Thought, do you happen to have a formal biology education by chance? You and I seem to be much more informed about biology and genetics than the average Compendiumite. I went to school for biochem, and worked in a genetics lab for a couple years doing research on recombination genetics. If you perhaps are into something similar, I would love to have some discussions with you via PM.
Nope. However, I am married to a geneticist who is currently working with mouse models (that might change to a cheaper model in the future; NIH funding isn't so hot right now).
Anyways, a lot of what we seem to be doing at this point is going back on forth on something that probably doesn't really matter. It appears we both have a good understanding of inbreeding, linebreeding, genetics, etc, and that we are just considering different factors to have different significances, and in turn that is affecting our end perspectives. For example:
Yes, the line and inbreeding are incredibly stable - in the genes of interest. The probability that a mutation will arise within the gene that is being studied by the mice is astronomical, but the probability of a mutation arising in any other genes is not. Linebred laboratory mice do indeed suffer from frequent congenital defects and a shortened lifespan, it's just that they aren't considered relevant for the purpose of studying a single gene.
A mutation, yes. A significant mutation, that is the question. As noted, the majority of mutations aren't going to have an detectable effect on a human-scale of time. Also, given how genes interact, one does have to pay attention to the genes other than the one being studied. For example, say one is studying the FAT gene (I'm terribly amused that there is a gene called FAT... its somewhere upstream of MC4R). That is a monogenetic form of obesity in mice (there is a similar gene in humans, but right now I can't remember its name). A mutation in other genes that effect a mouse's weight could potentially totally skew the experiment. That wouldn't just include genes that control fat storage and metabolism; that could include genes related to exercise, related to eating, related to social interaction, etc.
So here I think we are largely agreeing that certain things happen in certain ways to certain results; the pathology, for lack of a better word. However, we are disagreeing on the significance. I'm not sure any amount of arguing is going to change how we perceive that significance... actually, I think I lost the significance of the argument about significance towards the end of my last post. Why is this an issue again?
This is the point on which we seem to fundamentally disagree. If the practice of inbreeding to produce purebred dogs did not occur, there would be limited perpetuation. I consider this to be a more ideal situation, you seem to not consider it to be.
Ah, yes, thank you for already answering my question.

I both agree and disagree to an extent.
Irresponsible inbreeding certainly should be curtailed. For example, some friends of mine own a purebred Rottweiler; when they were looking to purchase him they found a breeder who was selecting for head size. That was it. That was a bit of a WTF moment; head-size? Really? That is what someone cares about? That person shouldn't have been allowed to own dogs, much less breed them. Needless to say, they did not buy from that person.
Actually, that is why I am so annoyed with Obama; he's looking to buy a dog from irresponsible breeders, in my opinion (as no responsible breeder would call "labradoodles" a breed).
Where I think we diverge is in that I believe responsible breeding, while perhaps not ideal in general, is still good in specific (and hence, in turn, our argument over genetic significance; you seem to be claiming that the genetic harms of in- and linebreeding outweigh the potential benefits of purebreed dogs, whereas I am essentially claiming that though those genetic harms exist, they exist in such low numbers as to be insignificant to the end goal).
To offer an example of "not ideal in general," the topic of tail docking I noted earlier. As the practice is falling out of favor in many countries and legislation is being passed against it, breeders have turned to attempting to produce dogs with naturally docked tails. While leaving dogs as is might be best, a dog born with a nub is better than a dog born with a tail that is then docked. Insofar as demand for such dogs continues, we'll never get what is best. Therefore line-and-inbreeding are desirable practices so that we can at least have the "better" when what is "best" is unobtainable.
And to offer an example of "good in specific," sometimes people do buy/adopt dogs for a specific trait. Like a geneticist studying a single gene, having a reliable model is necessary. Do you work on a farm and need help herding animals? A purebred herding dog is far far FAR more likely to be what you are looking for than a dog at the local animal shelter. Or perhaps you have rodents as pets as well and need a dog that is more trustworthy around them; you definitely do not want a rat terrier or a dog with rat terrier instincts. Adopting from an animal shelter is a risk that, if you love your other pets, you should be reluctant to take; you have the full range of dog behaviors to worry about, rather than a selected portion.
This isn't to say that a mutt couldn't be just as good or better at herding than a herding purebred, or just as likely to be fine with rodents as certain purebreds. We are getting back into the significance issue again; purebreds stack the odds in your favor of getting the traits you want (or of not getting the traits you do not want). If someone wants a dog with a stipulation, purebreds (and thus in turn, linebreeding) are the way to go. If someone has the freedom, however, to just have a dog, then a mutt is the way to go.
Yes, all purebreds already have genetic problems. Which is why attempting to breed those known problems out is desirable; in and linebreeding can get rid of the known mutations that are harmful. I think we are both agreed on that point, yes? So that is why
de novo mutations are relevant (as those are the ones that a breeder wouldn't recognize, wouldn't test for, and could therefore come to be a new genetic disorder of the breed).
With mutts there is no such luxury; there are too many. Many of them still carry the same defects as purebreds, but it is much harder to find out and impossible to eradicate. Eventually, somewhere along the line, you'll get a mutt with the exact same genetic defects as a purebred might have just because both of its parents were carriers but did not themselves have the phenotype. The difference between a mutt and a purebred is that the specific phenotype will be expressed less often in mutts. So Mutts will be healthier in the short term (that is, in the next 100, 200 , etc years). On average they'll have significantly fewer cases of, say, hip dysplasia than many purebreds like Corgis or Labs. However, over time,
responsible linebreeding could actually eradicate the known genes that cause the disease, so that eventually corgis and labs may actually have a lower rate of hip dysplasia than mutts.
However, to qualify all of the above, this would certainly not be the first time I’ve overestimated what is actually possible of applied science.