Author Topic: Enemy Modification  (Read 49746 times)


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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #75 on: August 29, 2008, 06:00:33 am »
I think we should tweak Kashmir a bit, his counter and evasion are annoying...

So, maybe lower his evasion stat a little? And add a "Wander" to his counter?

AI Hit:
if( TRUE )
choose random action

Or change his counter to only physical counter(so people can use magic without being countered)?

AI Hit:
if( physical attack )

I think both would be overkill.


I just went through the decision Part, and it somehow doesn't seem very balanced...

Doing nothing offers most in my opinion(speed tab + Rage band + 2500 G(maybe lower to 2.000G?) + Porre Beret + Knavehelm , the 3rd or 4th by now, and you only have 2 females). Exchange the Knavehelm for another Iron helm maybe? This should be the base for comparison.

Helping mystics is too easy(every Porrean is killed in 1 hit), so if we can, we should use some different enemies. You get a rather good armor for that. Maybe you should be able to talk to the other mystics that are around the elder and they should give you like a magic tab + a magic ring(mystics use magic), and a helmet that cuts magic damage?

Helping Porre in comparison is too hard, well only the boss fight is. Maybe the soldier could kill one of the Goblins to make it a bit easier? Otherwise the player would have to rely on magic too much, which doesn't seem to be Glenn's style anyways. The Mud Imp should also be slowed down a bit, otherwise the damage you do can barely reach what he heals every few rounds, considering you have to heal a lot and sleep sometimes. You have to be lucky that he doesn't heal for a few rounds and doesn't put you to sleep...
Do I see that right that you get nothing for Helping Porre? Or did I miss something?
Well, you should at least get a Power Tab + Power Scarf + maybe 10.000 G with the hint to buy something at Tata's shop? People could chose what to do with that money.

That way, we would have he magic way: Help Mystics, get magic tab + a magic ring + Fireproof Armor + elemtalproof helmet;
The Offensive way: Power Tab + Power Scarf + 10.000 G;
And the other way: Speed tab + Rage band + 2000 G + Porre Beret + Iron Helm

Any opinions?
« Last Edit: August 29, 2008, 07:06:49 am by CyberSarkany »

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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #76 on: August 29, 2008, 01:04:23 pm »
we are kind of running out of helmets right now so I'm not sure we can add a new one for the mystic choice.  I do like the "magic" vs power theme for porre vs mystics.  It seems like since we have 3 for porre three items for mystics isn't that bad.  Plus elemental armor is pretty awesome.  IIRC the defense on the elemental armor is almost...bug worthy high?  (maybe you already submitted a bug for that I haven't checked yet)

As for neutral we want this to be "the obvious choice" for people who save state before hand but it turns out doing this well make all the shops  close 1002....(and we should probably close them in 602...that's a bug).  One problem right now is I think the "closed" shops are selling old stuff so it doesn't really affect the player...but we can make them pretty good shops.  In fact we could make the shops selll the items you would get + more for a decent price.



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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #77 on: September 02, 2008, 07:23:30 am »
So there will be a "right" and "wrong" choice? Like neutral=wrong->shops closed, yet a few items?


Crono Emerald Dream:
- Power Tab in Forest you have to kill enemies in order to get the Elemental Armor? Maybe at the beginning on the west near the bushes(or whatever it is).
- How about a Chest in the area that is two areas west of shop & inn with a lone reptite? Maybe give it a full ether?

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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #78 on: September 02, 2008, 06:59:05 pm »
So there will be a "right" and "wrong" choice? Like neutral=wrong->shops closed, yet a few items?

Hm....I dont think we wanted there to be an obvious "right" and "wrong" it's suppose to be a real moral dilemna....though choosing neutral is pretty mean :)

How about this l i guess choosing neutral you would get a little "physical", and a little "magical" and by choosing either side you get alot of one.

By choosing porre only the porre shop is open in the future
By choosing Medina only the Medina shop is open

So those shops probably shouldn't sell their enemies equpiment.  So by choosing neutral you get a little of both worlds some physical and magical items but you only get what is at the battleground since the shops are closed.  By choosing either side you are stuck with just that sides items.  But you can buy it for the whole team since the shops will be open.

How does that sound?



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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #79 on: September 04, 2008, 04:14:28 pm »
Sounds like a good idea. We even consider the people who play a NG+, and try a different choice, and go like "wow, this choice was in fact far better than the more obvious one".

You said : "By choosing porre only the porre shop is open in the future", so Tata will still sell his very strong weapons? Like he doesn't care what happened, he still sees them as friends, and more importantly, as customers.


Lucca ED: Robot Village(beginning Area):
- Add a Speed Tab, maybe in the Hall area to the east, where a crate and some tins are, kinda like searching the trash.
- In the area you wake up in is a chest, yet you can't open it. We should insert a Dash Ring(seems like making fun of the two slowies haha).


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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #80 on: February 07, 2009, 05:24:11 am »
Kasmir is REALLY hard. Robo and Crono are Level 12, and Frog is Level 11; Frog has Gilt Sword, Iron Helm, XocotlSuit, PowerGlove; Crono has Jade Hilt, KnaveHelm, XocotlSuit, PowerGlove; Robo has Strainger, Iron Helm, Cabrakan, Defender.


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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #81 on: February 08, 2009, 03:40:30 am »
VisionSerpent is extremely hard. Lucca is 21 and Robo 22. I'm going to level up a bit and try again.

Edit: 23 and 24 now...if there were just a way to heal more than one person at a time.

Edit: 24 and 25 even with Heal Beam, still failing. It MIGHT be more fair without area bomb. Either Area Bomb or the red light thing that takes a LOT of damage.

Edit: Okay, 25 and 26, I was able to pull it off even though I had to use a Lapis. One more round and I would have been dead. Taking out Area Bomb should be enough to keep it challenging but not ridiculous.

Edit Next: Lizardactyls in Chapter 9 are really hard. Perhaps we could put a small mushroom enemy before they walk over there (one that respawns) so that the player can level up if needed? Or wait...they're still very, very hard. Maybe tone down Lizardactyls in general a bit. No other enemy is that hard in that chapter.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2009, 07:15:49 am by ZeaLitY »

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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #82 on: February 11, 2009, 01:07:30 am »
I lowered the stats of the 3 enemies zeality mentioned.  I removed area bomb and put some other still hits everyone but seems to be weaker.  It's hard for me to tell cause i dont have a game there.

From now on when we get to an enemy who we feel we need to lower the stats of we should make a copy of the srm and give it an easy to understand name liek




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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #83 on: February 15, 2009, 12:24:11 pm »
Avion Rex and GigaSaur are horribly unfair especially when you're group splits into 2.  I can't even get 3 rounds in a battle without being blasted to death and losing 1-2 party members in the 2nd round.

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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #84 on: March 12, 2009, 04:37:51 am »
Last call for new enemy AI Tweaks!  Barring a sudden 1000% surge in beta testing I'll be doing an enemy AI run through tomorrow.  I suggest anyone that cares check what enemy is currently in my "test area" (gato's exhibit), load up the AI editor and give the enemy in gato's exhibit different techs.  More than likely inside the AI editor when you go to that page you'll see a "tech node" and on the left side you can choose the tech number from the drop down (or just type it in).  Try attacks from this page:

It can be tempting to just look at that page and be like "Hey jp have the boss do this this this and this".  And well....if you really want to i obviously can't stop you but I'd prefer if you did try it out with the AI editor first.  Some of these attacks are really designed specifically for a certain boss and so the animations just simply don't add up when you apply to another sprite.

Some notes for myself:

If both reptites are alive at top of dinopolis use 4B - Antipode (Does not need two enemies to use)   (i didn't realize enemies could do this)   ( CHECK )
If both reptites are alive at top of dinopolis use F4 - X Strike                                                                                                      freezes game, probably needs to be in both enemies but other reptite has no room

Give King Zeal :
    6B - Dark Matter                Waiting for chrono 99
    56 - Dreamless  (this attack is awesome where the hell is it in the game????) Waiting for chrono 99
    58 - Obstacle (Lavos's attack, Chaos) Waiting for chrono 99

Have a boss that  gives a 10% chance of casting
02 - "X" (Lock)  Check
12 - MP suck attack
57 - MP Buster (Target loses all MP)  Check

Make sure tyrano casts:
   77 - Chaos breath?  Check

Test out kasmirs sprite with:

97 - Fire Sword (Does not need two enemies to use)  ( I think slash uses it's very unlikely the animations will add up with kasmir)  Check had to tweak it

Water reptite:

59 - Blue circle attack?  no room

« Last Edit: March 13, 2009, 12:39:55 am by jsondag2 »