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No effect on the dactyls, except during the intro scene. Logged Agent 12 Moderator Zurvan Surfer (+2500) Posts: 2572 Re: Something Vehek might want to take a gander at « Reply #17 on: August 14, 2006, 01:44:08 pm » the intro scene? You mean when the fair baloons go off (I didn't know yo u had the dactyls loading at that point). But you have successfuly made the dactyls not black during that scene then right? That makes me think maybe the set pallette is at the wrong point in the code....It also makes me think that if we can find where the pallette is "hard coded" into the dactyle we might be able to change it via hex.I understand that's asking alot.--jp Logged Vehek Errare Explorer (+1500) Posts: 1761 Re: Something Vehek might want to take a gander at « Reply #18 on: August 14, 2006, 01:47:01 pm » Nah, I meant the "Dactyls fly toward Tyrano lair" during the intro scenes. « Last Edit: August 14, 2006, 01:55:09 pm by Vehek » Logged Agent 12 Moderator Zurvan Surfer (+2500) Posts: 2572 Re: Something Vehek might want to take a gander at « Reply #19 on: August 14, 2006, 01:57:08 pm » ohh where did you put the setPallette? I would try in the area of the code that I posted before, but it might take a few tries cause I think that's where the 3 PC sprites are also loaded.--jp Logged Vehek Errare Explorer (+1500) Posts: 1761 Re: Something Vehek might want to take a gander at « Reply #20 on: August 15, 2006, 08:49:12 pm » Earlier, I changed all the SetPalettes. Today, I messed with the ones near the last part of the code. The palette of the first dactyl in the intro sequence scene did change. But, so did its rider (Crono)!Each dacytl in the intro sequence scene loads a different sprite and palette. « Last Edit: August 15, 2006, 08:53:49 pm by Vehek » Logged Vehek Errare Explorer (+1500) Posts: 1761 Re: Something Vehek might want to take a gander at « Reply #21 on: August 21, 2006, 02:21:09 am » Yes! Success!I messed with the area of code you posted earlier, and placed the dactyl related part into the end of the equivalent area in 1999 AD's code. Now, we have dactyls in 1999 AD's event code!There's still that palette problem with the dactyls though...Edit-The Flux file I posted is based off the original rom, which you might not want.[attachment deleted by admin] « Last Edit: August 22, 2006, 09:18:39 pm by Vehek » Logged justin3009 Fan Project Leader God of War (+3000) Posts: 3296 Re: Something Vehek might want to take a gander at « Reply #22 on: August 22, 2006, 01:24:43 am » It doesn't look to good when the graphics are rendered but excellent job with the Dactyls! ^_^ Logged Vehek Errare Explorer (+1500) Posts: 1761 Re: Something Vehek might want to take a gander at « Reply #23 on: August 22, 2006, 02:21:05 am » Here's some more stuff:A picture of riding dactyls using the normal 1999 AD palette. Unlike the first picture I posted, this one doesn't have the terrain's palette messed up by Prehistory event code.A very simple IPS; it changes the Dactyl map byte in the code and sprite 0 in 1999 AD's overworld dataA picture of the location event code I used in going to 1999 AD flying dactyls[attachment deleted by admin] Logged Vehek Errare Explorer (+1500) Posts: 1761 Re: Something Vehek might want to take a gander at « Reply #24 on: August 23, 2006, 01:03:10 am » Probably double posting here, but I want this to be more noticeable.Bad news. Terra Tower's sprite is part of sprite packet 8. Dactyls are part of sprite packet A. Both of these are used in the overworld sprite 0 slot. This might put a hamper on having dactyls and Terra Twoer. Logged Agent 12 Moderator Zurvan Surfer (+2500) Posts: 2572 Re: Something Vehek might want to take a gander at « Reply #25 on: August 23, 2006, 01:47:19 am » OH do we have anything else in packet A we can turn into Terra OW for 65 MIL had lavos landing didn't it we could replace that maybe?--jp Logged Vehek Errare Explorer (+1500) Posts: 1761 Re: Something Vehek might want to take a gander at « Reply #26 on: August 23, 2006, 03:16:31 am » Aargh, packet A is just the dactyls. We'd probably have to mess with the dactyl code a lot to solve this.And who even knows how...? « Last Edit: August 23, 2006, 03:18:59 am by Vehek » Logged Chrono'99 Moderator God of War (+3000) Posts: 3605 Re: Something Vehek might want to take a gander at « Reply #27 on: August 23, 2006, 06:13:22 am » Best trick would removing the Terra Tower sprite and having the tower graphics be part of the tilesets instead. This would resolve the palette problem for the tower also. If I do it, I need the overworld tileset adresses... and some time to sit down on work on it. Logged Vehek Errare Explorer (+1500) Posts: 1761 Re: Something Vehek might want to take a gander at « Reply #28 on: August 25, 2006, 03:03:39 pm » Heh, I realized that the dactyls don't have shadows in my modified event code. I'll have to figure that out sometime.I investigated the different tile packets loaded in 1999 AD, and tile group A, compressed at 48C47, seems to be blank. « Last Edit: August 25, 2006, 11:19:25 pm by Vehek » Logged Vehek Errare Explorer (+1500) Posts: 1761 Re: Something Vehek might want to take a gander at « Reply #29 on: October 01, 2006, 01:53:31 pm » Ok, I've redone my dacytl OW, and it works with Crimson Echoes 1999 OW code.I'm not going to post a .flux file this time, as I have no idea what you're doing with the current OW code.I also removed an "ObjectMem.24 += 1" command while I was transferring code to 1999 AD, so there are only two dactyls flying around now!Quote from: My OW event code[0085] SetDestCoords(04, 34)[0088] ObjectMem.24 = 01[008B] SetDestCoords(E2, 3A)[008E] ObjectMem.24 += 1[0090] SetDestCoords(E2, 3A)[0093] If(Mem.EpochStatus !& 80) Goto [00A0][0098] If(Mem.EpochLoMapLoc != F7) Goto [00A0][009D] SetDestCoords(DD, 42)[00A0] If(Mem.DactylStatus !& 80) Goto [00B1][00A5] SetDestCoords(C5, 4C)[00A8] ObjectMem.24 = 01[00AB] SetDestCoords(97, 50)[00AE] SetDestCoords(97, 50)[00B1] If(Mem.EpochStatus !& 80) Goto [00BE][00B6] If(Mem.EpochLoMapLoc != F7) Goto [00BE][00BB] SetDestCoords(5E, 49)[00BE] If(Mem.DactylStatus !& 80) Goto [00D1][00C3] SetDestCoords(4B, 50)[00C6] ObjectMem.24 = 01[00C9] SetDestCoords(94, 54)[00CC] ObjectMem.24 += 1[00CE] SetDestCoords(94, 54)[00D1] SetDestCoords(9E, 30)[00D4] SetDestCoords(64, 32)[00D7] SetDestCoords(94, 2F)[00DA] SetDestCoords(28, 56)[00DD] Return[attachment deleted by admin] « Last Edit: October 01, 2006, 07:25:07 pm by Vehek » Logged Print Pages: 1 [2] 3 « previous next » Chrono Compendium » Marbule Gallery - Completed Fan Creations » Crimson Echoes (Moderators: Chrono'99, Agent 12) » Something Vehek might want to take a gander at