"...although life has evolved, these changes were guided by a supreme being."
That's my take; it's called "theistic evolutionism," I believe. Science and religion--any religion, though specifically Christianity) should not be mutually exclusive, but co-dependent...science proves how beautiful and complex a world God created--Christianity's physical aspect--and the Bible is the story of GOD and JESUS--the spiritual aspect of Christianity. That's what I think, anyway. Most CHRISTIANS tend to forget that their religion revolves around accepting Jesus CHRIST as their savior. It doesn't matter what your views on Creation or sexuality are; it doesn't matter if you're a drunkard or a teetotaler...as long as, at some point in life, you sincerely asked Jesus to be Lord of your life, you're saved--so Jesus actually says, in the Bible. But Christians tend to forget that...and it's quite depressing how much intolerance and voluntary ignorance there is within the church.
It's rather odious to be associated with them, really, considering all the crap they pull.