I be wantin' a PSP now:
Just saw the subbed version on YouTube. Just... wow. There are some actual battles uploaded now too, and they look fantastic. Jecht's stage is the very same one you fought him on in FFX, complete with the Otherworld song and giant burning Jecht crest.
Also, it was stated that the remaining characters are obscured. Kefka and Sephiroth's dialogue pretty much confirm their 'opponents' - Kefka refers to a "she" who is his "friend"; it could mean either Terra or Celes. I'm overjoyed they chose one of the girls rather than Locke (I can't imagine him having a wide array of techniques whereas Terra could go Trance into Esper form and kick serious ass), this was starting to become too much of a sausage-fest. Sephiroth says "You're just a puppet", so Cloud hurray yeah yeah. And what's with Sephy's right arm? I'd love to see Zack as a secret character.
Cecil and Golbez are officially confirmed (Cecil can be seen early in the trailer also), and Exdeath/Exodus was apparently shown at the end of a no recording trailer in the event.
So... Galuf or Bartz?