Schala: Hi guys! I'm Schala, Magus's butt buddy! We're both incest!
Magus: -whispers- Shhh! Schala, don't mention that!
Schala: Yes we're so incest it's not even funny. But call us and maybe we could have a 3 some in the zeal palace throne.
Magus: - Slaps head-
-Phone call-
Schala: Hello?
Alfador (?): Hi, i'd like to have a little "fun" at your place.
Magus: ALFADOR?!
Alfador: -coughs- -Hangs up-
Magus: Well it seems Schala's into beastialtiy as well.
Schala: Anyways, for more callers call at: 867-5309 Ciao!
Magus: ...Dyke...
(Yes, I was extremely bored so don't flame me -.-)