Author Topic: Ayla  (Read 9096 times)


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Re: Ayla
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2006, 04:00:03 pm »
It doesn't exist?


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Re: Ayla
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2006, 02:32:22 pm »
Except in the forms of Ayla, Crono, Marle, Lucca, Frog, Serge, etc.


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Re: Ayla
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2007, 02:20:19 am »
I wouldn't equate Ayla's lack of eloquence with a lack of intelligence.
Her speech may be underdeveloped due to her circumstances, but as other members have stated, she demonstrates plenty of intelligence and wisdom in other ways.

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Re: Ayla
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2007, 02:43:22 am »
 It's a strange misconception that Ayla is any dumber than the rest of the group. Nobody but the dinosaurs back then knew English all that well, and nobody could conceive anything more advanced than say, a wheel and pulley. Not even the reptites. Amongst her own people, Ayla seems to be the smartest of them all. Amongst Crono and party, her English may suffer, but she's still mentally competent enough to contribute to most conversations.


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Re: Ayla
« Reply #19 on: February 14, 2008, 06:43:34 pm »
Mmm... well.

Let's put it this way.
From all the character in Chrono Trigger, we all can asume and know that Ayla had the MOST harsh life of all.
Chrono and Co... well they came form a time when modern marvels let life be a simple a peaceful on. Magus, still with all his problems and fears... is just a spoiled kid, from a spoiled race that flew to near the sun. They had almost everything... even more than the modern people. Robo, it's a robot and besides he was created in an artificial way... and lived in a horrible time period... he was deactivated all the time until he was found... and probably when he lived the times were peaceful.
Frog, well Frog came from a warring world... but still, it's a different form of war. Ayla's war was for food, for living another day.... every day, and the Glenn's war were the more modern view of war, where even when people can coexist in a world, they fight because they can't learn to accept the other and their differences.
This is why Ayla seems so wise and truthful (she is after all). She has no motives to lie or deceive cuz she hails from the innocent humanity, the one that was so concerned to keep themselves alive that didn't had time to plot or make strange systems. Straigh-forwards in all the sense...
I always liked her, cuz in the very end... she has what we all lack in this age... she has innocence. Not the innocence of being stupid to understand things. The one that comes from knowing the truth without masking it with moral or silly stuff. If you think about it... the society we created, after all this time, is based in a bunch of lies and masks. And as we all know... that kind of stuff always bring troubles and sadness.

Now about why is bad a good human. Well that's sort of rethorical question.... but is a good question indeed.
Humanity NEEDS to believe they are wrong, they are bad and they are selfish, as they need to believe they are good, right and kind. They need to remind themselves how low they had came to be cuz saying yourself a thing all the day, all the time... well... in the end... turns that to be truth, even if it is a lie.
We are no good or evil, we just keeping telling ourselves things to don't face the reality. If things turn sour then they are bad... and if things are great for us... then... of course they are good.
An example of this is the global warming. Everyone says that is bad... but they truly care about the planet... about the things we have destroyed... or they are just concerned about the fact that maybe... the humans will not survive.
If the world collapses... we all know that it will heal, yeah... millions and billions of time... but the world can wait that time... and maybe... maybe then life will appear again.

I'm not saying that all the stuff we created is bad. After all, we had came to be what we are... cuz of the hard work, sacrificies and suffering of all our kinsmen from all the past ages. The important stuff is not being good or bad.
After all, Chaos and Order are the same stuff, just in different ways.

But well, enough with that... sorry for saying so many things... that didn't belong to this place.
Well kiddos.
That's all.


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Re: Ayla
« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2008, 11:57:16 pm »
Yeah, you sorta just skip past Magus' actual life and just disregard  him as a spoiled kid...No dad, his mom went insane, he ended up losing his only friends, his sister & his kitty, and got tossed not only in an entirely new environment and in an entirely different TIME, but ended up getting raised by freaky monsters...>_>

You also kind of disregard Glenn's rough life. He was always very anti-confrontational because he didn't believe in using force. Even as a child he was very compassionate...Choosing not to fight back because he knew that even though it hurt him, that if he fought back, it would only hurt them. Not to mention he got to see his best friend toasty fried right before his eyes...and then got changed into a monstrous huge frog-lookin thing...all of which would continue to haunt him.

Ayla was a super human who fought dinosaurs.

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Re: Ayla
« Reply #21 on: February 15, 2008, 05:16:32 am »
I like Ayla too, but to say she had the roughest life and makes most sense of all characters... No. Ayla only had her own people, she didn't have any family or whatever. She doesn't know how it feels to lose someone important. With Glenn and  Janus this is a totally different case.

Ayla was a nice character, but she had a pretty good life because she didn't know the pestering inventions from the future yet. Even though the future is modern and makes life easier, it also brings about a lot of despair.


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Re: Ayla
« Reply #22 on: February 15, 2008, 11:29:01 pm »
Point taken and accepted.
I want to apologize for making such a straigh-forward post in a lot of senses. But well, mistakes are the salt of the sea... or it was something like that.

Everyone in the game, in one or other sense... had a harsh life... and if it is seen from just one point of view... it can seem that yeah, there are one that seems most difficult than others.
But in fact, everyone suffered.... and still they get over with it... in some or other way.

Still, I think that even when Ayla is not the most great character... (I like her, but it's not the greatest) she have something the others lack. (As she lacks a lot of stuff the others had)
And it comes from a world untainted by Lavos, or even what we call and advance civilization. What she points in all the game is the obvious... but it has his own wisdom.

I came to share the point of view about Magus that was posted later (up) but I just said that because I came to share similar life events with him (not that my entire civilization was wiped out)... and hold some kind of grudge (dunno if against him or destiny... or else)... because no matter what, when things like that happens there is no turning back. You lose something and nothing can bring it back. Even if you search it for eternity. (I hope to be wrong on that...)

About Frog... well, yeah, I always admired his way of thinking, especially for someone of that age... but still when I refered to Glenn's wars, I meant the wars waged in his time, not his personal one.
Dunno if I'm wrong but his problems came to be more about his own nature. He can't (probably because he doesn't want) to forgive himself and go on, and continues to blame about the past. He is blinded by his own self-pity. I think that Cyrus came to see the true Glenn and knew how strong and kind he truly was... but for Frog... all he can do was failing to others and most important: to himself.
In simple, and maybe wrong, words... all the sadness in his life came from being unable to accept himself, which is, ironically, a similar issue in Magus, though he in fact can't seem to accept the sad events that happened through all his life.
(And I don't blame him... truly)


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Re: Ayla
« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2008, 11:38:57 pm »
Is it possible that Gaia's Navel is from Ayla's time? I just read an article about the Dead Sea, and it talked about places being transported.. like the city of reptiles, for instance. It would kind of explain why the Navel is so hard to reach, because the article talked about how the Dead Sea had to not interfere with the timeline. Everyone knows the Dead Sea is there, but it still barely changes anything.

Aren't all of the monsters there also very prehistoric?
They are, and that's also where you get Leah, who looks like Ayla junior.

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Re: Ayla
« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2008, 01:58:22 pm »
I just played Chrono Trigger again today, and I'd like to note it maybe wasn't Ayla who came up with the name Lavos. When Crono and co are sent through the gate in Magus' Lair, Lucca says out loud that Lavos was created in prehistoric times. Ayla shortly questioned about the name Lav.os before running off to the Laruba Ruins.

So, probably, Ayla picked up the name Lavos from Lucca (or whoever your party member was, I don't know if it was possible to switch Lucca out at that time).


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Re: Ayla
« Reply #25 on: February 21, 2008, 04:41:38 pm »
Yeah, but once Lucca says that in the Chief's Hut, Ayla says not to worry about bad stuff or w/e, seemingly implying that she already knows that Lavos is a bad thing...Plus, if you thought of the name that way, there'd be a paradox!


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Re: Ayla
« Reply #26 on: February 21, 2008, 05:20:42 pm »
I just played Chrono Trigger again today, and I'd like to note it maybe wasn't Ayla who came up with the name Lavos. When Crono and co are sent through the gate in Magus' Lair, Lucca says out loud that Lavos was created in prehistoric times. Ayla shortly questioned about the name Lav.os before running off to the Laruba Ruins.

So, probably, Ayla picked up the name Lavos from Lucca (or whoever your party member was, I don't know if it was possible to switch Lucca out at that time).
Yeah, but once Lucca says that in the Chief's Hut, Ayla says not to worry about bad stuff or w/e, seemingly implying that she already knows that Lavos is a bad thing...Plus, if you thought of the name that way, there'd be a paradox!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't La-vos cavespeak for Big-Fire. And as for Lavos being a bad thing, first presumed as a giant fireball, I think in a state of confusion, that would be the first thing assumed.


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Re: Ayla
« Reply #27 on: February 22, 2008, 02:12:56 am »
Yeah, I think they're brining up the reference that Ayla says something along the lines of, "Lavos, Ayla word" or something, seemingly implying that she made it up.


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Re: Ayla
« Reply #28 on: March 05, 2008, 02:08:59 am »
La it means fire in japanese and Vos I don't know.
I realise that because of Dragon Ball z Original japanese song it says Cha LA Head Cha La.
It say Ligth, Fire, Destruction

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Re: Ayla
« Reply #29 on: March 05, 2008, 05:55:14 pm »
la-vos was from an ancient language that probably existed long before ayla.  she probably didn't invent the word, just passed the language on (obviously at the time of chrono trigger the language had already begun to fade away).

i always had this crazy theory in my head that the people of 65 million bc were not the original humans.  i always had this belief that they were somehow transported there thousands of years before the events in 65 million bc (chrono trigger) and then eventually wiped out...  because with 65 million years to evolve, you think humans would be a heckuva lot different than they are.

then again, chrono cross sort of disproved this theory with the frozen flame and it's role in human evolution...