I think all the authors of CT ROM editors that are on these forums should get together and decide which empty banks will be used for which data. This way Temporal Flux, and CTEC (and the SPC editor) all stay compatable with eachother.
Flux does not use specific banks for specific data. It uses any space it can for any modified data (starting with the lowest address available). Flux respects the data integrity of stuff it knows how to handle (provided that the code works properly). Anything it does not know how to handle, like sound and graphics, it just blocks off the default location (which means stuff copied to new areas is not protected).
While it might be easier to block out bank X for custom data, it would also limit the editor, which I am not too keen to do. Saving anything to bank 0x40 and on (the expanded space in an expanded ROM) should be okay for most stuff, since a ton of editing would have to be done before Flux would get there. If you are really paranoid, you could save it to bank 0x50+. I am not even sure its possible for the current version of Flux to edit enough stuff to save that far into the ROM.
If you are doing this by hand, all SNES addresses in the expanded area of a ROM are conveniently the same as the file offset.