Excuse me for a second while I laugh uncontrollably:
*ahem* BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-snort-HA-HA-HA-HA-deep breath-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
Now that its out if my system, allow me to explain why I find this turn of events so amusing:
Whenever the subject of gay marriage comes up, several of my more right-leaning friends insist that if legalized, countless heterosexual individuals would go out and get hitched to members of the same sex the sole purpose of obtaining heal benefits for both of them from any given employer -- in effect, 'defrauding' said employer. In this way Gary could get some throwaway entry-level position at the company of his choice and obtain health other benefits for himself and Stu, his best friend from high school while the latter attends college, or tries to write the Next Great American Novel, or simply sits at home all day in his underwear and plays video games (live the dream, Stu!). Meanwhile, they would still be free to date women, since marriage is a sham, there’s no hard feelings, right?
Yes, you read that correctly. I counter this absurd assumption by citing they are underestimating the social stigma placed on homosexuality, and overestimating peoples' willingness to love a lie for the length of time it would take to make such a scenario successful. Some would try -- of that i have no doubt -- but I see it falling apart rather fast for most.
Anyway, the funny part is this: By not legalizing same sex marriage, yet allowing homosexual couples to add their partners to their healthcare plan (and other benefits), they have now opened the door to the very same fraud they allegedly sought to prevent, only to the nth degree. Now, no one needs to go through a sham gay marriage to achieve the same result. And here’s the topper: This could have all been prevented by allowing gays to get married in the first place! Honestly, I wish I could come up with some kind of ticker that counted the number of months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds (and eventually years) since the UK allowed gay marriage that have been absent of the Wrath of Heaven raining down upon them.
Benefits should only apply to married couples -- but same sex couple should be allowed to marry. Problem solved. So technically the first poll answer covers me. *Votes*
I believe these benefits should only apply to those men and women mated together, hopefully together all their lives, and only to those many individuals who have their heads screwed on right.
Again I bring up the statement of what this world is coming to. I haven't been keeping up with the news and to hear these certain individuals who enjoy... ...having intimate relations with the same sex... ...now have some protection, well, I am speechless to say the least.
These people are more than confused. It's disturbing. These certain people don't disserve actual married persons benefits. I don't care what anyone says. I almost want to say it's not fair. How come in certain areas, these selective people can have these benefits, but in some parts of the country/world, there are many people/situations that should be given more attention to.
However, part of me would want these certain people to be treated equally like everyone else. That will never happen. The mroe these crazy people announce their relationship, the more attention they will gain for others who hate their "kind" which would lead to disaster and possibly genocide in the near future. I know that sounds extreme to be taken into account right now, so pretend you didn't read that part.
My answer is a firm "M/F married couple" only.
To Quote ZeaLitY: