with limited availability elsewhere.

I've never had Darigold, I live on the east coast. I do have a passion for dairy, though. When recently asked what my favorite food is, rather than say a broad category like I usually do, I thought about it and tried to boil it down. Melted cheese. That's my favorite, and almost anything with melted cheese is automatically better. /offtopic

I wasn't really worried about the expiration date of the organic milk, rather the "regular" stuff. Why is it always so close to spoiling? Is all of it really that old (even with preservatives AND pasteurization)? Maybe it's a ploy to get consumers to buy more, more often. Maybe they don't add preservatives, I don't know.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2011, 10:49:07 pm by Mr Bekkler »


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #1296 on: September 25, 2011, 10:50:01 pm »
Mandatory Christian prayer rallies. People threatens to get the ACLU involved, and so the principal started issuing tons of self-loving rants on the school Facebook page about how he'd go to prison for Jesus.


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #1297 on: September 26, 2011, 12:46:13 am »
Mandatory Christian prayer rallies. People threatens to get the ACLU involved, and so the principal started issuing tons of self-loving rants on the school Facebook page about how he'd go to prison for Jesus.

Something tells me all it'd take is for him to lose his job for him to recant that statement. Even in SC the schools have limits for that sort of thing, and he won't last long by taking such a bravadous stand.

Either way, it's not as if the ACLU can do anything worthwhile now. It's happened and you can't really overturn that. I'm not even sure that just doing it once could get someone fired, though I suppose it wouldn't surprise me. Still, he'd better keep his nose clean.


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #1298 on: September 26, 2011, 06:47:58 am »
I cannot stand it when people say that love doesn't exist, that it is a lie, etc.  Biggest bullshit statement of the year.

I know, I know.  "Easy for you to say, Saj.  You've been with D for almost five years."  But to be fair, I never, ever said bullshit like that when I was single or when someone had broken up with me.  And I have had some truly, truly awful relationships.  My first boyfriend belittled me, beat the shit out of me, spread horrible rumours about me about something very personal that I told him in confidence, and tried to rape me.  Not a particularly pleasant experience for a first relationship.

And honestly.  Just because someone has had a bad relationship in the past does not mean that love doesn't exist.  It exists for couples, it exists for parents who love their children, it exists for close friends, and it exists for me.

Being bitter and angry is not an excuse to assume that everyone who is in a happy relationship is living some kind of lie.  Get the fuck over yourself.  Sooner or later these people might find the person they're going to spend the rest of their life with, and then they will feel so stupid for all of their whiny rants.


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #1299 on: September 26, 2011, 12:12:52 pm »
I cannot stand it when people say that love doesn't exist, that it is a lie, etc.  Biggest bullshit statement of the year.
Those who say that love doesn't exist are usually the ones incapable of feeling it and are often self-conceited pricks. They take their bullshit across town and scare others away, then they complain that the opposite person was "merely acting like he cared".  :|

What people don't understand is that, more often than not, love isn't about receiving, but giving. One who loves smiles at the world and gives things away without expecting any returns. It's about being the tap, not the bucket, and when you're finally "in love" with the world you realize that so many people love you just as much and that's what matters.

For instance, ten years ago I was always the kind of guy who expected people to pay up; if I lent them some money I'd expect them to pay back, and the same went situations, friendship, favors, etc. But today I'm a completely different person. Even though I can't afford it, I'd save up money and occasionally treat my friends to Ice Cream Sodas (I prefer, California Bliss) without expecting them to pay or throw a party next time. Why? Because:

1) Friends are timeless, and experiences are better than possessions. Their mere existence in your life makes you a better person, so the party is usually as a "Thank You" to them for being there for me.

2) I simply love that soda, and I'm the kinda person who'd force his friends to try what I'm enjoying. Yeah, I'm that evil.  :twisted:

And honestly.  Just because someone has had a bad relationship in the past does not mean that love doesn't exist.
XD You're talking about teens struck with their usual anxiety, or adults who still haven't grown up. Yeah, it's a real frustrating thing about some people: just because one chick/dude breaks their heart they became blind to others who actually care about them.

Sooner or later these people might find the person they're going to spend the rest of their life with, and then they will feel so stupid for all of their whiny rants.
They usually don't (well, sometimes). It's amazing how they easily forgive themselves after hurting a lot of people. According to them, "Oh, but I was drunk and heartbroken, but it was all in the past, right?"

Bah, at least almost everyone gets through. Almost.


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #1300 on: September 27, 2011, 01:59:41 am »
I loathe the way society treats the old. This system of hoping the stock market gamble works out for our parents, of shipping them out to retirement communities (should they have the money for that), absolutely sucks. I realize it frees us from the burden of taking care of our parents indefinitely, but this is no. fucking. good.

I'm visiting my (widowed) grandmother right now and I'm just sick at how lonely she is, how difficult she finds each movement. I owe so much of my good fortune to all that my grandparents did for me and there's painfully little I can do for her, beyond visit her and talk to her and make hopelessly useless gestures like cook for her. She lives too far away for me to make a consistent difference in her well-being. Fail. Fail. Fail.

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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #1301 on: September 27, 2011, 02:34:37 am »
Darigold milk to me tastes even better than most organic brands, and it isn't organic. I can't get it out here in Texas. It's a Pacific Northwest thing, with limited availability elsewhere.

I totally feel for you on this. Most of my life has been in Washington state, and now living in Vegas makes me miss a great many things.

As for something I have a quite rational hatred for, it's age restrictions about places that serve alcohol. If a place is doing a show, just because alcohol is being served they block off anybody under twenty-one from coming in. Seriously, I am, more often than not, 'going to Hooters for the wings.' A karaoke bar? I'm there to sing and make a bit of a fool of myself, not get hammered and make a total ass of myself. Just a little ways back, there'd been a bar I'd passed that does dueling pianos, and I so desperately wanted to go, but that damned age restriction came in.

If someone orders alcohol, that's when they need to be carded or whatever. It won't help to card them at the entrance compared to at the bar- if the kids are there to have some liquor, they're going to use the fake ID anyway- so at least let those who aren't there to get drunk come in and watch the show?

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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #1302 on: September 27, 2011, 02:49:22 am »
I hate how expensive it is to partake in travel, especially international travel.

Lord J Esq

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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #1303 on: September 27, 2011, 04:50:26 am »
I loathe the way society treats the old. This system of hoping the stock market gamble works out for our parents, of shipping them out to retirement communities (should they have the money for that), absolutely sucks. I realize it frees us from the burden of taking care of our parents indefinitely, but this is no. fucking. good.

I'm visiting my (widowed) grandmother right now and I'm just sick at how lonely she is, how difficult she finds each movement. I owe so much of my good fortune to all that my grandparents did for me and there's painfully little I can do for her, beyond visit her and talk to her and make hopelessly useless gestures like cook for her. She lives too far away for me to make a consistent difference in her well-being. Fail. Fail. Fail.

This is one of our society's monumental failures, for what little attention it gets. Americans are too afraid of, or immature about, death. We have too little appreciation for the human nature of the elderly, especially the elderly infirm. If you ask me, many Americans don't perceive the elderly as human. Our popular tropes seldom depict the elderly as energetic, resilient, ambitious, and worthy. There's a lot of condescension and impatience. There's not much empathy.

It's difficult to watch my dad get old and decline in ability, and I share your frustration at being unable to do anything about it other than move in with my parents.

Don't underestimate those "useless" gestures you mention, though. Those little things make up daily life. Ask yourself if you would appreciate them, if you were in her shoes.

My dad has always been good about calling his grown-up kids every week, and I felt privileged to finally become the recipient of those weekly calls once I went to college. You might try talking to your grandma more if you don't already. If conversation is difficult, even a stream of consciousness may be welcome--especially if she's wanting to have more to do with you. If you can talk about yourself and your daily life, you can talk to someone who wants to listen to you even if the two of you don't have much to say directly to each other.


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Re: Stuff you hate
« Reply #1304 on: September 27, 2011, 09:07:58 am »
I loathe the way society treats the old. This system of hoping the stock market gamble works out for our parents, of shipping them out to retirement communities (should they have the money for that), absolutely sucks. I realize it frees us from the burden of taking care of our parents indefinitely, but this is no. fucking. good.

I'm visiting my (widowed) grandmother right now and I'm just sick at how lonely she is, how difficult she finds each movement. I owe so much of my good fortune to all that my grandparents did for me and there's painfully little I can do for her, beyond visit her and talk to her and make hopelessly useless gestures like cook for her. She lives too far away for me to make a consistent difference in her well-being. Fail. Fail. Fail.
Then it might comfort you to know how "old-age home shipping" thingy is frowned upon in India, even though (with the cultural export from the USA) the idea is getting popular in wealthier sectors. I agree: those grandparents slaved their asses off to take care of us when we were annoying brats, so why shouldn't we care about them in their most troubled times? They get frail by the day, and it becomes our duty to help them have the est of their lives, to repay their kindness and love, and not to ship them off to old-age homes.