Author Topic: Things that ya love, da-awg  (Read 11595 times)


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Re: Things that ya love, da-awg
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2006, 01:12:51 am »
My cherished memories is what I hold very dearly.


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Re: Things that ya love, da-awg
« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2006, 11:07:26 am »
I love the Chrono Series  :lee:
I bet it is obvious, that's why noone mentioned it haha.

I love lots of thinks:
- Open minded people
- Discussing stuff with people who are not like: "I don't change my opinion"(most people, or better, 99% at my school are like that[not changing])
- Just hanging around with friends, talking about everything(EVERYTHING) that comes to mind
- I also like surfing through a forum and post here and there my opinion
- I like animals
- I like eating
- I like playing games(Video or reallife)
- Oh yeah, I like roleplaying
- I like reading about stuff I didn't know before
- I like reading love storys(no comment or I will send him ->:lee:)
- I like reading most storys
- I like writing so much that most people won't even consider reading my post
- I like questioning peoples believes
- I like analysing people
- I like to make a sudden stop and not go on writing


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Re: Things that ya love, da-awg
« Reply #17 on: August 20, 2006, 12:30:26 pm »
Hurray! Someone else who likes roleplaying!

Anyways, I like honeycomb ice cream. 'Cause I just had some.

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Re: Things that ya love, da-awg
« Reply #18 on: August 21, 2006, 05:10:01 am »
I love those moments when I am lost in thought, in a beautiful place, at a bold hour...and, even though I'm not aware of it just then, I feel as though I am using my mind to its full potential. Sometimes they last for a few seconds; sometimes a few minutes; rarely they will last even longer. But they come easily, and as often as I will allow, given the constraints of a busy life. Some people think you have to die to find paradise. I love that we don't.

I also love the inspiration of good storytellers telling good stories. Hayao Miyazaki is a name to which most of you could instantly relate in that regard. As a storyteller myself, one of the most important things for my creativity is to find inspiration wherever I may. Many stories don't have a teller, but those that do are often particularly well-suited for the creative spark.

I love that I possess the intellect that I do. Surely, it is only the skin of a drop in the cosmic bucket, but it is self-evidently priceless. Those who have it, know what I mean. To be curious, to be aware, to be self-aware, and to create a vast repository of knowledge.

In that spirit, I love knowing as much as I do: It is the product of a lifetime of curiosity, and the ambition for the power that comes with being aware. It is also a pleasure that I look forward to enjoying for the rest of my life. 

I love being able to see the world from a higher vantage point. And there you will most often find me in real life as well, perched high up, peoplewatching those many souls going about their lives below. It is a beautiful thing...and not at all as haughty as it sounds. People are a treasure to behold, and inspire in me every emotion from awe to disgust as I try to glimpse into their lives. I've talked to many of them, and conversation isn't the same at all as observation.

I love daydreaming, making music, talking to myself, and taking simple wonder in things...all those behaviors we're supposed to have outgrown by the time we become adults.

Love is a strong word, like hate, and I try not to dilute it when I am speaking earnestly. But I love all of those things, and I love these to come:

I love unexpected thrills. On Saturday I took my first horseback ride since I was a little kid. In asking the horse--this serene, polite, nineteen-year-old gelding named Diamond--to stop, I accidentally gave him the order to canter. If you've ridden, that's all you need to know. And it wasn't just any canter. In trying to get him to stop, I repeated my mistake and got him going probably as fast as he could go in that gait. We cantered for two laps around the arena before he finally ran into an obstacle that persuaded him to ignore my useless commands for more. I learned many things in those two laps, but most valuable was the unexpected thrill, and with it the fact that despite not knowing something as simple as how to stop a horse while riding out of control atop one, I was able to keep my cool and even my posture...and to enjoy the moment, in a very anxious sort of way.

I love people like ZeaLitY, who get good things done. He's a bit crazy, but he earns it by having built and sustained this place almost single-handedly. And a pity he's not left-handed, or it would be doubly stirring.

I love people like ZeaLitY, Radical_Dreamer, Leebot, Gray_Lensman, Daniel Krispin, Silvercry, and the recently arrived Rat...all of whom know a little something about good conversation--which I also love. Compendiumites like these are the reason I keep coming back to this place. (So if you ever want to get rid of me, you know who to ice...)

I love women who won't be held down by a world that is still extremely biased against them, and I love men and women who try to break the geas of our past forever.

I love looking up at the sky and seeing things that we created flying up there. I love looking at the moon and knowing that we have set foot there. I love that my engineering experience is of the same sort of aerospace learning that concerns both of these wonders. And I love that technology, despite all our cynicism, has continued to deliver the human species to new heights of creative accomplishment. With apologies to our world, and the admission of debts that can never be repaid, and the vow to pursue a more sustainable human civilization, I nonetheless admire what humanity has achieved--and will yet achieve. That is why I also love such wonderful testaments to the human dream as the Kingdom of Zeal, Miyazaki's Laputa, and the Enterprise D under Jean-Luc Picard. I love technology itself; I see it as the expression of our entire is a part of us memorialized beyond flesh. There is no difference between who we are and what we create, and no point in trying to deny this most basic truth.

I love Carl Sagan, Mozart, Einstein, Augustus, Leonardo...people whose lives are hallmarks of all that we have accomplished--people's whose lives were beyond the ordinary! I should be so fortunate to have such good role models, and to aspire as they did. So should we all, those of us who are human at the end.

I love that the simple act of picking an apple from a tree can be so incredibly amazing, when considered in full.

And, dare I say it, I love Burning Zeppelin for creating this article after I scoffed that such a thing would not succeed on the Compendium. My naysaying remains to be disproven, but I'd like to think we're off to a good start.

I love the characters and stories I myself have created.

Lastly, I love the evening and the night. I love being able to stay up late doing Important Things, knowing that I stand to lose nothing but sleep and wholeness of mind come tomorrow morning. These are an easy price for Important Things.


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Re: Things that ya love, da-awg
« Reply #19 on: August 21, 2006, 06:10:32 am »
And now, since there is little chance of his reading it:
I actually do like my brother. He's a very amusing individual to be around and talk to, and one of the only three people I can talk to easily who has never outright ignored that I had something to say, or that I ever have to go into "listen only" mode on. Unless you ask him a simple question you had no intention of recieving an answer on and he actually does have a long explanation or answer. Then I guess that last bit might be necessary. Hrm.

I like irritating people.
I also like arguing just to argue, but only sometimes. I am much too apathetic to truly argue.
Which probably helps further my irritation of people.... :D

I like cleaning, but only if no one else is around.

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Re: Things that ya love, da-awg
« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2006, 06:13:28 am »
Good ol' Ramsus. Good ol' Rat.

Oh, Lord J! You know me! When was I ever one to care about whether or not a thread would be successful!


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Re: Things that ya love, da-awg
« Reply #21 on: August 21, 2006, 09:25:32 am »
I'll expand on that by saying I love the power afforded me through self-will. I love Alisa, and the beautiful exchange that takes place between two intelligent, sentient minds.


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Re: Things that ya love, da-awg
« Reply #22 on: August 21, 2006, 10:27:03 pm »
There are some days in life, I do not know what causes them or how really to describe them, other than to say that on these days I have a feeling of being at peace with the universe, at the world around me. Sure, things aren't perfect, but I can be happy now and know that I will overcome anything life throws my way. I love those days.


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Re: Things that ya love, da-awg
« Reply #23 on: August 21, 2006, 10:54:21 pm »
I love when I partake of sweeping, breathtaking scenery or phases of the day. Nothing compares to watching waves of blue and gray to the east ambiently rise in luminosity as the obscured sun peeks behind them, or being in the mountains in dusk and observing the rise of the full moon as cool breezes dip and flow through the valley. When I am in these moments, I know I have reason to live -- always -- even for these happenings alone. And I believe the creature from Frankenstein would have done the same and not have committed suicide.


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Re: Things that ya love, da-awg
« Reply #24 on: August 21, 2006, 10:59:33 pm »
I love it when I get the insperation to work upon my novel.

So far, I haven't gotten that insperation


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Re: Things that ya love, da-awg
« Reply #25 on: August 22, 2006, 01:28:11 am »
I like swords! (Real ones, and a fighter quote from FF)...
Japanese Language ^-^!  If only I could speak it...  I'm such a baka =/
Medieval Times (Yea, i'm obsessed with old stuff)


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Re: Things that ya love, da-awg
« Reply #26 on: August 22, 2006, 04:27:56 am »
Hmm... being in my hometown, during the winter in the middle of the night when the snow is falling softly from the sky in big puffy flakes and there is no breeze, and everywhere light is reflecting from streetlamps and glittering and it's dead quiet and everything has that calm enveloped feel to it, as though there's nothing beyond at all and any noise seems to be swallowed into the night and the snow, so that your normal speech seems like a whisper.
And being out on a road on top of a mountain in Central Oregon and looking out and as far as your eye can see there's only the blue-green expanse of forest, of ponderosa pine and douglas fir that makes the mountains look like shadows.
And Oregon sunsets and trout fishing and driving around in the middle of nowhere looking for mushrooms or cans along the road.
And coming to a pond with so much frogspawn in it you can just cup your hands and scoop up at least 3 or 5 of the wriggling things, and coming back to the same place at a later date to find tiny hopping frogs everywhere with their tails still.

And wild horses crossing the road in front of your car, and the stallion stands there and stares at you suspiciously. And getting so close to a deer that you could nearly reach out and touch it.

.....And being in elementary school and playing Star Wars during recess, where every game starts out with "Storm troopers, duck!" 


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Re: Things that ya love, da-awg
« Reply #27 on: August 22, 2006, 06:04:45 pm »
I love taking the piss out of a situation to get people to think about what's actually important in it.  Depending on the content of any given discussion, I'll end up doing that in lieu of conventional debate or banter as much as half the time.

I love a story with many layers of complexity interwoven into it, but which still manages to entertain.  So many people concentrate on trying to make a story deep and meaningful that they forget how to make it good.  This is something I strive to avoid in my own writing; I want to treat my characters as characters, and not simply as mouthpieces for a worldview.  Not only that, a lot of people who write stories that way don't know the first damned thing about actually making a story meaningful.

I'd like to say that I love knowledge, but I don't have some massive spiritual appreciation of it.  It's the most powerful and versatile tool one could ever dream of, but that's all it is; a tool.  We're all striving for the same thing in the end, and that's to survive and have as much fun as we can before we bite it.  Knowledge doesn't change the meaning of life, it only lets you understand that there isn't one.  Some people get pleasure from knowledge, and that's their prerogative.  Hell, it's not like I've never been cocky about knowing more on a given subject than someone else.  But when it comes down to it, I'm doing the exact same thing they are with my life.  Get born, get drunk, play video games, fuck, pay your taxes, die.  The end goal of the entire width and breadth of human knowledge is to enable people to get more pleasure out of life.  Damn pity that by the time you've gotten enough knowledge to enable a lifestyle with enough pleasure, you've already exhausted yourself on working at it.  That's one of the reasons why scientists ought to be paid a damn lot more money than they're getting.  These people work their asses off trying to create the kind of future where there's no pain or suffering to be found anywhere, and our culture tosses them out like so much garbage.

In that respect, I love my stubbornness, and even to an extent my arrogance and sense of entitlement, because it lets me keep my will to fight when all the other high-minded ideals are revealed for the smokescreen they are.  It lets me get back out there, fight for what I want, and tell the universe "You owe me a sweet fucking car, every game system in the world, a computer that'll tear ass, and a hot piece of pussy, and I'm going to strangle the life out of you until I get every last drop of it, because I fucking deserve it."


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Re: Things that ya love, da-awg
« Reply #28 on: August 22, 2006, 06:47:08 pm »
I'd like to say that I love knowledge, but I don't have some massive spiritual appreciation of it.  It's the most powerful and versatile tool one could ever dream of, but that's all it is; a tool.

I've thought about this as well. If I ever write my book, "200%: The Philosophy of Rock Lee", I'm going to include a chapter called Professors versus Presidents. Ramsus gave me the neat name for it.


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Re: Things that ya love, da-awg
« Reply #29 on: August 22, 2006, 07:48:45 pm »
I won't say that there's no allure in knowing things.  Absorbing information like a sponge feels good, somehow, but for me it tends to be a sensation akin to a severely nerfed version of sex.  It's like "hey, I know stuff, I can do more stuff, kickass" instead of "knowledge is awesome, praise the Federation" or whatever.

The thing about knowledge is that simply having it doesn't tell you much about how to conduct your life.  But if I ever end up finding an ideal good enough to put up on a pedestal, I want to make sure it's something real and tangible, and equally importantly, that I personally will get enough out of it to justify the work involved.  Helping humanity is all well and good, but if you sell everything you have and give all your money to the poor, you won't be able to help anyone else.  Get the splinter out of your own eye and all that.