Well, I'm moving to North America soon, and since I'm totally clueless about how it works, I thought some American Chrono lovers fill me out or help me out a bit XD
I mean, I've lived in New Zealand and Australia, and they're the same, but America is soo different.
I have to learn the imperal system of measurement. Inches, Feet, Yards etc :O (I used to think a yard was like a literal side of a backyard o.o)
So I have a few questions about highschool there, and if anyone can provide extra info, please do ^^
1) What is the cerificate of education called once you pass year 12 (senior year)? Here it's VCE (Victorian certificate of education).
2) How or what do you do to get a higher mark for the certificate? Do you do exams or ?
3) What are the compulsory subjects you need to learn (in the Sophemore year).
4) Do you have forms? Or like home rooms.
5) Do you go to classes always with the same people, or do you all go to different classrooms depending on your subject and teacher? (So like not how it is here where each class has their own set of teachers and no one splits up except for electives).
6) Do all highschools have cafeterias?
7) I read that some schools begin at 7:30am! Wow. Like what time do most people wake up? 5am!? Is it already bright at that time? So what time would people be in bed by O.o
Inches, Feet and Yards and Miles :O Do you guys do heaps of stuff on perimeters and measurement with that stuff in math :O I hope not >.<
9) How many subjects can a person have maximum per year?
10) Does everyone have arranged seating or can you sit wherever you want in each class, ever class time? So you can sit in one spot one day, and sit in another the following day etc? (Basically, your desks don't have your stuff in them, so you can sit wherever you want?)
11) Are American High schools really like how they are in teen dramas and movies? (The OC, Bring It On, Smallville, Veronica Mars etc) O.o
And anything else that comes, i'll ask it. But do feel free to tell me your own experiences. I can't wait!
Thanks ^.^