Author Topic: A question for all you Anime fans  (Read 11902 times)


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Re: A question for all you Anime fans
« Reply #30 on: August 01, 2006, 06:38:13 am »

Yondaime is the leader of the Akatsuki.

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: A question for all you Anime fans
« Reply #31 on: August 01, 2006, 06:43:39 am »
For some reason my heart was beating faster and I was getting upset when I saw that. I've only ever watched one episode of Naruto in my life. And that was in Chinese.


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Re: A question for all you Anime fans
« Reply #32 on: August 01, 2006, 06:51:06 am »
Try reading the manga in this site.

You need to register first to download the manga.


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Re: A question for all you Anime fans
« Reply #33 on: August 02, 2006, 02:03:31 am »

Yondaime is the leader of the Akatsuki.
that was a shopped image. yondaime is dead.


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Re: A question for all you Anime fans
« Reply #34 on: August 02, 2006, 03:22:02 am »
That is yet to be proven. There's no conclusive evidence that he sacrifice himself to seal the kyuubi (ever heard the technique henge no jutsu AKA disguising technique?) Futhermore, he was speculated in that Yondaime is the leader of the Akatsuki.


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Re: A question for all you Anime fans
« Reply #35 on: August 02, 2006, 06:17:43 am »
That is yet to be proven. There's no conclusive evidence that he sacrifice himself to seal the kyuubi (ever heard the technique henge no jutsu AKA disguising technique?) Futhermore, he was speculated in that Yondaime is the leader of the Akatsuki.
no. that was a shopped image, it was never hinted he was part of the akatsuki, only that he was probably naruto's dad.
and the proof is the fact you NEED to kill yourself in order to use the sealing technique. otherwise sadaime would still be alive after he used the EXACT SAME technique on Orchimaru's hands.


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Re: A question for all you Anime fans
« Reply #36 on: August 02, 2006, 07:44:19 am »
But what if that guy that used that technique the Henge no jutsu??? That possibility is still there....You cant just disregard that ability of ninjas to change form...its one of their best skill.


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Re: A question for all you Anime fans
« Reply #37 on: August 02, 2006, 10:10:28 am »
He said it is photoshopped, so that's the end of that. Anyway, everyone here watches the anime, not the manga. So watch the spoilers. I'm not coming back to this topic, because saying "watch the spoilers" is basically inviting every jerk to post all they know on the subject.

Legend of the Past

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Re: A question for all you Anime fans
« Reply #38 on: August 02, 2006, 10:18:11 am »
Why do people always seem to want to equate 'disturbing' with 'good' these days? It's a strange tendancy, I've found. From the way it sounds, I don't think I'd ever want to see it - why need your mind be messed with like that? There are better ways to expand your mind, I should think. It is true that much modern western media is rather simplistic, but not all, nor need it be disturbing to give one new insight.

Me, I'll stay away from it as best I can. If I want something that gives one pause and contemplation, I'll go read Shakespeare or Sophocles or Homer. Not the worst death, not the wickedness of Atreus, is this bad. And if I want to be a little disturbed, I'll go read Petronius, but even he doesn't seem to be like this. I have never understood why people are so interested in seeing this sort of thing.

For anime, heck, I'll stick with Miyazaki. Nausicaa, Castle in the Sky... those were good films. They were in most every way superior to what western animators make. But this? I guess I have to ask, why? What dose it benefit me to see things like this?

What's so good about this disturbing is that it happans in your mind, dear Dan. This show is as insane and crazy as you are. It's all about getting around the psychological barriers, the 'invisble things between people' as Yui Ikari at one point states in End of Evangelion, and being able to live with people, although the pain and horror of rejection. The fear to be forgotten, the fear to be useless, the fear to not have a purose and to never be loved or recognised is one every human goes through-and if those sentiments get the better of man, and we all fall to despair, the world will truly end in the single most horrible and terrible way.

Those 'creepy mindrape scenes' are scenes were the character explore their psyches (or have their psyches explored) are all but them asking themselves the question. Remembering and understanding things about themselves, striving to get passed their issues. The world isn't all peaches and cream, people harm one another, and the Anime surrounds an issue called Hedgehog's Dillema-When two Hedgehogs try to come closer, they harm one another and slowly develop fear of come together. NGE approaches this problem and tries to explain how to deal with it-'I am I. I am nothing but I. And If I can love myself, why can't others love me?'. This is the dillema everyone ponder, and in that regard it passes the greek plays which tell you 'BELIEVE IN GOD AND THE WORLD WILL BE A HAPPY PLACE!'. People need to deal with their own problems, and this Anime is the greatest piece of art to try and explain that. Like the show's craziest song (in my eyes) says... 'It all returns to Nothing, it all comes Tumbeling down...'. These are the feelings of a man who feels he has no purpose, and these are the feeling Anno tries to convey and in this case, cure. People like it so much because they actually feel it. People DO feel this lonely, but I never saw a man being questioned by a Sphinx. 

EDIT: To emphasis, this is how the Evangelion guys would of fared in a 'normal' non-Second-Impact world.
Amusing perhaps, but I'd rather see Shinji fighting Angels than peeking up on skirts and getting slapped for getting Morning Glories.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2006, 12:42:41 pm by Legend of the Past »


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Re: A question for all you Anime fans
« Reply #39 on: August 02, 2006, 03:08:40 pm »
Evangelion did seem good, but I didn't care enough for it to absolutely love it like most people did (and I did watch the entire series, and both movies). Then again, I'm the same about most of the "great mindfucks" that most people think are so awesome, and other than Evangelion I've seen Lain and Boogiepop Phantom all the way through as well. Just to me personally, even though they are pretty good, they weren't as great as I have always heard or was expecting.

Although of similar anime, I did absolutely love Paranoia Agent and Perfect Blue.

Legend of the Past

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Re: A question for all you Anime fans
« Reply #40 on: August 02, 2006, 03:29:53 pm »
Well, you're a special case. Evangelion's a very love or hate Anime, and I haven't seen someone who admits it's good but doesn't love it. I'm not saying you're weird-just a very special case.

Daniel Krispin

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Re: A question for all you Anime fans
« Reply #41 on: August 02, 2006, 08:30:22 pm »
This is the dillema everyone ponder, and in that regard it passes the greek plays which tell you 'BELIEVE IN GOD AND THE WORLD WILL BE A HAPPY PLACE!'. People need to deal with their own problems, and this Anime is the greatest piece of art to try and explain that.

And you, dear Legend, need to learn a heck of a lot about Greek plays. I recommend you actually read one before making so uninformed comment. You seem to have missed the fact that many of the plays are tragedies. They deal with revenge, despair, and the abandonment of the gods. Medea, anyone? Please. Many things pass the old tragedies for complexity, I know that (Shakespeare come to mind), but considering that not a single Greek play deals with their dilemmas in the way you have said, nor are joyful in their outlook (Yeah, things are all peachy for Kreon, aren't they?) So really, read some literature, then qualify that comment of yours. Because I've certainly seen more anime than you've read Classical works.

Oh, and just so you know, no one is ever questioned by a Sphinx in any play. Actually, what you are thinking of there is from Oedipus Tyrannos, and Oedipus recalls it - but it is prehistory for him. Indeed, the majority of the play is his stubborn search for the truth about his father's murder, even though he sees it leading to him. Want a man questioning himself? That's it. And I can bloody well guarentee you that not the entire anime can sum things up with such perfect words as 'name no man blessed until he has passed the final limits of his life secure from pain.'
Hey, and guess what, genius! News flash: one of the marking attributes of a classical hero is isolation. STOP railing against these things you don't understand. I for my part will not blast your beloved anime any more than commenting on how I dislike things that disturb, no matter how brilliant the work. That was a comment on society. I'm not going to make an uninformed comment.

(And for everyone else, this might seem a bit tangetal, but Legend and I have been arguing literary matters - modern vs older styles, on another forum, and it's coming out here a bit.)

I struck it out. Sorry Legend, I was being a bit harsh there. A little unwarranted, you know? I think you misunderstand what the Greek tragedies entail - there is a lot of internal struggle, evidenced in the strong emotion and action shown by the characters - the pathos, to borrow the Greek word. But I guess I was just feeling in a snarly mood, so was a little nastier in the reply than I should of been. Then of course you'd be annoyed in answer, and then I'd be more angry, and, heck, pretty soon we'd have a Fury around here, goading us on into conflict, and we don't need that, eh? Better temper myself before I let it get out of hand.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2006, 03:43:11 am by Daniel Krispin »


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Re: A question for all you Anime fans
« Reply #42 on: August 02, 2006, 09:53:27 pm »
Hah, I'll echo Daniel's words out of the sheer irony of thinking those plays are candy raver happy. Oedipus kills his father and has sex with his mother without knowing it's her. Antigone commits suicide. Party on!


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Re: A question for all you Anime fans
« Reply #43 on: August 02, 2006, 10:02:52 pm »
Man, Greek plays are dirtier then most manga!


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Re: A question for all you Anime fans
« Reply #44 on: August 02, 2006, 11:18:07 pm »
But what if that guy that used that technique the Henge no jutsu??? That possibility is still there....You cant just disregard that ability of ninjas to change form...its one of their best skill.
dude. why would he use a transformation jutsu? your thinking kagebushinn, and Sadaime did the same thing. with 2. he seal not only orochi's hands, but the 1rst and 2nd hokage with the technique, then enternally dammed himself to living inside the death god's belly. That's the price you pay: you can't go to heaven, you can't go hell, you just live in eternal fighting.

if you want, I can post sadaime using it.