Author Topic: Will we ever travel at the speed of light?  (Read 10109 times)


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Re: Will we ever travel at the speed of light?
« Reply #90 on: July 19, 2006, 11:45:21 pm »
I love looking at the stars on a cloudless night where it's really dark. It's a really stunning and humbling sight.

We share something in common! Looking up into the past seems to calm me down when I am stressed.

Why don't they just take some one or something go in a black hole and see were they end up. Do somthing like a camra. And if you come to another world take people in there.

Theories state that if anything were to cross the event horizon of a blackhole, that object or thing would be stretched into strands of spaghetti faster than the speed of light. You would then be floating into what was left of the mass of that star that went nova. When you enter the singularity, however, your atoms may be floating there for eternity or you may end up some place more weird. (white hole?)

Safely to say, when I die, I want all my posessions and my corpse to be flown into a blackhole. I'd rather become one with the universe than of this chaotic rock we live on.

I am sure criminals in the future will be flown into a blackhole. I mean think about it, no mess, easy clean up, and there's no pain and suffering! It'd also be an experience to say the least.


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Re: Will we ever travel at the speed of light?
« Reply #91 on: July 20, 2006, 12:04:56 am »
I am sure criminals in the future will be flown into a blackhole. I mean think about it, no mess, easy clean up, and there's no pain and suffering! It'd also be an experience to say the least.

Yeah, but hows going to pay for all those ships? That's a lot of money. I'd rather have them just ejected into space. At least we could keep the ship. :D


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Re: Will we ever travel at the speed of light?
« Reply #92 on: July 20, 2006, 01:07:55 am »
My answer is a firm maybe.

Back to work, toothpaste engineer! Just kidding. But that goes for all the other chemists.

The chemist in me thinks that's harsh, but the chemical engineer in me thinks that's hilarious.

I love looking at the stars on a cloudless night where it's really dark. It's a really stunning and humbling sight.

We share something in common! Looking up into the past seems to calm me down when I am stressed.

The best place I ever saw the night sky was in the Black Hills. I was at a summer camp and that night there were literally no lights on for miles. It was breathtaking. :)

As for the original topic question, I believe that if it is physically possible for a human being to travel at or above the speed of light and live to tell the tale, then someday a human will. Barring a species-eliminating natural disaster, of course.

As for whether it's physically possible, I couldn't begin to speculate. I do think that the high-energy particle physics research being done at places like Fermilab and CERN is a good place to start. Plus we get to shoot neutrinos at Canada. 8)


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Re: Will we ever travel at the speed of light?
« Reply #93 on: July 20, 2006, 07:28:28 am »
I am sure criminals in the future will be flown into a blackhole. I mean think about it, no mess, easy clean up, and there's no pain and suffering! It'd also be an experience to say the least.

You'll be crush to death by the immense gravity if you're thrown in to the black hole. Not a painless but a really painful experience.

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Re: Will we ever travel at the speed of light?
« Reply #94 on: July 20, 2006, 09:11:40 am »
I am sure criminals in the future will be flown into a blackhole. I mean think about it, no mess, easy clean up, and there's no pain and suffering! It'd also be an experience to say the least.

You'll be crush to death by the immense gravity if you're thrown in to the black hole. Not a painless but a really painful experience.
But I think it'd happen extremely quickly.


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Re: Will we ever travel at the speed of light?
« Reply #95 on: July 20, 2006, 01:22:47 pm »
I am sure criminals in the future will be flown into a blackhole. I mean think about it, no mess, easy clean up, and there's no pain and suffering! It'd also be an experience to say the least.

You'll be crush to death by the immense gravity if you're thrown in to the black hole. Not a painless but a really painful experience.
But I think it'd happen extremely quickly.


I meant to say criminals that disserve the death sentence. Then, instead of people watching behind a glass wall as they fry or poison someone, they can watch from their space windows! I think it be quite a show. However, you might need a very high tech stop action camera taking device to see what happens to the person. Come to think of it, he wouldbe floating there and when he passes the event horizon, it would seem as if he just vanished. And that's exactly what happens in space and blackholes! What a conincidence...

Traveling at light speed will take some time, yes.

I love looking at the stars on a As for whether it's physically possible, I couldn't begin to speculate. I do think that the high-energy particle physics research being done at places like Fermilab and CERN is a good place to start. Plus we get to shoot neutrinos at Canada. 8)

Have you heard of the release of negative energy on space? It is said to warp the space around you to make it easier/faster to travel in. This is one of the key components thrown on the table for the possibility to reach the speed of light.


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Re: Will we ever travel at the speed of light?
« Reply #96 on: July 20, 2006, 04:36:41 pm »
I haven't heard of that before. I'll have to look into it.


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Re: Will we ever travel at the speed of light?
« Reply #97 on: July 23, 2006, 06:45:15 am »
[quote authoer=Magus22]Have you heard of the release of negative energy on space? It is said to warp the space around you to make it easier/faster to travel in. This is one of the key components thrown on the table for the possibility to reach the speed of light.[/quote]

Yep. Go back a couple of pages and I posted an article from Popular Science that talks about using negative energy to compress space time in front of you and expand it behind you, thereby making it easier to travel faster than light.

Quote from: Magus22
Safely to say, when I die, I want all my posessions and my corpse to be flown into a blackhole. I'd rather become one with the universe than of this chaotic rock we live on.

On the same track, isn't there a company that now will take your DNA or something along those lines and put it into a capsule and send it out with the next long range explorer? That way if any extraterrestial beings are out there, they get to hear Elvis and they'll also have a sample of our DNA and can see what humans are like.


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Re: Will we ever travel at the speed of light?
« Reply #98 on: July 23, 2006, 11:20:31 pm »
Thank you for referring me back to your article! I missed it before.

I haven't heard much about blasting your DNA. Aliens might consider it some type of exotic drink, and then they will want more and find our planet.

*War of the Worlds* lol

Although the idea is new to me, I wouldn't want that. I would like my DNA, heck my molecules, atoms and just about anything left to float around in a blackhole/space/the universe forever. Then again, if there is a Big Crunch, nothing really matters since everything will be destroyed. And when I mean nothing matter, NOTHING matters...except for ones religion.