Well, since we are talking about Disney and not the Chrono series, I'm just gonna take one for the team and chalk it up to plot convenience. Besides, this is a children's movie, and considering the fact that most movies of the genre are specially designed with a certain set of morals in mind to teach their viewers, the main character(s) should relate enough to the children for their lessons to be adopted. After all, you don't watch 101 Dalmations and analyze how dogs have the ability to talk, much less hitchhike halfway across England to rescue almost a hundred kidnapped puppies. (I'm talking about the animated version, by the way, not the CG/real-life one. That version just sucks.)
And in light of age-old evidence, most anyone with a good eye has caught how the Disney movies always have sexual innuendoes hidden throughout their films, as evidenced by the notorious Lion King scene with a certain word formed by the dust that the adult Simba stirs up (among other things). Hell, my AP Biology class watched half our collective library of Disney movies last year after the exams, simply to find whatever animator deviance we could dig up. And believe you me, we found a lot.