I'm not sure where the plot stands nowadays. What they had before - the combined ZeaLitY and Hadriel effort - was quite good (and I'm usually pretty harsh in judging such things), but I'm not certain what was removed and what remained. I tried making some of my own suggestions, but I don't think they ever quite found their way in. I'd help them with plot but, hey, plotwriting is probably the lesser of my writing skills, so I'll probably steer clear of it.
But wait a second, Hadriel's still in this, isn't he? And ZeaLitY, while on vacation or whatever, hasn't bowed out wholly. And Lord J, you're not absent either. The three of you you can't come up with a magnificent plot? Hadriel is bloody good at ideas, ZeaLitY is a wonderful writer, and Lord J... well, I can't say I've read anything other than forum posts but, as much as I have my differences with him, I'm certain he'd be a good writer/plotwriter. What's the problem here? Are you telling me that you three of all are making a substandard plot? Okay, I've got to get around to reading it, because there's no way I'd believe that. Heck, that's the thing that struck me about CE when it first started: it actually had a good plotline. So... have I missed something here? But, hey, whatever, I've got faith in you guys. If anybody can pull off a good Chrono plot, it's you. If ZeaLitY does even half as well in scripting this as he did writing dialogue for his Gaspar Chronicles...