link here:!/LightsOut-Current.pdf (Download Adobe Acrobat Reader for free to view this format) It's worth it and I am 3/4ths thru with the story.
Warning Character Death and mild cussing but the cussing isn't too bad especally for todays world doing Drama stories.
I suck at summeries cause I tend to ramble and get caught up in my own deal so I'll quote from the first poster on that website to save my frustration.
![Sad :(](
Quoted by TX PATROIT:
"I just posted this in another thread and was going to bump the original thread about this manuscript, but I cannot locate that thread. Maybe it was a post within a thread of another topic. Sorry I cannot give credit to the original GLP person; however, the info deserves it's own thread now considering a scattering of recent EMP talk.
There is a really good manuscript about surviving an EMP that I ran across on GLP last month. It is written as a fiction, narrative piece but is pretty gripping in its story line. The story covers what happens (rather eye-opening to say the least) and how to overcome - especially working as a community - and includes FEMA control, etc...and the characters are pretty kick ass.
I am not at all an e-book / online reader of long works, but I couldn't stop reading this one until the end.
The manuscript is titled Lights Out. This is the link; however, be forewarned that it is a PDF file:
[link to]
If you end up reading it, come back and discuss."
Well I say this story makes you think and helps you realize that it's not impossible to prepare and pull-thru for a nation-wide disaster.