Author Topic: Who is the more powerful of the two, Serge or Crono?  (Read 11229 times)


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Who is the more powerful of the two, Serge or Crono?
« on: June 08, 2004, 11:34:00 pm »
This is a topic that, surprisingly, hasn't been mentioned, or at least I've never seen it before. No flaming if it has been.
However, I digress, there is a need for this topic, and I feel that Crono is the better of the two. I feel this way because Crono's Lumanaire is not only obviously more potent than Serge's, but even stronger than Serge's final Tech. While I know that either game operates on a different scale of damage, I feel that Crono was more potent. Also, the Rainbow, with its near guaranteed critical hit, is one of the best weapons in RPG history, even though I feel that the fully charged Masamune, invigorated with not only Masa and Mune's true power, but also with the hopes and dreams of Cyrus, should have been stronger...
Any thoughts???


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Who is the more powerful of the two, Serge or Crono?
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2004, 01:28:17 am »
Crono is an innate magic user, and thus may have more power in comparison to Serge's Dragonian Elements. However, both are indeed capable of Luminaire, though I'd imagine Crono's version would be stronger -- unless it is the same thing, bit by bit. Other than that, I'm not sure how a Swallow would handle a Katana.


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Who is the more powerful of the two, Serge or Crono?
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2004, 01:45:31 am »
I've never been too thrilled with threads and contests asking which of two characters was "more powerful".

As you mentioned, they're two separate games. Its tough to compare the two.

And honestly, Serge wears a pink bandanna. Nobody wearing a pink bandanna can the the most powerful guy ever, right?

Thats what I thought.

(Or was it red? Either way, a bandanna is a bandanna!)


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Who is the more powerful of the two, Serge or Crono?
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2004, 01:45:43 am »
Crono, hands down, in my opinion.  I mean, come on...natural ability to use, lightning-based magic (and well), one of the most powerful spells in the Chrono universe, and proficiency with what is, imo, one of the coolest melee weapons EVAR, the katana...Crono is teh pwn.

Serge, while plenty powerful in his own right, is still a bit weaker, and less cool, than his CT counterpart.


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Who is the more powerful of the two, Serge or Crono?
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2004, 06:02:40 am »
As said, they both work under very dissimilar battle systems, leveling up systems, and even stat systems. Comparing them in those lights would be a very fuzzy thing to do.

So the main things you can compare are mainly their aesthetic qualities, their personalities, and...Hmm...Their magical powers.

- Single Techs -
Crono - 8
Serge - 3

- Double Techs -
Crono - 15
Serge - 1

- Triple Techs -
Crono - 10
Serge - 2

Hmm...Katana or...What was it? Mainly a bunch of sharpened boat oars? Serge is simply outclassed. Oh, and doesn't Crono wear a white bandana?


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Who is the more powerful of the two, Serge or Crono?
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2004, 06:44:44 am »
Serge is strong, but it's only because of his Dragonian Elements, his "blessing" by the Mastermune, and his Arbiter of Time status... On the other hand, Crono is an innate magic user, his Rainbow is a "natural" katana, and he doesn't draw power from the Frozen Flame or whatever... So Crono should be basically more powerful, if we don't count the artificial bonus Serge has...

And Crono indeed has a white bandanna.


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Who is the more powerful of the two, Serge or Crono?
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2004, 04:55:31 pm »
Ah, I dunno if I count Elements all that much...As said in the game even little kids can equip Elements. So I would think that Crono would have them just as much (if not moreso) as anyone else in the Chrono-world.


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Who is the more powerful of the two, Serge or Crono?
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2004, 05:27:35 pm »
Well, Crono seems to be wearing a headband, not a full-blown bandanna, so I think my comment still holds!

On the Rainbow Sword and Mastermune - you point out that Serge's "blessing" from the Mastermune is unnatural. Consider though, there is no way anyone normal could have come across the Rainbow Shell and had such a weapon formed. Crono's "unlocking" of his innate magical talents isn't exactly the most natural thing either. Given that the only reason either Crono or Serge is particularly powerful has to do with the unusual occurances that were placed upon them by outside forces (The Entity - Crono / Schala/Belshazzar - Serge), I don't see why we should "look down" on Serge's Arbiter status, Mastermune, or Elements.

Otherwise though, I'm inclined to agree - innate (unlocked) magic potential seems to be stronger than Dragonian Elements that anyone could use.

For the sake of argument though, what all could you consider to be in Serge's favour?

Perhaps the fact that Serge commands a larger party and thus maybe more respect? "Power" isn't measured by strength alone, right?


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Who is the more powerful of the two, Serge or Crono?
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2004, 07:56:15 pm »
Either way Crono is all around stronger than Serge. Serge would not be able to handle Crono EVER.

Didn't Crono's magic potential come from Lavos? I'm not sure if it is but if that was the case who is stronger Lavos or the Dragonian/Element?


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Who is the more powerful of the two, Serge or Crono?
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2004, 08:52:51 pm »
The Elements basically come from the earth. It can be disputed whether they actually come from the earth itself, from Lavos, or perhaps both ala a type of Dreamstone effect. Either way, both things can be powerful. But the fact of the matter is, anyone on the planet can use Elements. Not just anyone can use Magic. Crono's got more technique.


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Who is the more powerful of the two, Serge or Crono?
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2004, 06:28:45 am »
Another thing, Crono was able to defeat Lavos, but I don't know if Serge was meant to be strong enough to defeat the Time Devourer by force. In the normal scenario, Serge just had to "sing" the Chrono Cross song.


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Who is the more powerful of the two, Serge or Crono?
« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2004, 06:14:16 pm »
Well, another fun lil' piece of information, the Katana is, to this day, still considered by experts to be the most powerful Melee weapon in the world. This can be sighted in the fact that it is sharper than any other weapon, and also that it is really light and quick, unlike most other swords, like English broadswords. Also, Swallows were never really successful in history, as you can only attack a person with one blade at a time, negating the bonus of having a second one, and just adding weight to slow it down. If you haven't noticed yet I have a certain love for the art of war.


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Who is the more powerful of the two, Serge or Crono?
« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2004, 06:34:30 pm »
Quote from: XchrononetX
Also, Swallows were never really successful in history, as you can only attack a person with one blade at a time, negating the bonus of having a second one, and just adding weight to slow it down. If you haven't noticed yet I have a certain love for the art of war.

What about fighting multiple opponents?

Or, perhaps, the bonus of speed in pulling off more complex, twisted maneuvers with two blades? I mean, if you're spinning a dual blade, you have more blade contact per rotation than just twirling a single blade in the same fashion. Although, admittedly, such movements are often useless in the heat of battle.


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Who is the more powerful of the two, Serge or Crono?
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2004, 11:02:33 pm »
The truth about combat is, all those little spins and twirls characters in blockbuster movies make, well, they are ineffective. Kendo is the strongest form of swordsmanship in the modern age, derived from Kenjutsu, the same for as the Samurai used. Kendo teaches making every movement count, so any wasted motion is rendered useless. Flashy twirling is considered one such wasted movement, and thusly is pretty much negated in real combat. This is one such reason why a Swallow is bad... Plus, this is a one on one battle we are talkin' here, so I don't think the extra blade would matter, though a Swallow, when used correctly DOES have the range advantage...


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Who is the more powerful of the two, Serge or Crono?
« Reply #14 on: June 10, 2004, 11:09:11 pm »

Crono's cyclone is the only move I can think of with such "unnecessary" movements - and it is later rendered useless by his more advanced techniques. Both Spincut and the 4x version of it are individual strikes.

I wonder if that was merely coincidence, or put there to show Crono's advancement in swordplay.