Author Topic: Hate the United States  (Read 4443 times)


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Re: Hate the United States
« Reply #15 on: August 25, 2006, 02:09:32 am »
actually, everybody uses US cash. the reason? one of the most secure forms of currency ever.

Good point, except for two slightly nagging details:
1. If everybody used US cash, there would be no point to the yen, or the euro, or the pound, or anything else for that matter, and yet you still see those currencies in use, and
2. Yes, it might be secure compared to, say, 1945 Germany, but today American currency is probably the worst money to own considering its value has fluctuated widely under Dubbya's government, with most of those fluctuations being of the tanking and/or sucking variety.

Yes, Osama had a bank account in the US. However, that doesn't mean all his assets were in dollar form. Considering all the attacks that have occured lately under the banner of Al Qaeda, it's pretty obvious most of his financial means come from other accounts and/or caves in other nations. And another small point: Zeppelin wasn't talking about using American currency. He was talking about using American products. Our monetary system is limited entirely to the United States and its overworked, underpaid military-issue machine gun fodder Guam, but American-based products are sold all across the world. After all, just because it says "Made in China" on the paddleball you got ten years ago doesn't mean that some capitalist giant wasn't cracking whips to speed up production and ensure the mortgage on his summer villa off the coast of insert-tourist-trap-island-nation-here was paid in time for the after-Christmas economy slump.
two things:
1.) "dubbya" does not have cash control. al... something had cash control, until he announced retirement a while back. one of the previous presidents took control of monetary assests outside of presidental control, so thusly, Bush doesn't actually affect jack shit unless he fucks up some company politically, people just think he does.

2.)US cash is the one of the most secure money systems in the world. its used world wide for its security systems, and is infact, used in a lot of over seas transactions for this reason.  your confusing security with WORTH: The US dollar is still worth quite a lot when compared to other countries. Its not tanking or sucking. That's the response of someone who doesn't watch the market at all. if you wanna know how much a dollar is worth, open your newpaper to the stock exchange. they have its current value along with gold, platinum and silver

Didn't we already do this thread a while back?

1) You are refering to Alan Greenspan, the former fed chief, but this comment doens't seem based on anything.

2) The euro is now worth more than the dollar, and last I heard the gulf had grown. This, like 1), don't seem to be addressing the core issue.

To claim to be against America (or any nation, for that matter) and continue to use it's products is brazen hypocrisy. If you (in the general sense) hated America, you wouldn't drive a Chevy, now matter how the dollar stacked up against the euro, or the yen, or any other currency.

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Re: Hate the United States
« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2006, 03:30:02 am »
2.)US cash is the one of the most secure money systems in the world. its used world wide for its security systems, and is infact, used in a lot of over seas transactions for this reason.  your confusing security with WORTH: The US dollar is still worth quite a lot when compared to other countries. Its not tanking or sucking. That's the response of someone who doesn't watch the market at all. if you wanna know how much a dollar is worth, open your newpaper to the stock exchange. they have its current value along with gold, platinum and silver...

All demonstrably incorrect. You should either research your opinions instead of presuming the facts are on your side, or dispense with factuality altogether and register as a Republican.


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Re: Hate the United States
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2006, 04:16:26 am »
2.)US cash is the one of the most secure money systems in the world. its used world wide for its security systems, and is infact, used in a lot of over seas transactions for this reason.  your confusing security with WORTH: The US dollar is still worth quite a lot when compared to other countries. Its not tanking or sucking. That's the response of someone who doesn't watch the market at all. if you wanna know how much a dollar is worth, open your newpaper to the stock exchange. they have its current value along with gold, platinum and silver...

All demonstrably incorrect. You should either research your opinions instead of presuming the facts are on your side, or dispense with factuality altogether and register as a Republican.
what about my statment was wrong?

it's used overseas alot. that's correct, otherwise most of it wouldn't be overseas.

its used because of its security and its stabilty. that's also correct. an authentic US dollar is very hard to forge.

its still worth alot more then other countries. that's also true.

where am I being incorrect?

and if niether of you two noticed, using US cash to buy guns and munitions to use against the US is the most blantant form of hypocrosy ever. how you two have yet to grasp the concept of that is incredible.

your using an AMERICAN PRODUCT ( ... U. S. CASH.) to buy things to HURT the US with.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2006, 04:22:18 am by grey_the_angel »

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Re: Hate the United States
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2006, 04:25:13 am »
It's more ironic that hypocritical. Hypocritical would be if you said you hated America, then gave the US 12 billion dollars worth of nuclear weapons.


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Re: Hate the United States
« Reply #19 on: August 25, 2006, 06:40:35 am »
1.) "dubbya" does not have cash control. al... something had cash control, until he announced retirement a while back. one of the previous presidents took control of monetary assests outside of presidental control, so thusly, Bush doesn't actually affect jack shit unless he fucks up some company politically, people just think he does.

Or if he drives the national deficit up to such extraordinary levels that the US can't pay shit for bills and, in return, the economy (which, last I checked, still did business with the government) tanks as well. You're right, Bush doesn't have a magical economic wand to wave around and make Steve Jobs and Bill Gates do his bidding; however, he does hold a great deal of sway in dealing with the government's pursestrings (see: starting two freaking wars), and if the government's financial dealings with its and others' nations suffers, of course the economy's going to follow suit (unless, of course, the government's suffering has to do with the president getting a little on the side, in which case the economy's like, "Go Prez! Free beers and hookers for all!").

2.)US cash is the one of the most secure money systems in the world. its used world wide for its security systems, and is infact, used in a lot of over seas transactions for this reason.  your confusing security with WORTH: The US dollar is still worth quite a lot when compared to other countries. Its not tanking or sucking. That's the response of someone who doesn't watch the market at all. if you wanna know how much a dollar is worth, open your newpaper to the stock exchange. they have its current value along with gold, platinum and silver

I don't know about you, but if you're investing your money in the ol' greenback just because it's not easily forged rather than if it's actually worth the paper it's printed on, I'd recommend you get some better financial consulting. Also, what paper are you reading anyway, the "I Think, Therefore Wishful Thinking Happens Daily"? The US dollar is not doing well. Its worth is decreasing on both the euro and the yen, quite possibly the most popular and well-invested currencies in the world now that the European Union adopted a single standard for its nations' currencies, and it has been for years.

Another thing, Alan Greenspan held just about as much weight on rates of exchange as Oprah did on the meat-packing industry. He decided federal interest rates. THAT'S IT. The man was not the god everybody thought he was. Sure, interest rates influence our own economy, but they don't do a damn thing concerning whether Americans can go to a foreign state without getting their asses and traveler's cheques laughed back across the border or not.


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Re: Hate the United States
« Reply #20 on: August 25, 2006, 06:56:49 am »
actually, historically, war is, infact, GOOD for the economy. its what drove us out of the depression, and several smaller recessions. What really fucked over the economy is the lack of Oil coming in from the middle east due to the aftermath of war.

Seriously, the nation debt wasn't as bad as in an WW2 standards, when roosevelt had not only had previous dips with the new deal, but now had a full scale war on his hands.

bush's troops were underfinance if you remember: they couldn't even afford god damn armor! his war has become such a debactle he'll never be remember for anything other then the sheer dumbassness we elected off of image.

the euro was made to unify european currency: its not hard to reproduce, is produced in numberious countries, and has an extremely high risk of reproduction, and that makes it suprisingly unrelable. I don't know about you, but I'd rather have a bunch of fake bills when I go pay for something, right?
The yen is probably the better of two choices, seeing as its colors don't show well on scanners its its fairly hard, but its still requires more bills to produce the same effect as a US dollar due to overproduction. Once again: what's better: carrying a larger number of bills or a smaller number?

The US dollar I believe is second only to the security system of some euproean national currency.

Despite inflation, its kinda hard to beat a well made buck, no?

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: Hate the United States
« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2006, 07:22:09 am »
Let's say the US wasn't getting oil from Iraq, then how is the Iraqi War doing good for the economy? Or most other wars for that matter. Like, the Vietnam war was incredibly bad for the population, seeing as how so many people died. I guess it did help America push Soviets into destruction, and therefore make the US a hyperpower.

Pfft, ChibiBob, more like "abortions for some, miniature American flags for others!"

And in another note, even the Australia dollar is doing good against the Greenback. I mean, a while ago it was like 50 US cents make one AUS dollar. Now it's 75 US cents make one AUS dollar. Bah, people these days still assume its 50 instead of 75. Ah, those were the good ol' days...


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Re: Hate the United States
« Reply #22 on: August 25, 2006, 07:47:42 am »
Let's say the US wasn't getting oil from Iraq, then how is the Iraqi War doing good for the economy? Or most other wars for that matter. Like, the Vietnam war was incredibly bad for the population, seeing as how so many people died. I guess it did help America push Soviets into destruction, and therefore make the US a hyperpower.

Pfft, ChibiBob, more like "abortions for some, miniature American flags for others!"

And in another note, even the Australia dollar is doing good against the Greenback. I mean, a while ago it was like 50 US cents make one AUS dollar. Now it's 75 US cents make one AUS dollar. Bah, people these days still assume its 50 instead of 75. Ah, those were the good ol' days...
I never said where cause I wasn't sure.

and I also pointed out the problem with the Iraq war you pointed out: the lack of resources has forced us into a bind: why do you think all the hybrid cars are being made now when we have the plans for full water powered vechiles made years earlier?

it like these lights in san jose fire sations 25 and 19: they are not destined to burn out for at least 100 years, and have been IN PLACE for 25 years already, so why not have them made for the rest of the US? not profitable.

as for ethic, to whoeever said that. the US has only one ethic: you win or lose on your own terms and choices.

we don't help you, we don't hinder you. you simply play the cards you have as best as you can.

the US doesn't care if you fail or if you suceed. Its all up to you.

That's the american ethic: Do it your damn self.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2006, 07:50:40 am by grey_the_angel »

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Re: Hate the United States
« Reply #23 on: August 25, 2006, 08:57:58 am »
Doesn't sound too nice. I thought America was the place of hope, of dreams. Where people hurt by a nation can come and seek refuge, and begin a new life.

Oh, and about the petrol run cars:
Who did kill the electric car?


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Re: Hate the United States
« Reply #24 on: August 25, 2006, 09:43:38 am »
The Kuwaiti dollar beats everything. And yes, war is great! It started the income tax.


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Re: Hate the United States
« Reply #25 on: August 25, 2006, 10:17:34 am »
The Liquid Bomb threat was really hyped up in the media. Foiling bomb attempts happen all the time.

True.  It would make your head explode if you knew just how many foiled bomb attempts on airlines and airports there were quarterly worldwide.  Working in the business of international aviation, our security department is always updating us with new 'threat' data.  And we’re jacked into the FAA and TSA, and get all their chatter, to say nothing of the ICAO.

So believe me when I say that an attempt of this magnitude has not been made in -oh I don’t know - the last five years or so. Give or take a few weeks.

don't forget all the shouts of WW3 going out. dude... we have 102 nukes, each one dubbed "world destorers class." that means each missle is a multitip warhead which brakes into 5 different nukes. We have also developed a bomb that will not destroy the surrounding area, but erridcates all organics (minus plants, oddly enough) in a 25 mile radius (costed us 1 billion to make 1.). you attack us, you blow up THE WORLD. literally.

No one is stupid enough, not even china with it's massive ass army, to piss off the one country where the idea unification of races and cultures is attempted.

Ah yes, the old MAD concept (Mutually Assured Destruction).  That worked pretty well on the old Soviet Union.  After all, they wanted to survive their Cold War with America, and be around afterward to reap the benefits.

Problem is, MAD doesn’t work every well on a group of people who WANT to die, who see death as an honor if obtained in their holy war.  From their standpoint, destruction is inevitable anyway, and the goal becomes simply to kill as many infidels as possible, so when the final destruction does come, they get to chill in Paradise while we all burn in hell.

You know what?  I’ve had it with all the major religions.  Paganism.  Judaism.  Christianity.  Islam.  What have then done for anyone other than get a bunch of people killed?  Time to give a new faith dominion over Earth.  Maybe they'll get it right.  How about Buddhism?  They wouldn’t hurt a fly.  Literally.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2006, 10:44:18 am by Silvercry »

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Re: Hate the United States
« Reply #26 on: August 27, 2006, 03:27:34 am »
Topic Split.
For the off-topic discussion on faith, see Faith-Based Topic.