Author Topic: Tell your idea about the signature and avatar of the member above you.  (Read 9742 times)


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Now I want to know

And its not because Im a PS2 Fan, I Own the ALLGAMINGNETWORK Website and Romztower Inspired me to do so  ( Click Them )

Bad Siggie? I wanna see it ( PM me )


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edit: but2002 interrupted this one about CyberSarkany's...

Once you hit 300 posts (I think that's when it'll change) that avy of the Masamune isn't going to be as cool as it is now...No banner? No quote? No sig at all? Boo! Mess up these pretty forums already! >_>

Avy+Sig Grade: C

I totally didn't look at your SN before but2002...Those words now make more sense...But your avy still looks funky to me...Maybe it's the light/dark part of it...Your lil sig banners are coo' though...But that's practically a ROM link...*shock*

Avy+Sig Grade: B+


  • Enlightened One (+200)
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Not really, after RomzTower fell Apart it has been nothing but A Gaming Community, but I hope to offer links to ROMs on my site though.


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Not really, after RomzTower fell Apart it has been nothing but A Gaming Community, but I hope to offer links to ROMs on my site though.
roms are awesome.


  • Porrean (+50)
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roms are awesome.

ROMs are illegal as well. With the exception of some which have had the copyrights lifted.

Daniel Krispin

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Why Mr. Tumnus?


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Finally on a new (old) computer. I see everyone's avatar and signature. Too much "fantasy" things. But I guess this is a website based on Chrono series. And there's way too much "fantasy" in those already. I'm never satisfied with my sig so you may see it change every week.


  • Porrean (+50)
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Why Mr. Tumnus?

Because downloading a ROM is the same thing as piracy. Downloading any digitally copyrighted software (music, videos, games, etc.) is illegal, unless you pay money that is sent to the publisher of the game.


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Why Mr. Tumnus?

Because downloading a ROM is the same thing as piracy. Downloading any digitally copyrighted software (music, videos, games, etc.) is illegal, unless you pay money that is sent to the publisher of the game.

Copyrights don't really exist. They are just fake memories implanted inside your brain by the MO NAKT POTATOES HOES.


  • Enlightened One (+200)
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Its not really illegal if you own the actual copy of the game and system, ( I own Chrono Trigger ) PSX  and a SNES so Im good!


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Its not really illegal if you own the actual copy of the game and system, ( I own Chrono Trigger ) PSX  and a SNES so Im good!
No, the "copy of the game" and "24 hours" rules are legends invented by the rom websites. Owning a rom even for 1 minute is illegal, whether you have a copy or not.

Then again, it's not like the FBI is gonna kill for a 10 year-old game.


  • Porrean (+50)
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I'm not sure on the legalities of this, but if you had some way of dumping a ROM cartridge that you own to a computer, and as long as you didn't release it, it might be okay.

It might be akin to license infringement, i.e. if the game is licensed to be used ONLY on a SNES console, you can't legally copy it to your computer. In short, do what you must, but keep yourself out of trouble.


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There is no way anyone could arrest you or anything like that for ROMs.

"Your honor we found several copyrighted RPGs on his computer."
"Is this true son?"
"Yes, but I didn't know it was illegal."
"You will be fined double the original asking price on each of those games."
"But your honor"


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back to topic?

About my avy:
I will change it soon, just need some smaller ones...
And the Sig I used for being banned was german(something like humanity=destruction along the lines....some people are very strange)

Banner? I can't do one on my own(yet), because I lost all my picture publisher skill(skill? what a joke). Most cool Chrono Trigger quotes have been used already, and using a german one is stupid, so I have to make one up, or learning how to make a banner, or steal one. But I promise my next post in this topic will have a new avy and sig!


  • Porrean (+50)
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Cyber: German is cool. I speak a little bit. And just use a random quote from Chrono Trigger/Cross. Nobody really cares. They'll just be like, "Hmm, that's an interesting quote. Why'd you choose that?" and you could just say you closed your eyes, scrolled through the script, and picked it out.

ClayAkame: They can arrest you if they want to. However, depending on how many ROMs you have, they may not fine you or anything. It's similar to shoplifting: where I live, if you steal $100 or more of merchandise, they consider it a felony hands down, you can't get out. Anything less, and they can consider it a felony, but they won't always. Some places don't press charges if it's your first time. In the same sense, if they find two or three ROMs on your computer, they won't care. But 1,000+... they might have a problem.

And I'm also ending the stupid ROM discussion right here. Anybody else mention anything about ROMs, I will find out where you live and make you die a most painful death, preferably by making you listen to some 50 Cent. Stick to the avatar/signature topic.