Well the justification goes that every other month is "white history month."
Man, I've been told that before. Not trying to knock your credibility, but I still don't believe that.
Besides, I'd rather have 1 month than 11 or 10 or something.
That is, the norm is white/straight, so it is the disenfranchised that need to be given token recognition so that the mainstream can sleep easier.
Though its not the way I believe, it's probably how the majority of the world thinks, sadly...
...sadly, because thats still like:
"Hey, white people, you guys are THE BEST. Oh, but you other guys, oh, yeah, uh, here, have a month dedicated to you or somethin."
Though a general rights movement month, that honors the struggle to achive universal suffrage, isn't such a bad idea. That would include the struggle of white men who weren't land owners to get the vote.
Hmm, now THATS an interesting idea...