A while back, I was looking at SPC data in CT, when I noticed a command that appeared at the beginning of pretty much every channel. It's FD. I don't know how many parameters it has and it doesn't seem to be in FF6 or RS3.
Any idea what it might be?
I'll have to see if I can find my old SPC docs to see if I logged it down. RS3, Treasure Conflix, Dynami Tracer, and Radical Dreamers I believe has a similar byte command that is before every channel. I believe it could be to set a certain volume for that channel.
FDxx = Set channel volume to xx
At least this is true for most of the other games using the similar SPC core. I could be wrong...? Its been a while since I've looked at CT's SPC core.
Oh, and here's what a song is like when you natively import it from a newer Squaresoft game to FF6--in this case it was Treasure Confix. All I did was fix the instrument sample index bytes and the octaves. The first channel's timing is off--that's where those extra bytes and a different loop data resides. I've included the original Treasure Conflix SPC--which is a brilliant tune--along with the broken SPC import I did.
And if you haven't noticed Treasure Conflix uses some of FF6's samples.
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