Author Topic: Moving to USA. Just a few Questions about Highschool and other stuff ^^  (Read 6811 times)


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Re: Moving to USA. Just a few Questions about Highschool and other stuff ^^
« Reply #60 on: August 19, 2006, 12:44:39 am »
Make a list of the credit requirements for graduation based on the information they gave you, then start planning your classes based on that. The guide tells you how much credit each class gives you and in what area, so figure out what classes you have to take between now and graduation. Then you should have leftover elective credit to play with.

For example, you need 2.0 Physical Education credits, so take PE for 2 years. You'll need 1 Fine Arts credit, so take Music or Art class for a year.

The first thing you'll want to do though is ask how your credits from your last school transfer over. 10th grade is the second year of high school, so you should already have some credits, or else you'll get to be there an extra year or so.
At our school (in Victoria), we don't have credit. I don't think any Australian school runs under the credit system O.o. OMG, I'm so stuffed. But, like, nearly all my grades on my report sheets are A+, A, B+. Math, Science, English and Jap is all A+.O.o But I don't know how they'll get credit out of our marks.

GPA is calculated based on your grades. To figure it out:

For each class you've taken in high school, multiply the number of credit hours the class is worth by the grade you got (A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, F = 0), then add everything together. Divide by the total number of credit hours you've earned, and that's your GPA. It should be between 0 and 4.
See, I don't understand what credit hours are O.o I just know that by completing the course and such for a half a semester (0.5credit at some schools) or 1 year (1/2credit depending AP) is how much you'll get towards your graduation T.T

Don't bother calculating in weighted grades for AP/IB classes: That'll affect your class rank, but your official GPA that gets printed on your transcript won't be weighted. The real benefit in AP/IB classes is taking the exams and earning college credit, since you can rack up a year and a half of college credit hours if you wanted to. Saves a ton in housing expenses, and you don't have to wade through as many boring general education requirements when you get to college.
I don't even know what weighted grades are T.T Does college credit also count as High school credit? My main consern is that I will not get any credit for what I have done over here so omfg, what would I do then.

Also, beginning Calculus is mostly limits, derivatives, and integration. If that sounds familiar, take the hardest one you can. Otherwise, make sure you've finished Algebra and taken Trigonometry (sin, cos, tan, complex numbers, etc.) before tackling Calculus, or you'll really be hurting when you start doing derivatives and integrals of trig functions.
See, thats the really bad thing. We haven't started tan, sin, cos etc here yet. We just finished surface areas, perimeters, index and exponentials, volumes, linear equations etc.
What I'm more wanting to know is if it is possible to do Calculus and Algebra/Trigonometery at the same time. Over here, we learn everything throughout the span of the year, but do you guys in America only focus on one aspect? So Calculus wouldn't be stuff like perimeters and things that you would learn in trigonometery? And wouldn't calculus be just harder algebra ? and the more annoying thing is that whats the difference between Honors Algebra/Trigonometery and the normal course. They get the same credits, and are described as the same course. If I did Algebra/Trigonometery 4 for instance, would I be able to do calculus in Junior level?

Homecoming is when the football team returns. Go watch the game, attend any special events/dances, and look for some cool parties.
Will do :P

So yeah, i'm still confused about the curriculum T.T

And about AP English, if its anything that i'm doing right now, then I'll still be at the top of the class :P

I think I'll get tutoring or something, because most of the things you guys would have covered, we haven't yet T.T And I don't want to be stupid >.>

BTW, what are tutorial classes? And a 7th period?


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Re: Moving to USA. Just a few Questions about Highschool and other stuff ^^
« Reply #61 on: August 19, 2006, 01:43:46 am »
It sounds like you've just done Geometry and Algebra. Depending on your Algebra skills, you'll either want to take a more advanced Algebra class or Trigonometry. If you're still lost, ask them if they have any math placement tests for you to take, or ask if you can talk to a math teacher for a while. Also, don't try taking Trig and Calculus at the same time, even if they let you. You should take Algebra and Trigonometry first, then Calculus second.

Assuming they get as far as Calculus (which is college-level math, BTW), I'm sure you would have learned the same material in the same order back in your old school as well. That's because Calculus really builds on the foundations and concepts you learn in Algebra and Trigonometry.

Don't think Calculus is the same thing as algebra either. Calculus is all about change, not finding relationships in a static world. Assuming you have a decent teacher, you'll see what I mean when you get into it.

Also, I accidentally threw in some college terminology there. Your high school has "credits," not "credit hours." It sounds like you're just being confused and scared by the terminology, so just think of a credit as a year's worth of class in a particular subject. That's all it really is.

A credit isn't a grade. It's simply a measurement of advancement or completion in a subject. For example, three years of math is three math credits. You can take multiple classes that earn the same type of credit at the same time, allowing you to earn, say, two year's of fine art credit in one year. However, most high schools only let you progress in your core subjects (English, Math, Science) one year at a time, and with good reason.

The only time grades come into play with determining your credit is when you fail a class. In that case, they usually won't give you any credit for taking the class, so don't fail classes.

Anyway, your previous school doesn't need any sort of "credit" system for you to get transfer credits. I'm sure your current high school can just look at your transcript, check your grades and what classes or subjects you've taken, do a few placement tests, and give you some credit based on where you seem to stand. Notice that the credits are grouped by subject, not specific class. I'm sure they -- at the very least -- pull some English and Math credits from whatever you took at your previous school. If they can't, then they're bureaucratic assholes, and your parents should file a complaint to the school district for essentially holding you back a year.

Also, college credit is different from high school credit, and AP/IB classes are still just high school classes. You only earn high school credit for taking them. It's just that at the end of the year, they have these national exams for the AP program that you can take. Depending on what score you make on the AP exams, colleges will give you credit hours for equivalent classes (i.e. English 101 or something).

Finally, honors classes are just harder, more challenging classes for those who want them. You get weighted grades, which can help your class rank, but they're otherwise pointless. If you plan on going to college though, take honors math classes in lieu of regular math classes. Regular math classes tend to gloss over and skip a lot of important topics, and they never go into as much detail as honors classes usually do. Even if you go to college and major in Visual Communications or Studio Art, your SAT scores will benefit from a more rigorous math background, bettering your chances of getting into the college of your choice, maybe even with an academic scholarship or two.

Anyway, I hope that helps.

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Re: Moving to USA. Just a few Questions about Highschool and other stuff ^^
« Reply #62 on: August 19, 2006, 01:55:23 am »
Our school is one of the only ones in NSW that has a grading system, meaning that you'd either get an Unsatisfactory, Pass, Pass with Merit, Credit, Distinction and High Distinction, depending on what academic group you belong to in each subject. Also, NSW is the only state in Australia that has an HSC, where one test in yr12 contributes almost totally to your UAI, or what percentile of the state you belong to. Most other states use a multiple-exams system.


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Re: Moving to USA. Just a few Questions about Highschool and other stuff ^^
« Reply #63 on: August 19, 2006, 03:05:51 am »
Disregard everything Magus22 just said and go. It seems unimportant now, but you will want to have attended as much as possible later on. I almost missed out on my senior prom; I would have regretted this on a frightening scale.

Hmm, I would think that's more of a personal thing though. I mean, I didn't go to anything the entire time I was in HS (including the senior prom), and I don't regret any of it.  But then, I honestly didn't care for high school and I was highly antisocial so all of it was rather pointless for me.

If you're even a slightly social person though, going is recommended. It is one of the last big social events of the year, and in life you don't get very many chances to dress up and blow a lot of money on looking nice and going to a formal event with friends.


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Re: Moving to USA. Just a few Questions about Highschool and other stuff ^^
« Reply #64 on: August 19, 2006, 03:08:03 am »
Disregard everything Magus22 just said and go. It seems unimportant now, but you will want to have attended as much as possible later on. I almost missed out on my senior prom; I would have regretted this on a frightening scale.

Hmm, I would think that's more of a personal thing though. I mean, I didn't go to anything the entire time I was in HS (including the senior prom), and I don't regret any of it.  But then, I honestly didn't care for high school and I was highly antisocial so all of it was rather pointless for me.

If you're even a slightly social person though, going is recommended. It is one of the last big social events of the year, and in life you don't get very many chances to dress up and blow a lot of money on looking nice and going to a formal event with friends.

Unless you're rich, in which case that's daily life for you...


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Re: Moving to USA. Just a few Questions about Highschool and other stuff ^^
« Reply #65 on: August 19, 2006, 07:02:39 am »

Unless you're rich, in which case that's daily life for you...

Hmmm... is Zaperking going to be rich though?

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: Moving to USA. Just a few Questions about Highschool and other stuff ^^
« Reply #66 on: August 19, 2006, 07:07:53 am »
Yes. He will get a job in Macca's, and soon become the CEO. Then he will die of heart disease. However, in the time that he is alive, he would be one of the few people treated well by America's system.

Huzzah, my anger vented in a not so funny anecdote, or whateva ya call 'em.


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Re: Moving to USA. Just a few Questions about Highschool and other stuff ^^
« Reply #67 on: August 20, 2006, 12:49:27 am »
Disregard everything Magus22 just said and go. It seems unimportant now, but you will want to have attended as much as possible later on. I almost missed out on my senior prom; I would have regretted this on a frightening scale.


He wants to know from people's experiences and knowledge, that's mine Zeality. Zappy, take it into account and proceed with your own intentions. Again, I am not an obstacle in your life path nor can I hinder the possibility of the oppertunities you make for yourself in the future.

Research the event...


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Re: Moving to USA. Just a few Questions about Highschool and other stuff ^^
« Reply #68 on: August 20, 2006, 06:09:20 pm »
Zaperking, if you're into stuff like that then go, but if you don't have an interest, then ignore them, like everybody at my school. :P


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Re: Moving to USA. Just a few Questions about Highschool and other stuff ^^
« Reply #69 on: August 22, 2006, 06:42:53 pm »
^ Don't tell me your school is either small or in Australia?

Oo, I want to go to parties. Originally, I was going to get a job when I come, but my mum doesn't think it's a good idea anymore. I have to fit in, make friends, catch up on the work, join clubs etc, learn the imperial system and your money system T.T; and how the streets work o.o

But besides that, I'm all keen to go to those dances, and I so want to go to a real halloween party or trick-o-treating (even though I may be a bit old, here people like 20 do it, except theres hardly any places that actually give out candy). I hope the halloween parties are like what they are in the movies - the Time of the year when girls dress up as sluts and can't get bagged about it XD

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Re: Moving to USA. Just a few Questions about Highschool and other stuff ^^
« Reply #70 on: August 22, 2006, 11:37:53 pm »
Geez...never mind this entire topic, then. You'll fit right in.  :roll:


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Re: Moving to USA. Just a few Questions about Highschool and other stuff ^^
« Reply #71 on: September 02, 2006, 01:11:54 pm »
11 days to go till i'm there ^.^

I'm already enrolled at the school. When I arrive, on the Friday, I'm going to the school and am going to have an interview and will choose my courses there, so yay!

By the way, do you guys use textbooks. And if so, do you buy them? And if so, just at a book shop, or like a school bookshop type thing.

Also, does anyone actually use pencil cases in class, like just take their books and pencil case XD Someone told me that they just take their bags from class to class and thats all O.o Here, we're not allowed to do that.


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Re: Moving to USA. Just a few Questions about Highschool and other stuff ^^
« Reply #72 on: September 02, 2006, 01:24:49 pm »
Writing utensils are usually stored in a master binder you take to every class. Books are supplied by the classes. It's only in college that you pay $590.00 for four classes' worth of books like I did this semester.


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Re: Moving to USA. Just a few Questions about Highschool and other stuff ^^
« Reply #73 on: September 02, 2006, 04:28:16 pm »

Also, does anyone actually use pencil cases in class, like just take their books and pencil case XD Someone told me that they just take their bags from class to class and thats all O.o Here, we're not allowed to do that.

I just keep pencils and pens in my blazer/jacket pocket. I don't bother with pencil cases.  :D


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Re: Moving to USA. Just a few Questions about Highschool and other stuff ^^
« Reply #74 on: September 02, 2006, 06:01:45 pm »
Writing utensils are usually stored in a master binder you take to every class. Books are supplied by the classes. It's only in college that you pay $590.00 for four classes' worth of books like I did this semester.
I hope to god you sold back your old ones. <--- 412 here, by the way. course, that's including all the art supplies I'm suppose to bring but never use. (its stupid, but they make you buy this shit, then don't care what medium you draw with. I was like "aw... fuck you. *goes back to mircon points*")